South Stormont Historic Vote to Support Charter & Allow Language of Choice on Commercial Signs ! HD VIDEO

Mayor Bryan McGillis of South Stormont Ontario & Council

CFN – It was an historic and emotional night at South Stormont Ontario Council.    After a near 20 minute presentation from language activist Howard Galganov council voted unanimously to pass a new by law that categorically states that in South Stormont Ontario businesses can put any language they wish on their signs.

Galganov recent battles in Russell Township Ontario where it is law requiring both English & French on signs triggered the “Push Back” the first ever in over 40 years of official bilingualism in Canada.

Mr. Galganov’s speech also targeted MP Guy Lauzon whom Mr. Galganov stated he spoke to urging the MP to attend and support the intiative,but Mr. Lauzon was said to have commented that it was “too controversial.  Several in the crowd called for the MP’s resignation showing their anger at his lack of support for them and their community.

Howard’s UNEDITED speech

The crowd responds to Howard’s speech and Mayor Bryan McGillis and council vote.

Mr. Galgonov and council drew three standing ovations from the crowd of nearly 300 with a very loud roar after council voted.

It’s amazing how one letter to the editor by Dr. Dany Tombler of the Cornwall Community Hospital and the perseverance of Nurse Christopher Cameron and his tiny group’s protest over bilingual hiring practices at the hospital have galvanized support in Eastern Ontario; not against the French language or culture, but of the unfair policies that are seeing a migration of young people from their communities and a seemingly unfair hiring and promotion process skewed to those that speak or are French.

MPP Jim McDonell did not attend the event either, but did send his executive assistant.   No representative of Cornwall City Council showed, but we did wave hello to City Clerk, Denise Labelle Gelinas on our way in.  It’s amazing how many top wage earners from Cornwall Ontario’s government live outside the city limits?

The meeting in Long Sault Ontario drew media from as far away as Ottawa!

For tonight the residents and government of South Stormont basked in the glow of their historic accomplishment.   It should be interesting to see the response locally and across Ontario and Canada.

You can post your comment below.




  1. Well said hawkeye

  2. Good for mister lauzon to not have been caught up with someone that likes to start trouble. And this is coming from a liberal.

  3. Richard,

    Your proclivity is proof positive of your preferences. Tell me, what is your problem with Freedom of Expression?

    If you are/were a business owner, would you not want to advertise in the language(s) of your choice without government interference? I just don’t understand your thought process and frame of mind.

    Perhaps you can enlighten us here as to why you think business owners need to advertise in both English and French and not in the language(s) in which they wish to?

  4. I’d just be a little wary of associating myself with a man that according to wikepedia was, Ciblé pour contrôle fiscal, il a depuis décidé de déménager à Alexandria en Ontario.

  5. So, if I was targeted for a tax audit by the Quebec government I would move to Ontario as well. The audit sounds like it was a political decision, punative because of his pro-anglophone activism.


    Reg, lets call him teflon howard, nothing sticks to him according to you. I’m sure you don’t advocate breaking the law as being ok. Do you feel comfortable enough to associate with a man that promotes the extermination of a language and culture….and according to most, the man is a first class BOOB.

  7. “extermination” of a language or culture?

  8. Richard, that fr-wiki article (by you?) has a fake link to the “source”.

  9. Yes, Ed you read it correctly…..extermination of a culture that’s what the piper wants.

    Highlander said it was a bad move that Mr. Lauzon was a no show in SS……thinking the g would know all about bad moves….the g certainly did many and lost an election.

  10. I’m sorry but Canadians have a right to protest unfair laws. We have freedom of speech (at least in most of the provinces). To peacefully express an opinion against unjust provincial legislation is not promoting the extermination of anything except discrimination.

  11. Richard Tremblay said “I’m far from being a mr lauzon fan. Is I had a choice to dine with 12 seniors, that may have defend our country at war or look at howard galganov s ugly mug. I pick the seniors.”

    I bet there were at least 12 who served in attendance in South Stormont, and he could have had a photo op…..
    It was worth it just to meet the man behind Highway of Hero’s as a minimum.

