Eastern Ontario Health Unit Protested by Language Fairness Group in Cornwall Ontario – Get on board the Train by Don Smith

CFN – This morning some members of the Language Fairness for All group used a homemade train as their latest vehicle to promote awareness of what they see as increasingly discriminatory hiring policies at area places of employment. Amid cries that members of the Anglophone majority are being forced to: “take the train west” in order to get a decent job, the Sydney Street offices of the Eastern Ontario Health Unit was the latest site in a series of ongoing “Acts of Activism” organized by the group, which has supporters across Canada and even some in the United States.

Among the group’s growing number of allies is human rights activist Howard Galganov ( www.galganov.com ), who joined today’s Act of Activism. When Health Unit management told the group to get off of Health Unit (taxpayer) property, Galganov declined to comply. A single Cornwall Police officer was dispatched, and it appeared that the quiet demonstrator was about to be arrested. Later a police supervisor arrived. While our camera was rolling on the nearby City sidewalk, Galganov was interviewed by police, but not charged – at least not at this point in time.  Later when the camera isn’t around … time will tell.

Police debating arresting Howard Galganov

One of the demonstrators borrowed my pen to write a cheque in support of the activist’s efforts. In our video clip she explains her motivation to do so.

Made donation to Galganov’s language fairness fight

In the video clip, LFA members and supporters make clear why they are devoting time and energy in lobbying for changes to policies, laws and the manner in which some language laws are being interpreted.  Cory Cameron now resides in the Timmins area.  Hearing him speak very well in English and French, one would never guess that this Cornwall born man has been told that he’s not bilingual (French) enough to work in Cornwall.

At noon, the close of the demonstration, Galganov and the others left the site as planned. Police did thank the LFA group for being respectful in making its public witness. Many drivers and passersby demonstrated a show of support for the member’s efforts.

Previous Acts of Activism have taken place at the Cornwall Community Hospital and the French health care clinic on Sydney Street. More Acts are planned for diverse sites in the coming months. The issue is much broader than simply being limited to the health care professionals.

LFA seeks to restore some balance in hiring practices which it sees as highly favouring the minority 4% of Francophone Canadians (outside of non-bilingual Quebec).  Even though Francophones (not Anglophones who’ve learned some French) are one minority among other minorities in the nation, 100% French/English bilingualism is being tauted as the new normal.

Members of LFA plan to participate in Galganov’s fundraising BBQ lunch this Saturday (August 11, 2012) at noon at Maple Ponds Equestrian Center in Williamstown where he and his wife Anne reside. All proceeds go to their battle for Freedom of Expression.




  1. WOW……BIG CROWD!!!! Wondering if anyone from the UN came for the demonstration. Keep up the good work with Galganov’s help…..you will go places.

  2. Well done Don. Excellent coverage of LFA activist rally !!! The Health Unit should well be ashamed of themselves for hiring ONLY 100% bilingual people …many that drive up from Quebec each day. Our own Government could not care less about the 96% English population. Howard Galganov is fighting a court battle in Russell on signage laws, Canada IS NOT Bilingual & should not have to be ordered to put up bilingual signs on our private or public places of business. We can all help Howard by donating money to help him fight for us all!!! You can donate at galganov.com Lets show him we care……….

  3. Oh no galganov has nothing to do with languagefairyness. Talk about a waste of time and money. Howard owes hundreds of thousands to tax payers for that waste of our court system. ten ..12 people…wow. You got to be a total idiot to donate to someone that promotes the extermination of a culture….and then he has the nerve to not move when a police officer asks him to…he just wants publicity…and being arrested would have served his purpose.

  4. Patrick…..then Chris has the nerve to say we are misleading/misinforming people…..ROFLMAO!!!! too funny.

    Patrick……..absolutely, galganov was daring the cops to arrest him then another protest would have taken place for arresting an english person…….which would have given them another occasion to cry discrimination even louder.

    Fools rush in where wise men never go….yep donate to help galganov pay his court cost…..he may be brighter then we think……..LOL NOT!!!

  5. Great protest today everyone! Lots of support from those passing by and more public awareness of this blatant discrimination that is happening right here! Thanks to Howard for joining our group today. Cornwall Police services always very professional as well. They know that we are a peaceful group just trying to promote fairness.

