CFN – Two guest presenters appeared on the agenda for tonight’s meeting of Language Fairness for All. Human rights activists Howard Galganov and Jurgen Vollrath spoke with tremendous passion about the absolute need for more Canadians to wake up and put a stop to the steady erosion of rights which were defended by our forefathers in two world wars among others.
Galganov said to the assembly:
“I’m pissed off at the way our governments treat us. We’re not a cookie jar for them to grab money and do with it what they want. I will never vote for anyone who’s going to tell me how to live my personal life, but that seems to be what politicians like to do the most. I remember the greatest generation ever … who understood what individual rights and freedoms were all about. And that’s before we had a Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They understood their obligation to their country, to their church or synagogue if they were believers, to their families, to their communities. That’s all gone.”
Our video clip contains his presentation in its entirety.
Later, Vollrath exclaimed:
“We’re pissed! … There are 177 [French language activism groups.] In the City of Ottawa, we found [without any assistance from taxpayer funds] double-dipping by Franco organizations to the tune of $30 million dollars!”
In our video clip you can hear him elaborate on the apparent blind eye turned by politicians.
“Up yours, government! You cannot tell us [which language we have to do business in.]”
Not everyone in the gallery was a fan. Although trying to give the impression of being supportive of the group by agreeing that there are injustices in the way “bilingualism” is being foisted upon Canadians, president of the La Société pour la Promotion du Bilinguisme (Society for the Promotion of Bilingualism), Jean Lecompte later tried to mock the group when he circulated a dummied version of a poster welcoming people to the meeting in some three dozen languages, implying that the recently adopted sign bylaw in South Stormont and the proposed South Glengarry resolution are opening the way for every minority group to be able to impose multi-lingualism on everyone. In case there was any uncertainty in Lecompte’s mind that the bylaw actually respects Canadian’s rights not to have any particular language imposed upon them (when it comes to the posting of outdoor commercial signs), some meeting participants quickly set him straight. Lecompte interrupted the meeting a few times and was asked to save questions until the appropriate time at the conclusion of the formal presentations. The meeting chairman actually had to stop Lecompte amid an extended rant during the question period to ask if he really had a question or not. Here is our clip of the question period.

You can post your comments below.
Stella much like I’ve said before I know not why I even bother with the likes of trying to pursuade you of our cause of fairness. Over the course of the last 6 months I’ve gone head over foot trying to convince you using stats, numbers, and pointing out how many of us have been forced out of our hometowns trying to look for decent work due to this FLSA, OLA crap…
You have been brash and bold enough as to suggest that not being French is not part of the problem. When I can state to you unequivocally that I myself, on numerous occasions, have been told that I’m not, “French enough for the job.” I don’t know why you wouldn’t believe me, and frankly I don’t care anymore. I truly know only one story; and that’s my own. But when you have hundreds of people tell you the same story over and over again – you have to think there is something to this…
And still to this day, you give us falsehoods and tell us there is nothing to our arguments. You insist that we’re all making this up. I do have one thing to say in regards to this though. Of course you’ll never experience this type of behaviour being told that you’re not French enough because you are French! Imagine if you were told some of the things that we’ve experienced? I have to tell you, you begin to feel like a stranger in your own country!
Our laws are already one-sided, and one-sided to such an extent in one of our province’s that the particular province in question has been chastised by the UN. To legislate the use of a language is abhorrent and says alot of our current political situation and the lack of a backbone from any number of our politicians. Of course you like the status quo, because it benefits you to the extreme. Myself, if I were you though, I just couldn’t look at myself in the mirror every morning knowing that this was going on around me everyday. I would have been protesting years ago to say the least!
I’ll tell you, when I found out a few months ago that that lady in North Bay couldn’t find work because she was only French speaking and would have to return to Montreal I was so angry that I wrote a letter to the editor to the NB Nugget explaining how unfair that was. And yes, I felt the exact same way over the issue as if it affected myself. This biligualism stuff is crazy!
Will join you Jamie to protect the rights of Stella’s friend
Sounds like your BS is being called Stella. You don’t have to post publicly. You can email details to and Soc and I will there for you and that person.
I’ll help Stella any way I can though I’m not in Cornwall.
Hey Jamie what about me ,I am all in for defending that language it should not be the defining factor for hiring.