  12. Maybe if Richard is preferring to dine with seniors, he might be able to catch that bus load from Alexandria…….LOL!

    It is extremely unfortunate that we need to put laws in place to defend what is written in the charter. Howard Galganov is a hero in my eyes for having the strength to fight for what is right!

    If you can’t agree that freedom of expression on signs is a right, then you have the problem. Only those that are pushing…. no shoving, French would be the only ones to disagree. Taking away the freedom of speech for anglos and all other minorities is unjust.

  13. stellapropaganda said:

    “Yes, Ed you read it correctly…..extermination of a culture that’s what the piper wants.”

    Once again propaganda -hence my moniker for you!

    Stella you are the worst of french Zealots as you cant even accept your own biases ,to Muslims and you did not feel comfortable in the most culturally diverse city in the world -NEW YORK -you in fact said you did not like that many languages were spoken there ,but french was not prominent.

    I believe in many cultures and languages unlike you ,there is much to be learned ,but one culture should not be elevated above another and that is what is happening in our beautiful country.

    Once again if we are to implement 2 official languages we need representation by population.

    You keep spreading propaganda “that we want cultural genocide and breaking up this peaceful nation.”
    Do you feel that way because others are standing up for their rights ? HOW INSECURE YOU ARE OF YOUR OWN CULTURE!!!

  14. Highlander, you’re the one that is spreading propaganda. You called yourself a francophobe even going as far as sending out pamphlets promoting the extermination of the french language in eastern ontario.

  15. Once again I am not he that you are referring to.

  16. Know what piper? If it makes you feel like a real man to twist my words around to suit yourself and if it makes you feel superior, by all means continue. Like I said so many times…Cheap thrills…..for small minds.

    Richard… was proven without a doubt….he is the g, the great one, the savior of the world

  17. hahahahahaah

    how many sides of a mouth can there be?

    I am thankful for the comment section of the
    CFN. Where else can one come to be educated and get a laugh at the same time. Thanks Jamie! 😉 Happy Thanksgiving!

  18. Relax, stella. It’s hard to twist your words beyond what you manage to twist yourself. Be thankful Lord Durham got pity of your ancestors and let them keep French language and culture. Be graceful and let others live. Accept the reality that English language and culture is the core of Canadian national identity.

  19. Thanks Tim for speaking up ,together we all will make a difference ,many now believe this.Welcome aboard Tim.

    Bella this is reality news its rather entertaining but with a purpose.

    Stella get back on your meds your becoming delusional……again.
    One last time I am not he ,the G.
    But just another follower of LFA.

  20. Author

    Just a reminder to everyone that due to the load of comments CFN will not edit – we just delete the comment. Name calling and nasty personal attacks really aren’t cool unless you’re as talented as I am 🙂 If you can’t hit that bar, into the bin entire comments shall go.

    Hope you all had lots of Turkey this Thanksgiving weekend.

    Please remember, Principles, not personalities.

  21. Howard Galganov reminds me of another fighter for language fairness and equality – Len Jones of New Brunswick. Here is an extract from the letter-to-the editor by Barry Simpson, published in Times Transcript recently:

    “…Bilingualism is not the problem; it’s the way it is being implemented through segregation and favoritism to one group…

    Let me introduce you to a man called Len Jones. He was a man of great intelligence, fairness, and was a great Canadian visionary. He operated a major law firm in Moncton, became mayor of Moncton, and then went on to be our Member of Parliament in Ottawa. He supported bilingualism but not in the way it was to be implemented…

    For his stand, a group of University of Moncton students chopped off a pig’s head and put it on his front lawn, which made national news. Len passed away many years ago, but if he could look down on us now, I bet he would say to himself, ‘What a mess.’ All he would have to do is look in your newspaper with headlines such as ‘Provincial government meets with the French Society to discuss language’, or ‘Federal government meets Acadian communities to discuss changes to language laws’.

    Not one article did I ever see referred to an English group for consultation on its affect on English-speaking people.

    It’s like we don’t exist; our voice is not being heard.

    He would see drunk drivers getting off by French judges, people leaving the province over language, English people being given the sweep the floor in the back room approach…, he would see politicians having to apologize for speaking their constituents concerns over language, he would see French communities being given the economic cheque for tourist development, and Mr. Godin’s, MP for Bathurst, position that people should be fired if they are not totally bilingual in government jobs. He would see the tail wagging the dog and equality gone out the door. Discrimination running rampant, but if the English complain or you state their position, you’re a bigot.

