CFN – It was quite a party on Saturday afternoon in Maxville. It was the first time I attended the “Tasting” as a vendor or as a drinker and I wasn’t really expecting such a great party. The afternoon started a little slow but it wasn’t long before the Metcalf Centre was packed with happy tasters.

Not only was there quite a variety of beverages to sample but the food was awesome as well. There was everything from potato and bacon chowder to chocolate truffles. I did my best to sample as much food as possible but I still had to man my own booth. While the coffee wasn’t selling too well at the beginning of the event towards the end of the show I couldn’t make it fast enough. I was lucky to be able to get a taste of Beau’s and Cassel Breweries beer. I needed something to cut the caffeine buzz that I had from doing quality control.

There was quite a bit of entertainment all afternoon as well. On top of 4 or 5 folk/celtic bands (that I am ashamed to admit I didn’t get the names of) we were also entertained by a traditional pipe band part way through the afternoon. If someone was more diligent in recorded names please post them below.

From where I was standing, and stand I did all afternoon, it looked like the Metcalfe Centre was at capacity and everyone was enjoying themselves. The Glengarry Memorial Hospital Foundation should be very proud of putting on such a great event and I’m sure that they raised a tidy sum of money for their cause. I give them a big well done.