That’s great highlander – if more people started to defend each other the bad guys would not do as well as they do….
People should not be discriminated against because of language or any other reason. If Stella’s friend was fired only on the basis of language then we should all protest.
Stella, if you want to set up a picket line at her former employer I’ll carry a sign.
Wow…thinking you have misunderstood. My friend was not let go because of language. She was let go without a valid reason as to why?
Here is a french woman who worked for 20 yrs for this institution and was replaced by an english woman but not because of language, as the new employee will be learning french in the evenings.
The point I was trying to make was, because of this nonsensical language debate, I was trying to portray the absurdity of the situation had I reacted the way you guys did by saying it was a language thing and discrimination because she was let go and they hired an english person who could not speak french.
What is more aggravating and sickening is the institution that did it. I hope this clarified any misunderstandings.
Personally, speaking for myself Stella, it sounds like you’re making up Porkies…
Jamie……you can think what you want, like I said, I may be alot of things but not a liar. I am hoping that perhaps someone who happens to drop by CFN….can attest to it.
Stella if you ever want to reach me or meet at the Grind for coffee I’m sure you know how to reach me. Same for info that’s verifiable.
Or, if everyone gangs up on one person. Makes for good blog reading. I see why the LFA likes to post on this blog. Because admin is so biased to them its ridiculous. And he, by deleting legitimate posts, is forgoing freedom of expression. NOW that is and legitimate example of freedom of expression being botched.
Richard allow me to correct your ignorance. We have a certain code of conduct and due to the volume of work and moderation if someone crosses it we delete the comment generally. (Believe or not the other guys have more comments deleted than yours because I’m, um, erm…what did you call me? )
Btw, we are in fact a Newspaper. Blogs are great and no insult, but we are the number one read media in our region of Canada which is probably why you’re posting here.
Most reputable media now have a comments section. Ours is moderated as we are hoping to have a higher degree of discussion and debate; you know better than name slinging or making lame accusations as you have….
After all, this isn’t Parliament or Queen’s Park….
You don’t have a ‘right’ to freedom of expression on someone else’s site – you have a freedom to have your own site to state what you like (with reasonable limits).
However, Admin clearly is biased. He heckled Lecompte while he was taping the meeting, lol.
Hey Elaine, not sure if this applies to your question or not but…
I am sure everyone is aware that P. Marois had that recent “first face
to face meeting” with Harper in the Congo.
What “MAY BE” interesting and important questions to know regarding
this meeting ARE … In what capacity was P. Marois there to begin with?
AND, why was she the only “premier” tagging along with Prime Minister
Harper? Was it because this was a French based area? And if so, is
that the entire requirement now for any given premier in
Canada to tag along with the Prime Minister? Simply a common language
issue or something like that?
Naw… I’ll tell ya why P. Marois was there. She was there because
unlike all the other lowly Canadian provinces, the “province” of
Quebec or should i be saying, “Le Nation du Quebec” not only has special
status over all the other provinces when it comes to laws, language
issues and transfer payments but, it also (similar to it being the
ONLY legally unilingual province) is the ONLY province that seems to
have the right to send an emissary along with the Prime Minister just
about every time he travels to just about anywhere. I guess that’s
also why the “province” of Quebec needs those Embassies they have
scattered around all over the world as well eh?
And Jaimie. I think you’re right about the made up Porkies 🙂
Stella it reads like you are on a phishing exercise hoping someone will make a comment that you can take offense to.
I agree with our moderator,a number of my posts were not permited,and I respect the fact that attemps to maintain a polite decorum.
As for Stella’s friend I believe like myself the others would most certainly stand up for her friend if she had been discriminated for hiring because of language.
I am being honest here.
The only words I said to or about Mr. Lecompte was to ask for an interview. My voice is not on any video nor did i say anything. I was also one of the only media that defended Mr. Lecompte and his group when they wanted to put their flag in Lamoureux Parc at their expense.
Apparently some people have very short memories and like to play games…
Stella you wrote,
“I thought I would share this little story with my english friends. Today, I ran into someone I have known for quite some time. This person worked at the same place for 20 years. After taking her alotted vacation time, upon her return, she was told, she was being let go……..she was french and replaced by an english person.”