  6. Thanks to everyone who took part in today’s protest. It’s nice to come home to Cornwall.

    I want also to take this opportunity to thank CFN for the coverage.

    Thanks Don.


  7. Um, I see that there was a child amongst the few protesters. Probably Christopher’s and Debbie’s son, who also keeps on being seen with this – dwindling – bunch since the end of February. I know what some of the other commentators on this forum are going to say, but how can they involve a boy who is not even in his adolescence in this? Let’s face it: were the shoe on the other foot, they would be very swift in accusing Quebecois or other French speakers of brainwashing children, would they not? Just saying…

  8. Ummm I see we have upset the Francophone masses El/Pat/stella. Thank you for reading our success stories, you are all helping our cause with your crazed comments ***SMILE****

  9. You have my support !!

  10. @ Le Renard blue — As for: Children being brainwashed.
    The Quebec school system already does a fine job of that.

    After all, isn’t that why the French “think (inside their own heads)” that they pay more
    into the the federal coffers than they really do, and also why the French truly believe that “the province” of Quebec is a country of it’s own.

    Not yet my friend, but we can all hope can’t we not ?
    The sooner we can do away with these unnecessary bilingualism policy’s, the better…

    Good work Cory, Howard and all the rest of you folk who had the time
    and opportunity to be there to go against these idiotic policy’s that benefit
    such a small minority of “CANADIAN TAX PAYERS.”

    Your group MAY BE small now but i can tell you this …
    The 80% English majority of this country are beginning to wake up,
    and once they do… The Stella’s, the Renard blue’s
    and the Boucher’s that depend on our tax dollars will be runnin for “la bell province…”
    AND guess what? La bell province is so broke they won’t find solace there.

  11. Why is it always the Francophone elitists who come up with ideas like brainwashing children? Just saying….

  12. Trudeau in 1966 said this in Washington. U.S.A.
    “There is no way that two ethnic groups in one country can be made equal before the law and to say that it is so .It is sewing seeds of destruction.”

    Leo Cadieux ,Ambassador to France in 1973 speaking to the National Assembly ” Canada is going to be a French speaking Nation from coast to coast and anyone who is oppossed to this is opposed to the best interest of Canadea.”
    The late Eugene Forsey in 1961 and ex-Senator
    “I left the N.D.P. in 1961 because I could not swallow the “two founding nations.”

  13. Le Renard: Unlike Francophones, we Angliais do NOT get tax dollars to sick around and plot which English businesses to harass. We have to work to support the 623 MILLION dollars per year in Ontario that goes to “linguistic roadmaps” and “cultural inventories” the results of which are segregation, dumbing down of the French population and forcing our Ontario English youth to seek work out west, not only because of the good pay, but because there they are hired based on their merit and ability, not the language we speak. Unlike his favorite Francophones, Commissar Graham Fraser refuses to meet with the VICTIMS of FORCED bilingualism, represented by Language Fairness for All and Canadians for Language Fairness. Do you have a clue what Freedom of Speech means? The moment language laws are implemented, someone loses their inalienable right to Freedom of speech. If you are fine with that, you would also have to be fine with no private property rights as they fall in the same INALIENABLE rights and freedoms group. Personally, I believe Communism is a killing machine, which is what Ontario is borderline to being and I much prefer our inalienable rights as guaranteed to us thanks to the MAGNA CARTA – sorry, it’s part of Canada’s ENGLISH heritage.

  14. No one is fightng against learning a language, however the enforcement of the French language at a cost of 7 billion annually is going too far, but who is listening within government?

  15. Good story Don. Told just as it happened. There were no further incidents or contacts with the police.

  16. It’s funny how the racist…pardon me, radical Francophones are quick to make fun of us and insult us with the relative size of protests…but have any actually denied the discrimination taking place? (We have facts and figures, never mind individual experiences including my own, to prove this.) I suppose not; they figure by belittling us they will push us out of the media and they can continue to extort money from English Canada. You have to hand it to radical Francophones (and we do, by the billions)…whatever else they may be, they are extremely skilled blackmailers.

  17. Hey it is great to see some new people on here giving their show of support! It is so important to get the message out to the general public and it is obvious that people here and across Canada are waking up. I believe that next time voting and with a few new FAIR candidates running, the people will be behind the LFA/CLF mandates and vote for FAIRNESS. Discrimination has no place in our society and it is time to set the record straight!