    Len Jones could look back and say he knew this was going to happen. Where are our English politicians, and why are there no government funded English organizations to protect the voice of the English? Seems like it’s all one-sided French to me.

    It’s going to take a politician or a new political party with a lot of backbone like Len Jones to straighten out this mess…The pendulum has gone too far in the French direction.”

  22. It’s not language fairness, or freedom of expression. You guys are using the freedom of expression expression to fit your own agenda. Freedom of expression does not mean you promote hatred, or call yourself a francophobe. Howard galganov has cried discrimination for years in Québec and with that he did have some legitimate cause. But moving to eastern ontario to promote hatred is only showing sour grapes. No one would listen to his radical views in Québec so he moved. Howard is a fad. A professional poop disturber that isn’t satisfied until every francophone is bilingual…and every anglophone unilingual. Mr galganov, maybe a few will follow, but most anglophones will do like your Québec conterparts and tell you..move someplace else you have outstayed your welcome.

  23. You are so wrong tremblay. Language issue or not, call it as you see it with those glasses you’re wearing. Forced bilingualism on signs of business is against the charter of rights and against Freedom of Expression.

    Howard Galganov is fair and for all. He fully supports all French signs or all English signs or bilingual signs……but it should be up to the owner what language goes on the sign CAPISH?!?!?!?

  24. What’s not fair about respecting the charter?

    Richard tremblay your now starting propaganda.
    ” You guys are using the freedom of expression expression to fit your own agenda.”

    Wait even more propaganda From Ricky
    ” Freedom of expression does not mean you promote hatred, or call yourself a francophobe”

    Ricky and more of his written Diarrhea propaganda
    ” But moving to eastern ontario to promote hatred is only showing sour grapes.”

    And Ricky’s continued written insults
    ” Howard is a fad. A professional poop disturber that isn’t satisfied until every francophone is bilingual…and every anglophone unilingual.”

    Can’t debate the subject so better to insult the individual
    Your statements are biased and demeaning .

  25. Ricky,
    Are you the type of individual that calls someone a racist or bigot for standing up for their rights because its not in the French interest?
    Do you get insulted when others stand up for their rights?
    What are you culturaly biased?

    So what is your problem with “Freedom of Expression”?
    Now really why do you take offence to it?

  26. Richard, you wrote:

    “It’s not language fairness, or freedom of expression. You guys are using the freedom of expression expression to fit your own agenda. Freedom of expression does not mean you promote hatred, or call yourself a francophobe.”

    How is it Richard that a Motion was ushered in in S. Stormont that guarantees the right to advertise in any, ANY, ANY language seen as hatred? How is this seen as anti-French if you open a business in S. Stormont and can now advertise in French only, should you choose without a law forbidding it?

    I see now. You’d rather every business owner who is English to legally be forced to advertise in the French language as part and parcel to the cause of French social engineering hidden under the guise of bilingualism! Pure and simple, Richard. Well, I for one won’t pay for social engineering any longer…and it seems that there are hundreds of thousands of us in this great country who feel the same way Richard!

    Keep spinning the story as you and your ilk are fueling the cause…

    With sincerest regards,


  27. Corey, while I respect your views I must disagree, I don’t consider it social engineering… I consider it inclusion. This advertising in both official languages is not province wide. Only where there are sufficient francophones that live in the area. I’ll re use one of your phrases and say you are saying it’s ok to have signs in english only under the guise of freedom of expression…and this without knowing it is telling every francophone in the area…speak english or be left behind. No I can just guess your reply and say that francophone owners can write in french only. And they can but why would they. When professional disturbers such as howard post signs like “boycott french owned stores” or ” how to eliminate francophones in eastern ontario” Why is it not ok when there are thousands of francophones living in specific areas to have signs in french… Don’t francophone pay taxes ? Don’t they deserve rights as well ?
    Lolochuk why do you say that howard is for french signs when he himself calls himself a francophobe…Highlander…the G, the great savior of the world, you know exactly what your doing. The G is smart and gets more and more people to think like him. THe G kinda reminds me of Mr Harper. If you repeat it allot, maybe someone will start to believe it.