And then you wrote shortly thereafter,
“Wow…thinking you have misunderstood. My friend was not let go because of language. She was let go without a valid reason as to why?
Here is a french woman who worked for 20 yrs for this institution and was replaced by an english woman but not because of language, as the new employee will be learning french in the evenings.
The point I was trying to make was, because of this nonsensical language debate, I was trying to portray the absurdity of the situation had I reacted the way you guys did by saying it was a language thing and discrimination because she was let go and they hired an english person who could not speak french.
What is more aggravating and sickening is the institution that did it. I hope this clarified any misunderstandings.”
Stella, language is still an issue as this new person is now required to take French lessons at night!
Stella I am sorry to hear of your friend losing her job after 20 years, that’s unthinkable and truly horrible. Of course I don’t know the reasons why she did but I have to say, and I know you are not going to like my comment and again I am sorry but it is refreshing to hear that they hired someone who only speaks English to fill the bilingual position. If your story is for real do you suppose Language Fairness group is being heard? .
Oh and yes you did say the new employee will be taking night classes to learn French,,… wish her good luck with that, like that’s going to happen.
Thought I would weigh in to the conversation as it relates to our famous or infamous poster, Stella::) Have to totally agree with Jamie and edudyorlik, that Stella is full of Porkies!!!
Our moderator works very hard on our Forums, because we all post so prolifically he is a very busy man. Some posts don’t make the cut due to the abusive or inflammatory nature of the comments. Perhaps, Richard could start his own blog so that his own posts would make the grade and then would be allowed on the forums.
Just my thoughts, while smiling directly at Stella:)
Very busy man, so busy he has to leave town hall meetings for 2 three minutes when the national anthem is sung in french, then he comes back. Why do you do that jaime ?
Richard methinks you need your meds changed…
On this lovely Sat. morning, I would like to share a few thoughts.
I really do not care who does or doesn’t believe me…..I have nothing to prove to anyone, especially in this forum. The folks that know me personally is all that matters…..they like me for who I am **smile**
Rosie, thank-you….I know you are not going to like my response, but I honestly don’t think it has anything to do with LFA. **s**
To be honest with you and I may be sticking my neck out perhaps a little too far on this one but I think it had something to do with co-habitation which is against their policies. Agian… has nothing to do with language. I was using her as an example to show how sometimes things can be blown out of proportion and how one situation can foster some type of unrest if you will.
Reg….please give me more credit then that, not my style. Like you and evryone else that comes here, I share my views and thoughts whether they are right or wrong in your eyes. Isn’t that what this forum is all about? Not into juvenile games.
Richard as for people ganging up on one person….it is the least of my worries and doesn’t bother me whatsoever. I knew from the get go I would get dragged through the mud and called every name in the book……I am french.
What is most distrubing of all is the divisiveness and animosity that this group is creating…..or what I should say is trying to create.
Hey Richard. Speaking of “national anthems” what is the name of the “national anthem” in the “province” of Quebec anyway? Can’t seem to think of it…
Stella darling I don’t see disputing your points as creating divisiveness. Divisiveness is when families are broken apart because they can’t get work at home and are forced to move.
I personally lived through that in Quebec and am stunned to see that in Ontario. I remember actually telling a friend when I moved to Cornwall was that it had some of the feel of back home without the politics.
Now those politics have bled over the border.
That darling is what’s causing divisiveness.
If you need a high level of French to get a job or be promoted over Major in our Armed Forces then those requirements should be given to our students when they graduate high school.
They are not and we are seeing our country be social engineered because of it.
And I know you get that. You won’t admit it, and you sure as heck wouldn’t do anything but help it on its course.
It’s very funny how people like you Stella will post comments and stir things, but will never stand on your principles or debate them.
We’ve now put in two requests to interview Mr. Lecompte and he has not responded to either; this after I was about the only opinion writer to come to his groups defense when they wanted their flag erected here in Cornwall.
So, if your alleged reference is true, it’s ok if the french language is oppressed in every province because the english language is oppressed in Québec.
– again, your biased. And again, as the head of this alleged newspaper blog, you should know better. My good friend saw you leave when the french national anthem was sung. YOU LEFT. Not on meds, but I have a feeling someone else might need some. Maybe it would help their memory.
