SD&G OPP NEWS (STORMONT DUNDAS & GLENGARRY, ON) – The SD&G Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are investigating several incidents after responding to 269 calls for service from Monday July 22, 2019 to Friday July 26, 2019. Among these occurrences, SD&G OPP responded to: –             15 motor vehicle collisionContinue Reading

SD&G OPP WARN ABOUT CONTINUED MAIL FRAUD   (SD&G) On July 19, 2019 Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) were made aware of new fraudulent documents being circulated in the region and throughout Ontario. The documents are targeting one individual, their associates and their place of business. The SD&G OPPContinue Reading

ADDITIONAL SEXUAL ASSUALT CHARGES LAID (SOUTH GLENGARRY,ON) – As a result of a sexual assault investigation conducted by members of the Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry Ontario Provincial Police Crime Unit, a 48 year old male resident of South Stormont was arrested on June 6, 2019. Investigation indicated the male hadContinue Reading

HAWKESBURY OPP INVESTIGATE ASSAULT INCIDENT Search Warrants executed (ALFRED, ON) – On Friday July 5, 2019, at approximately 9:00 p.m., members of the Hawkesbury Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) responded to an assault incident at a residence in Alfred, Ontario. OPP officers and the Prescott-Russell Paramedic Service located aContinue Reading