    Thanks to all the support received today, especially to Howard and our Ottawa area friends. What a successful rally indeed!

  18. My friend Suan Booiman made and error when he stated Official Bilingualism cost only $7 Billion a year it is closer to $18 Billion a year and for the past 41 years the total is approximately $1.169 Billion or $1.6 trillion. These figures are summed up by Jim Allan a retired accountant.
    Obviously the R.O.C. can not afford to support Quebec’s insane dream to force their dying language on our sparcely populated second largest country in the world.The Official Language Act of 1969 is a complete failure and needs to be abolished including Quebec’s racist Bill 101, demoting the world’s number one language. Dot Davies-Fuhrman

  19. Great to see Howard there!!! You guys in Ontario are fantastic to watch. I am talking to people daily about this sad and major problem in Canada. People are starting to get it, we are going to win. We just can’t stop.

  20. ..enough please, it wont help your cause. 7 billion ?? why not make it a 100 zillion, if your going to lie, make it a good one. Even at your 18 billion it doenst equal 1.6 trillion after 41 years. Language is not the problem here, its basic math.
    – ok where do I begin, Mme trudeau, freedom of expression doesn’t mean you can say anything you want. There are many outstanding factors you have to take in. SUch as slander, libel, discrimination, I couldnt say on my sign.. no jews in my restaurant. The municipal government has made the right decision, to promote each language equally. All the courts say that the russell township was right in protecting minorities. They just want to make it bilingual.. hey, french is 45% + in russell, its also a good business decision.
    Mme trudeau wrote: I much prefer our inalienable rights as guaranteed to us thanks to the MAGNA CARTA
    -Well that law, is very discriminating to women.. sorry not for me.
    ¨Suite à la mort de son mari, une veuve aura immédiatement et sans difficulté, son ménage et son héritage. Elle ne donnera rien pour sa dot, le ménage, ou l’héritage, qu’elle et son mari possédaient le jour de son décès. Elle pourra demeurer dans la maison de son mari, pendant quarante jours après sa mort, et, sa dot lui sera assignée pendant ce temps.¨One of the rules of the magna carta.
    -Also, in that law, religion takes alot of place in our society, so all the progress we made with, minority rights (women, gays, different cultures) out the window. No abortion regardless of the circumstances.
    -another rule I disagree with and its pretty self explanatory:
    ¨Aucun homme ne sera arrêté ou emprisonné pour la mort d’un autre à la demande d’une femme, sauf si cet homme est son mari.¨
    – There is even something in regards to forced military service… So i’m sorry can’t agree with everything in the magna carta.

  21. Why would mr fraser meet with a protest group. to give them the attention the desperately want ? Please, he is there to protect franco minorities from being discriminated against and he’s doing a fine job. I’ m just wondering if mme trudeau wakes up every day and wonders¨how can I **** off a francophone today¨ Does she have any francophone friends. Or does she promote the extermination of the french language like her buddy howard ?

  22. Yep the support is amazing…….It is so nice and encouraging to see…..even the head cook and bottle washer have shared their comments…….things are really looking up!!!! I am almost convinced that there is discrimination *smile* Thinking these successful rallies are really beneficial and convincing!!! LMAO!!!

    DDF Leo Cadiieux….is absolutely right “anyone who is opposed to to french from coast to coast is opposed to the best interest of Canada”……..smart man indeed and absolutely right!!!

  23. Susan & Dorothy, thank you for a great letter of support for LFA’s cause. Very happy to see that more & more people are starting to get the message. You both are welcome to be a member as I am

  24. Wow ! – This is amazing !! – and I’m happy to see that more and more folks are waking up and wanting to see “Equality” for all issues to be supported.

  25. The way to get started is to stop talking and begin doing. Keep up the good work.

  26. Blue fox, would you rather the young boy at home, alone, surfing the net or on an Xbox? Freash air and being around people is a good thing.

    Patrick, I agree, basic math is the problem.
    80% props up the language of 20% = fairness, somehow, to the 20%
    Actually yhe Ontario Court of Appeal said that Russell Township was wrong, but added a NOT WITHSTANDING clause in there.

    I can not understand how Francophone business people are not up in arms being FORCED to do yet something else by a government.