Richard what is with people like you that simply can’t accept reality? I have never suggested that the French language be oppressed anywhere in Canada. One issue at a time big fella.
Are you suggesting that it’s ok to have a wrong because of another wrong? That’s just wrong.
I have no problems with the French language thriving and growinig. I just wish that if it’s to be done that it be done organically. I don’t ask you to help preserve my one quarter Romanian background now do I? Go build your culture. Fight for your language. Build institutions. It’s all great.
Language and Culture should not have a bearing on who gets to be a Judge, Colonel, or nurse my friend.
You and some of your allies need to get that chip off of your shoulder.
It’s tiresome and boring.
You want to debate facts and positions great; but this emotional blackmail garbage is kinda lame…Just because I don’t agree with a position doesn’t make me a bigot or racist. It doesn’t mean I hate French. 1+1 does not = Orange.
This is not Quebec. If you want to play by those rules maybe you should move there if you’re not already from there.
Excellent Admin!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Jaimie,
Whenever I read a post like the one to Stella I am VERY hopeful that the folks you are writing to … (you know the ones) will “get it” and come back with a comment like, “that is true.” OR, “now that you put it like that I see how it affects so and so.” OR something to this effect that shows they actually do understand what is indeed happening in this province/country right now with regard to this issue. Lord knows, I have tried myself to help them see … But, as Cory pointed out several times, “it doesn’t matter what anyone says. These folk either ignore the valid points, or call them lies or both.”
I also think it’s important (as I am sure you do too) to give the bigger picture regarding things that “some say” (again, you know the ones) so that new readers, or those readers who DO NOT know the FULL STORY don’t come away believing that one viewpoint without knowing the other side.
Now, for the most part I believe we are on the same side of this issue which is good because we need “EVERYONE” to be on the same side in order to push back.
That being said, I humbly and respectfully need to inquire.
When you say, “If you need a high level of French to get a job or be promoted over Major in our Armed Forces then those requirements should be given to our students when they graduate high school.” What are you saying?
It makes me wonder aloud.
Should this concept really be thought of as “– ONE — of the ways, OR THEEE way” to solve this problem? Isn’t the idea that the students in high schools outside of the province of Quebec “be given those requirements” which I understand to mean that all students in this country be taught French to a “complete degree” in order so they can “get ahead” in the armed forces and other major job placements in Canada, sending the wrong message?
And incidentally, doesn’t that go against this other statement of yours, “Language and Culture should not have a bearing on who gets to be a Judge, Colonel, or nurse my friend.”
Which one is it? Do we all need to be high school educated fully bilingual or can the majority English speaking people outside the “province” of Quebec expect to have these jobs within their own damn country as simply unilingual English speaking Canadians?
I believe this is a pure example of how “they” have us trying to be so damn politically correct that we end up inadvertently touting their cause. Funny how “they”’ can come right out and say “we don’t need or want English here… PERIOD.” And, if we were to say “we don’t want French here” it would be the end of the damn universe. Why is that? Why do we allow such forthright disrespect for our flag and our language and then walk around on egg shells when it comes to what we think of feel.
If all of that is true. Why do you make it a point to leave when the national anthem is sung in french during the town hall meetings ? Just a question ?
Stella said”
” I knew from the get go I would get dragged through the mud and called every name in the book……I am french.”
No honey because you show a bias that borders racism.
This is a fight against government policy not French people,but you have chosen to make it French against English your a
bove statement says it all.
Richards propagand:
if your alleged reference is true, it’s ok if the french language is oppressed in every province because the english language is oppressed in Québec. – again, your biased.
Are you putting words in Jamies mouth?
Richard its politics that devides the people unfortunately Quebec politics has been exported to the rest of the country,now eastern Ontario is not willing to allow Quebec politics.
Now we have Ontario’s own bill 101 in Russell.
Case in point —
Richard I don’t make a point to leave any National anthem certainly not because it’s a French part. I was shooting video this week at South Stormont while people were singing only in English.
And I’ve done that countless times. Again, putting some hateful linguistic spin on my working through the anthem is very very odd….
Ed I believe in clarity. If we want some mystical ideal of a fully bilingual Canada then our students should graduate with those language skills.