  28. @ tremblay

    Take a look at who Howard’s partner is in taking the issue to the supreme court! JEAN SERGE is French and is fighting for his right to put up a French only sign. Are you sure that you have done your real research on this?!?!


    After the illusion is in place, then the francophones will be fighting for service in French in all places in the ROC………for 4% of the population? The ROC have caught on to the plan that is bulldozing over all other’s language rights and freedom of expression.

    Bilingual service is an asset and NOT mandatory. French language does not even make the top 10 in the Toronto area. Stop wasting money, time and energy forcing this issue, give others their freedom and use the money more wisely. Hey how about an MRI machine for CCH!?!?!?!?

  29. Richard tremblay, back before Canada was Canada, leaders would be out front of the charge. Sometimes they would take a bullit, such as Major General James Wolfe did on Sept 13 1759, and now, as we see Mr. Galganov being the lightining rod of criticism.

    Ordinary people can do extraordinary things with motivation and support. They are to be supported when fighting for all public good. We are seeing some in the French community though pushing hard right now because those few people see the end of the Ontario Liberal gravy train coming. Tax dollars being taken from schools to pay for the Francophone flags, tax dollars being given to L’Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario, who then gives to a sculpter to create monumnets to one group only.

    However, Francophones are being affected with these forced language laws too, why are they not fighting to remove these bylaws in 4 townships around us?

  30. Good morning Richard,

    “I’ll re use one of your phrases and say you are saying it’s ok to have signs in english only under the guise of freedom of expression…and this without knowing it is telling every francophone in the area…speak english or be left behind. No I can just guess your reply and say that francophone owners can write in french only. And they can but why would they.”

    Because Richard this is exactly about Freedom of Expression.

    You wrote, again I quote, “…and this without knowing it is telling every francophone in the area…speak english or be left behind.”

    I don’t see it like this exactly. A scenario for you. What happens if I advertise my business in English and French – French people see the signs and show up expecting French service though I cannot offer it? What then? Could this even be considered ‘false advertising’? Government is not paying for my sign and therefore should have no say as to what I want on it. Richard, I think you need to understand the concept that these signs are the property of the owners.

    “Speak english or be left behind.” Honestly sir, this is the exact attitude that many people cannot fathom. This idea that one segment of the population is to carry (financially, socially) another segment not only creates a system of dependency, but relegates the other segment to taking a backseat to developing their own systems and social strata. It is called the victim mentality sir, using a crutch. The advertising of a business in English only, French only, bilingual, German, etc. is not a crime and there are serious sociological problems within the Franco population if this group views this differently; say out of argument formatting the idea that to advertise in English only ‘offends’ French sensitivities. This may say something of the issue of inferiority complexes to name but a few problematic issues.

    I digress here. You also wrote, “No I can just guess your reply and say that francophone owners can write in french only. And they can but why would they.”

    Why would they, Richard? Well, for starters, by allowing French business owners such as Jean Serge Brisson (who I’m proud to have met and now call a friend), to advertise in French only you’re allowing him his CHOICE and RIGHT as a business owner to advertise in how he sees fit. Perhaps he doesn’t want English clientele? I don’t know. But this is his choice and right as he is the business owner. His business is private property and he should have the right to say how it is advertised, ran and things of this nature. Of course it would be more profitable for him to have as many customers as possible and it would make perfect business sense trying to accomodate as many people as possible and attract business by advertising in not only French and English but any other language possible. But again, it should be his choice, and HIS alone!

    By having By-Laws that prohibit the advertising of your personal business in the language(s) of your choice, you are essentially alllowing government entities to become a stakeholder in your business. Then why own the business in the first place then?


  31. Great comments Cory.
    So what’s the problem feedom of Expression Mr.Trembley ?

  32. Just wondering here, isn’t galganov the one who ran for elections once and was blatantly defeated because of his radical views and his hatred towards the french? Oh Ok!!! I thought so……

    Questions: so when the sign issue is resolved, even though I doubt you will never be satisfied, what are you guys going to fight next? I am sure you won’t just sit back and mind your own business, for sure you will start stirring some more sh#t somehow somewhere. Your leader, the big g can’t help himself. Unless he is creating problems, he is not happy.