  27. wonder what would happen if a “bilingual” rally were to be organized ? Oh wait! that happens every September when the kids are back in schools !!! Immersion, core … choice is limitless… i`ll take choice and respect over one sided oneeyed misguided activism..can`t buy a group that quashes personal freedoms and abuses Charter of Rights and freedoms….majority see thorugh that!!! g`day everyone.. have a great life and live and let live.. and to quote a peace advocate… Climb On the Peace Train….(.Cat Stevens..)..

  28. Bilingualism should not be FORCED it should be ones choice. The francophone’s will always say it’s a prominent language ….etc. If this is so why must it be funded by all Canadians and protected by government. They know if it wasn’t funded and protected it would soon fade away. The government has had 40+ years to FORCE English Canadian to learn french and has failed! Most if not all french can speak English, the Majority language, if not I guess they are isolated to kebec and NB. It’s a total waste of BILLIONS of dollars that could be put to better use, like paid childcare for the rest of Canada and not just the Welfare province of kebec.

  29. @shawn.. what of the billions the “government” wastes on over bloated pensions and contracts to private industry and health care misuse.. and scandals and millions to build a”lake” in northern Ontario for photoops… and billions spent on second hand subs from Britain that leak???? human education and choices are an investment in the future..and far outweigh the wasting of taxpayer billions….bloated expense accounts, travel by military helicopters for fishing trips (guess who)… First nations peoples freezing and unschoolded in the 21st century ?? .that is where your anger should be directed….

  30. Congratulations to the organizers and Howard Galganov for a successful rally. Unfortunately, was unable to attend personally as was unable to switch shifts. Me and mine will be at the fundraiser barb b que for Howard Galganov, this weekend.

    Totally agree with Mariah, clearly the support for the English plight is growing and the French support is dwindling al la Stella, Patrick and Le Renard.

    As an RN in Ottawa, I have been subjected to linguistic discrimination. In Canada, the French language and culture has been on life support over the last 40 years. Unbelievable that the English majority is expected to pay for the French language, lifestyle and culture. When you have to legislate a minority language into usage it is already dead/irrelevant!

    The entire World has embraced English as the universal language….it’s high time that Canada follows suit!

  31. Touchez = aint/les habitants/Jeanne holden -welcome back .

    Your religion (French) serves only Canadian Gov institutions,outside of that it has the same impact of ALL OTHER LANGUAGES .
    All languages should be considered an asset -but french language rights groups believe their language and culture to be superior .
    Just watch Quebec these people are cut from the same cloth –
    Ethnocentric, no other culture or language in Quebec is respected !
    Quebec the new -ETHNOCENTRIC state!
    Soon to be illegal to speak English there – come on where’s this so called inclusiveness that our 4% of Francophone’s are asking in Ontario?

    French first right?…..French first!

  32. Bilingualism is a ‘Choice” no holds a gun to your head and says ..”learn this””!!! geez extremes will never solve issues… only compromise.. as an example.. this very site is owned and operated by one language only.. there is no outcry for Cornwall freenews .. to tranlsate everything in French or swahili or urdu?! You`ve overblown all things must be french is ludicrous…. and you feel that is good! Mr Gilcig has made his choices in life and that is one of them … Choices is what its about… now if one individual makes choices to self deny that should not automatically translate into making all other individuals self deny an opportunity!…CHOICES peace train All abord the PEACE TRAIN.. …great song…

  33. Franco phones do NOT say french is a prominent language Shawn… just an equal one!!!!

  34. Last advice…Peace Train will go farther and carry better times…

  35. Excellent job LFA. And, continue to spread the message of fairness to all and the need to end this discrimination that Canadians experience through the Official Languages Act and the Bilingual Policy. Thanks again,

  36. Bilingualism is not forced. you do have the choice to learn it or not. But don’t cry baby shoes when in areas of 5000 plus french speaking individuals, you have difficulty being hired by the government. But, very few jobs are designated bilingual… To some out here, you blame language for everything that bad that happens in your life. My taxes are high, ahhh those darn french people, I can’t get a decent job, ahhh those darn french people, I have to turn my corn flakes box in the morning in order to read the ingredients in english, ahhh those darn french people..there is a drought in eastern ontario, ahhh those darn french people, I wish my girlfriend would stop nagging me, ahhh those darn french people.
    Its time to look in the mirror and say I was wrong and recognize the benefits of both cultures. If you don’t well that’s just ignorance or just plain laziness.

