Has anyone else noticed that there’s no free Air anymore? – Cornwall Ontario – November 14, 2009

Have you noticed that when you have a soft tire you have to pay to get some air?  Is this just a Cornwall thing?  It’s nice that some are for charity, and of course it costs to run a compressor, but there’s something to me that feels wrong about having to pay for air or water.

So what I’d like to do is throw a shout out to any local gas stations that still offer free air.   If you read this and are a gas station that doesn’t charge or if you know of one email us at info@cornwallfreenews.com and we’ll try and show them a little love.

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  1. And have you noticed how many of these pay-for-air outlets suggest that the money goes to charity?

    It would be something to see the books, and to also see whether these outlets take the charitable donation deduction, disregarding the motorist that actually made it.

    And on a Remembrance Day note…

    Have you ever wondered whether the redfridays “foundation” claims a deduction for the donations that, in actuality, they are merely passing along?

    Or ever wonder how much money the founder, Brian Muntz makes on the backs of fallen soldiers by hawking ballcaps and fridge magnets? (the kind of stuff he was flogging without success until latching on to the lives lost and the blood shed by our troops in Afghanistan)

    Well he’s probably making a bit more than the underpaid, underage, overworked labourers churning this junk out in that bastion of democracy and human rights that is the huge, corrupt, authoritarian, “people’s democratic dictatorship”…Communist China).

  2. FREE Air can be had at the Petro Canada Station at Hwy 27 & the 401.

  3. Author

    Hi Jacqueline, is that near Cornwall?

  4. Has anyone noticed that there are hardly any gas stations anymore? That’s because there are nine gas stations closing EVERY month in Ontario according to TSSA. But that was a year and a half ago. They are mostly closed now.
    You can thank McGuinty the next time you are driving rural Ontario and have a flat, mechanical problem, need directions or run low on gas.
    Way to go McGuinty. You have killed a half dozen jobs with each station you have axed.

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