    OMG now we are scraping the bottom of the barrel with this quote. What happens if a french person reads my bilingual sign and wants to be served in french… have to be kidding me………LOL Have you ever travelled outside the country? I didn’t think so. How does one get by when travelling in another country as far as language goes? Give me a break!!! Pathetic example and the big g says it’s a great post LOL Go figure!!!

  33. stellabystarlight, I think the next plan of action is to have high tea returned to polite society. Of course the Canadian way would be to include a Mexican siesta, Quebec poutine and Alberta baseball caps.

  34. “What happens if a french person reads my bilingual sign and wants to be served in french… have to be kidding me………LOL”

    Hey excellent comment Stella!

    Perhaps much like the French guy who sued Air Canada for not being able to order a Sprite in French – someone from Le Village, perhaps even yourself by chance may want to take advantage of this type of scenario if they experienced this! It may serve to supplement their ‘income’!

    Great thinking and great use of our civil servant’s time Stella,


  35. Why is it not ok when there are thousands of Anglos living in specific areas in Quebec to have signs in English… Don’t Anglos pay taxes ? Don’t they deserve rights as well? Eh Richard?

  36. There are differences. The english languages isn’t threatened anywhere in Canada…the french language is.

  37. Author

    Richard to suggest that something is threatened is to me suggesting it’s being attacked. If French Canadians do not protect and cherish their language and culture you can’t blame others. It’s the same for my ethnic background and a challenge for all cultures and languages.

  38. Richard tremblay wrote on October 13, 2012 at 8:40 am

    “There are differences. The english languages isn’t threatened anywhere in Canada…”

    WRONG – The English language IS threatened.

    YES IT IS. It is threatened & disrespected in that “province.” And further more it is downright outlawed. That’s right… Outlawed. Indeed outlawed right in La Bell province. Which, in case you folk have forgotten since the last transfer payment cheques that were sent there, it happens to STILL be JUST A “PROVINCE” and NOT a country of it’s own. And further more, that “province” is inside a country which (need i remind you and all of your ilk) resides inside a country called CANADA and the flag is red and white not white and blue.

  39. hmmmm the French Canadians are trying to protect their language and culture but the english are trying their damnest to prevent that from happening.

  40. Did you read this in the Freeholder yesterday?

    PQ under fire after minister calls English a ‘foreign language’
    By Brian Daly, QMI Agency
    Friday, October 12, 2012 5:36:33 EDT PM

    little snippet for ya.

    “Education Minister Marie Malavoy suggested cutting back on English classes for first-grade French students. She also floated the idea of scaling back intensive English courses taught to Grade 6 students in French schools.

    But it was the words Malavoy used to describe the English language itself that caused the most outrage among critics.

    “My party is very critical towards the idea of introducing a foreign language while (children) are beginning to master concepts, grammar, syntax and vocabulary in their mother tongue,” she told Quebec City’s Le Soleil newspaper this week.”

  41. I sent a letter yesterday to the PQ Headquarters.

    It was the following:

    Madame Marois,

    Congratulations on your unprecedented election to the Office of Premier of Quebec; and too as Quebec’s first female Premier. Although bilingual (English and French), I have decided to write this letter in English to you as of today, Thursday October 11, 2012, in my native country of Canada, where it is still within the laws of Canada to practice communication and correspondence within the language of one’s choice.

    There is an ever-increasing movement within the Rest of Canada Madame Marois to force a referendum that seeks to ask the question as to whether or not Canada includes the Province of Quebec? As a high school student in 1995, I was asked whether or not, “My Canada included Quebec?” In 1995, I refrained from answering that question as I had reservations about the leadership of a province that sought to divide Canada. As of now, 2012, I can unequivocally state that, “My Canada no longer includes Quebec.” With the recent removal of the Canadian flag from Quebec’s National Assembly; with the instituting of Draconian-like laws such as Bill 101 that vilifies the English language; with racist, ethnocentric like behaviour coming out of the Province of Quebec on a daily basis, this is the reason why I have concluded the above notions.

