CFN -Was it really shocking to learn that Heritage minister James Moore has revised the candidate requirements for future appointments under his department to include a stipulation that they develop and maintain and effective relationship with him and his staff? Actually what was shocking was that someone put that requirementContinue Reading

CFN – It was interesting to see that departments IE the taxpayer paid out some $600,000 in overtime payments to ministerial drivers. This covered the one year period from April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. I am not about to defend these expenses, all government expenses deserve scrutiny and someContinue Reading

CFN -With the House of Commons returning today, Canadians can expect to see the NDP refocused, re-energized and on the attack. The real battle begins today with Mulcair’s chosen team in place. Mulcair has had time now to sort out his team, reward caucus colleagues for their support and performanceContinue Reading

CFN– Earlier this week, former Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff gave a presentation to some law students and much of what he said about present day Canadian politics rings true. Anyone who has been involved in or reported on Canadian politics for a decade or so should be able to relateContinue Reading

CFN – Talk about over the top rhetoric. Bob Rae’s latest harangue really doesn’t suit a man of his intelligence. It is pure political BS in its finest form. Rae said the real blame for any election trickery rests with the political culture Harper has created in the party. ”The primeContinue Reading

CFN – Like many Conservatives, I am an admirer of John Diefenbaker, our thirteenth Prime Minister. Dief was a great politician and an impressive orator. Watching the present Conservative government’s use of time allocation to stifle debate in the House of Commons I was reminded of one of Diefenbaker’s quotes.Continue Reading

CFN – With the House of Commons returning today we can expect a raucous session. Already the battle lines are forming as the opposition party’s line up to take shots at the Prime Minister over pension reform. Not since 1985 when Brian Mulroney stated that he would de-index Old AgeContinue Reading

CFN – Most reports indicate some progress was made at the Crown-First Nations Gathering yesterday. This is positive news and a sign that both sides are inching forward and making progress. While there was speculation that Harper would only attend for a few minutes, he surprised observers by committing muchContinue Reading