If they do not then to me it’s nuts to demand that of our work force. There are other solutions to offering language service in Canada besides forcing 100% of our workforce to be bilingual at a high level of proficiency.
Either way it should be something that we Canadians as a society decide and not a handful of back room political engineers…
Congratulations Melanie Gauthier (my wife’s cousin) on her full time job immediately upon graduating from nursing college.
She is a French woman with no prior nursing experience.
To borrow from a famous dance song from the 90’s,
Things that make you go hymmmmmmmmmmm.
“Ed I believe in clarity. If we want some mystical ideal of a fully bilingual Canada then our students should graduate with those language skills.”
Don’t know about anyone else and can only speak for myself and those of course who I am acquainted with who are furious about this issue as well who say, WE MUST stop this insanity. There is no “mystical ideal” of bilingualism shared by us or ANYONE it seems other than the French who conversely and hypocritically DO NOT want bilingualism within their own boarders. This unquestionably and unmistakably tells me that this is more about BEING A FRENCH COUNTRY and not about being a bilingual one.
You KNOW as well as I do. If this “mystical ideal” of complete bilingualism across ALL of Canada were a done deal it wouldn’t be too darn long (the next day) where by a complete Canadian version of bill 101 would be passed and Canada WOULD THEN BE completely French ONLY. It is a fallacy to even remotely believe these folks want bilingualism. ALL THE FACTS say this is not the case yet we complacent apathetic English folk (I include myself) just keep swallowing it all down and sending the cash at the same time. We have got to be THEEEE most laughed about topic at just about every supper table in just about every French household in that province.
“Either way it should be something that we Canadians as a society decide and not a handful of back room political engineers…”
Agreed but, good luck with that one considering how entrenched they are now. Thank goodness for people like yourself who give SOME voice. I mean that sincerely and most appreciatively btw.
Cory ,If she got the job, just be happy for her.
– and isn’t it odd jaime that you chose to leave when the french part of the national anthem… and by your own words, you have done that countless times. If I may borrow corey s quote
Things that make you go hymmmmmmmmmmm.
Cory some wait for 8 years or longer for a fulltime opportunity.
Jamie you obviously are fair minded even with Richards ranting being allowed as well as his a bullying like tactic .
This comes as no surprise bullying is how the oppress the English by calling them “bigots,French haters,racist,ect,ect,ext…”when they speak up about a wrong.
People should have freedom of speach withought being berated with name calling.
So all you fine people out there reading but not commenting,
It’s OK to speak up you really are not a bigot for doing so ,you have been lead to believe all these years to think so .
@Cory… Oh hey, sincere congrats to your wife’s cousin Melanie Gauthier.
Have a VERY strong feeling the name on the resume didn’t hurt one bit either.
I am happy Richard that a fresh French grad of 21 years of age can get a full time nursing job.
I’m not happy at the fact that I have two other nurses in my family that cannot though with over 20 years experience between them.
But I don’t see a problem in that, though 🙁
Only an idiot couldn’t see the injustice in that!
Piper……supposing I was unilingual english but was not supporting the english agenda, would I still be considered showing a bias when posting? My posting would not change. Feeling your group is going too far, creating problems where there are none and trying to control would not change. So again….if I was unilingual english and shared those opinions would I be still showing a bias.
Being french or english has nothing to do with it. There are many english speaking people who don’t agree with your agenda and behavior….they want no part of it. They like peace and harmony.
Well cory only an idiot would apply for a job when they know full well that bilingualism is a requirement …and they are not bilingual.
British Columbia and Newfoundland do NOT have French language policies. Alberta and Saskatchewan have English as the official language of their provinces. Ontario should do the same!
i agree stella that is why most of his anglo friends were overjoyed when he left quebec
The video’s are great!!!!!, well worth the watch.
Richard, what happened to your belief in inclusiveness? I thought you viewed mandatory bilingual signs as a sign of inclusiveness to both linguistic groups? You don’t think English speakers have a right to work? Keep in mind less and less jobs every year are designated as bilingual?
By the way, feel free to make some sort of obtuse, embarassing comment on my latest Letter to the Editor. I need more cannon fodder like you!
With sincerest regards,
Well Richard I guess the unilingual English person who filled the bilingual job of Stella’s French friend was a complete idiot. Like I said before maybe Language Fairness is being heard.