    What I am offering the leadership of the Parti Quebecois, moreover, the leadership of the Province of Quebec today is my full support in any fashion (including financial) that the PQ leadership deems necessary for the complete separation of the Province of Quebec from the Nation of Canada. I wish a response from the Party please, as I am completely sincere in my efforts to aid the PQ in their aims of a viable, separate, sovereign Nation of Quebec. I do feel that the time has come that Canada and Quebec go their separate ways – there is just too many cultural, linguistic differences between the two powers and there appears to be no middle ground in accommodating the wishes of a federated Canada with those of an independent minded Quebec.

    In due course, I do have one favour to ask of the Parti Quebecois should the PQ become successful in it’s bid of separation. I ask that the PQ and the political leaders of Quebec, as a whole, treat it’s non-Francophone population (which includes over a million citizens) with dignity and respect. This may mean granting those citizens political amnesty wishing to leave Quebec as well as creating a social and political atmosphere within Quebec necessary for the success of non-Francophones that stay behind.

    With Sincerest Regards,

    Cory Cameron

  42. Here is the link should you wish to write letters of support for the PQ agenda as well.

    Enjoy your weekend everyone,


  43. Bravo, well said, brilliant, great, and woooo hoooo… YESSSSSSSSSS…

    Right on Cory. There never seemed to be a problem with them going around calling themselves separatists before so, it shouldn’t be a problem for you or I to be separatists now. After all, with the level of disrespect that is openly and blatantly being displayed for the Canadian flag and the majority English language of the country of Canada it is more than enough to force anyone to consider that stance.

    And, you’re absolutely right, “there are just too many cultural, linguistic differences between the two powers and there appears to be no middle ground in accommodating the wishes of a federated Canada with those of an independent minded Quebec.”

    There really is no use any longer trying this “let’s try to make it work” experiment. “They” used to be fond of comparing this situation to a relationship that was not working out. Well I say, the wedding is over. It’s time to get on with the divorce. No counselor is going to repair this situation. It is indeed unfortunate because i too used to believe in the idea of working it out but, it’s time to face reality and the facts.

    Fact is… It AIN’T gonna happen, and we (the majority) are just throwing money and resources towards people and causes that are a direct and blatant detriment to us, and will ultimately be the root cause of our demise if we don’t act soon.

    IT’S TIME.

  44. PS
    I checked out the link in case i was decided to “donate to the cause.”
    Isn’t it interesting to note that with all their BS “talk of inclusiveness” there is no “press here for English” link to be found 🙂 Not that i really expected one 😉

  45. Exactly what I have been saying for months about the english wanting to seperate our country…….disgusting and pathetic!!! Yep……get rid of the french. Send them to Quebec. Ostrazise them from the rest of the country……and this individual is proud of himself….go figure!!!

  46. typo…ostracize.

    Obsession… idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person’s mind…..which I imagine can eventually lead to insanity……

    Responding to statements is not considered an obsession, it’s a means to correct and explain the truth **s**

  47. Obsession brought about by constant and ongoing disrespect by the French of the majority language and common flag of the country of CANADA. Guess for once you are RIGHT …
    gooooooo fooo you…

  48. French is a foreign language in Canada. We have our own English language and culture to protect.

  49. Language Fairness for ALL:

    Information Session

    Are you concerned about?
    – Forced bilingualism
    – Language Laws
    – Loss of rights

    If you answered “YES” to any of the above, please join us:
    Wednesday October 17, 2012 7pm
    South Stormont Township Hall
    2 Mille Roches Rd.
    Long Sault, On

    Special guest speakers:

    Howard Galganov
    Jurgen Vollrath

    Language Fairness for ALL
    108 Second St. W
    PO Box #194
    Cornwall, ON K6J 1G0

  50. stellabystarlight said:

    ” Exactly what I have been saying for months about the english wanting to seperate our country…….disgusting and pathetic!!! Yep……get rid of the french.”

    The reality is Quebec politics is seperating the country,but you continue to blame the “English”.
    To propaganda that to get rid of French?Really?
    You keep blaming the English when its really government policy.
    But Stellapropaganda continue to direct your hate filled propaganda at the English ,Rather then the Quebec politics.

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