ASSAULT POLICE, BREACH             Cornwall, ON – A 38-year-old man of no fixed address was arrested on July 26th, 2019 and charged with breach of probation for communicating with his ex-girlfriend, being within 50 meters of her and for failing to keep the peace. He was also charged with assaultContinue Reading

One of the issues that this newspaper has been fighting for has been proper police and emergency service disclosure. While the police don’t give out every call for service; some forces, like in Kingston, give a breakdown. The SD&G OPP do that on occasion, but the Cornwall Police refuse. ThatContinue Reading

Only in Cornwall can the weird get this weird. What we have is a city that historically has not supported the arts. Right now they are paying more to keep a building empty than they gave to keep its former public art gallery open. The city should not be inContinue Reading

We’ve had a lot of feedback since we announced that we would stop allowing viewer comments on CFN stories after July 31, 2019. So after a lot of internal discussion we decided to allow those that want it to stay to put their money where their mouths are. If weContinue Reading