  37. Touchez, you make it sound like there are no French promotion groups…..have you seen http://francocornwall.ca/ they do not have a bilingual site, and I would be interested to see where the funding comes from.

  38. WOW Patrick don’t lose it ?
    Equal opportunities !

  39. Touchez! says “Francophones do NOT say French is a prominent language Shawn… just an equal one!!!!” If that were so, tell me why it’s all French now in Quebec. Are the English equal in Quebec? Why do they need l’office de la langue francais to ensure that all businesses conduct their affairs in French? In France they speak more English than French, perhaps a sign of the times.

  40. Le Renard Bleu:

    FYI: If teaching a child fairness for all is considered “brainwashing” then I guess you are right & more parents should bring their kids to LFA Acts of Activism!

    Children have a voice & should be allowed to express their views.

    This child made his own sign & chose to attend the rally:

    “War of 2012
    Language Fairness
    Language Bullying”

    LFA is standing up for the future of our children-why should they be forced to GO WEST!!!

  41. Patrick and stargazer are a wealth of denials and untruths. But that is what bilingualism was built on – oops forgot to mention corruption!!!! Aren’t they funny? So silly!

  42. ROFLMAO!!!!!!! Debbie you should be a comedian thinking you may have more followers doing comedy!!!

    NO one is forced to go west……..GOT THAT!!! It’s people who refuse to better themselves that just sit back and complain that may have to go west. Those who took the initiative and made it happen are the ones who were given more opportunities for advancement…Capish!!!!

  43. The initiative was taken by a few, but a process where an arbritary need by language is set up over time, it is just to make it difficult for unilinguals. People will go where work is, sure, but when one language accounts for 97% of workplaces in Ontario, and you can not be included even in the application process, you are forced.

    The actual need does require a means test, soon!

  44. Found this comment on Standard Freeholder “Protest Attracts Police” Aug.8/12

    There are a lot of French activists working behind the scenes in Cornwall. I went to the French clinic to do a job. I was hired because of my French last name, but I made it a point to not speak French while I was there. I listened and you would be amazed at what they were talking about. Yes French activists were planning stuff.”

    The question is WHY would healthcare professionals be discussing plans of attack on LFA-a group of concerned citizens asking for fair government hiring practices.
    Shouldn’t they be concentrating on looking after the patients!!!!

  45. We English are still fighting and will still fight for a place in our Ontario, our Canada for a full time job. It is not a free for all. Some people still have the RESPECT to understand a Job Well done. Sorry I could not make it and thank You LFA. And Yes we have been to school many times. Standing up for fairness. Cathy Jodoin

  46. Concerned…HELLO!!! Dah!!! LMAO!!!

    You should just concerned yourself about your BBQ and the upcoming rallies. ……..

    You are so deperate it’s to the point that you guys pick up any story and inflate to suit yourself. Yes I am sure the clinic will be protesting and planning how to counter attack…..don’t be so ludicrous. They have too much class to stoop that low……talk about being brainwashed……..LMAO

  47. Sorry I could not make it to the rally either, but I showed my support by tooting the horn……

    Colleen…..just a reminder, Canada has two official languages….who cares about the rest of the world. Happy to hear you are still employed and you didn’t have to take the train to go out west *smile*

  48. Touchez, in your first response it is nice to see that you agree it is a waste of billions. The rest is too; thanks for the acknowledgement, at least you’re open minded. The money could be spent to educate the Native people and afford them housing; it is wasteful spending. As for the learning of French for an investment for the future, I would choose a language that is more relevant like Mandarin or Spanish; these are not dying languages and are not kept alive by taxpayers’ dollars.
    Your second post about Choice: I see you’re a little ignorant about the subject so I’ll explain. My children do not have a choice to learn French in school, they are FORCED to take it as was I. How many BILLIONS wasted and 99% of them in 40 years plus are not bilingual?, again money well spent. People never voted to be a bilingual in NB it was FORCED on us by a French premier and yes a English premier made it worse, for votes.
    To your third comment – it’s not an equal language and shouldn’t be, the population numbers should tell you that English is the Majority in Canada so learn it! Let French or any other language be one’s choice to learn.
    Last comment if all of Canada should be bilingual what about kebec?, and your peace train is gonna DERAIL.

  49. I am proud of my uncle and he is doing a great job!

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