Bill 14 – I’m Boycotting Quebec Until After Labour Day. Are you? by Jamie Gilcig – March 13, 2013

maroisCFN –  Is it time to boycott all things Quebec?   A boycott is a severe thing; but with Bill 14 looming and the strange occurrences since the last election there that never seem to be resolved could it be best if people give La Belle Province a wide berth for awhile?

Don’t get me wrong; as a former Montrealer there are many things I still love about the once great city.

But I could go a summer without Schwartz’s and steamies if it makes a statement.

Frankly I visit “back home” less and less.  It’s not just the crazed roads and constant construction.  It’s not just the all too more frequent customer service issues if I dare speak “Anglais”.

It’s this darn Bill 14.  It’s the fact that things became so bad in Quebec that the people of Quebec decided to grant Ms Marois a government.

In Canada we still have free choice; and frankly my choice is leaning towards making my little statement.  My one little token of boycotting Quebec until after Labour Day.   I think I can do it.

Yes, I’ll still visit my family; but I won’t be dining or spending any money there.    Do I expect my little boycott to change anything?  Not really; but imagine if millions of people did?

Politicians rely on people never doing anything no matter how badly they behave.   They’re used to manipulating small groups of people to grab power.   When I wrote during the student tuition protests that it simply was PQ agitation I think the election results showed how right myself and many others of the same belief were.

Quebec made its choice.   In some ways I think it was a good one because people can focus on the brutally ugly culture of linguistic facism that exists.  Francophones in Quebec will have to realize that the only people that can save French in Quebec are Francophones.   Anglophones, and Allophones are not to blame and not the issue.  It’s time to stop punishing the English language and  culture hoping that Quebec will become some Francophone Mecca.

Until Quebec changes its ways the results will essentially be the same.

Now the big question is why the Federal government remains so silent on what’s happening to Canadians living in Quebec that don’t subscribe to the provincially mandated madness, and why they are abdicating those citizens rights…

Jamie Gilcig – Editor – CFN

(Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the owners of this site, their staff, or sponsors.)


  1. Jamie sweetheart… question still remains, when did any other province put their nose where it didn’t belong? Isn’t that what you guys are doing? What is the big concern. The majority in Ontario DO NOT CARE about Quebec laws.

    To answer your question….no other province has, but let me say this. Quebec takes pride in their french culture (as all french people do). This country has two official languages. Both languages are important to this country. The french language is declining and because of that, Quebec is doing what should be done to keep the french language and culture alive.

  2. admin, I agree with you on that post, word for word.

  3. Stella hit the nail on the head about the larger metropolitan areas have a large Asian population and the white people are becoming the minorities. My daughter’s previous supervisor was Chinese from Hong Kong and she had difficulty speaking English. When it came to communicate with Québec she would put my daughter or another bilingual person on the phone or send an e-mail in French to them. This lady could hardly speak English here in Ottawa and has the mentality of the Asians and people who are Canadian resented this woman something awful. My daughter was able to understand this lady and her ways since her dad is Lebanese with his own old world ways and my daughter learned to accept other cultures.

    What I am reading here on the posts is that it isn’t bilingualism that is the real problem but it is people who do not wish to communicate in both languages and that is Québec included especially since they want to keep themselves unilingual. If Québec stays unilingual how on earth do they expect to communicate with the world since the business language is English. Don’t forget folks that as time goes on people may have to learn Mandarin and Cantonese dialects of the Chinese language. China is thriving and if you look at old videos of Piers Morgan and he can show you different countries including China it makes Canada and the US look like third world the way they are building up with “worthless US dollars.”

    People of all races are going to have to come together and stop their bigotry and accept one another for what they are and move on. The people of Québec are at a huge disadvantage and many are leaving the province. The same goes for other provinces teach your children other languages because it is a must and the more you know the better you are.

  4. Richard tremblay
    March 14, 2013 at 7:06 pm

    “Jaime, there is a few. Ontario has bill 8 that protects francophone minority rights. I believe that is the law that if in a town there is 5000 plus francophones we have a right to require some type of service in Ontario.”

    Actually Richard there are 5000 french people in Toronto as well as 200 other language groups but guess what because 5000 french people out of how many millions and voila under the french services language act and all services must be bilingual.

    I bet that the average Ontarian doesn’t know that 90% of the population of Ontario and accordingly regions are under the french services act.

    How about ALL court services in Ontarion right across the province must provide french services -remember of that 4 % of Ontario’s population is francophone and 95% of them live in eastern Ontario -Now talk about a wast of tax payers $$$$ across all of Ontario REALLY-yes REALLY.

    How about the french activists groups pushing to have the Hotel Dieu Hospital in Kingston to be bilingual out of 400,000 visits 1193 of them were people of french decent -therefore .002% but I guess this is where numbers warrant ,but yes the push remains on to have it deemed bilingual for .002% -get you head out of the sand Canadians -you think it worthwhile to implement at the costs of many $$$ and well as the restriction oh hiring?

    When they CHANG IT and THEY WILL as People are not necessary apathetic but more pathetic because they will not speak up for a wrong .
    Where do you think those hundreds bilingual job applicants will come from -the same interest groups that are pushing for bilingualism -THINK ABOUT THAT -Complain you will get a job.

    So people does .002% warrant bilingualism services as that was the initial intent of providing the service ?
    This is why I will always advocate for representation by population -a measurable fair and equitable approach to bilingualism.

    In BC 1.4% are francophones yet fed gov jobs there are 65% and provincial is far more that 1.4% .

    This happens across the country and Canadians do not speak up -What happened to that original intention of bilingualism “where numbers warrant” this is clearly not being followed better said “where French can be pushed” .

    The only province with significant population of french outside of Quebec is New Brunswick at 30% -they are deemed bilingual -ask them that majority 70% what they think of this -cant be a dishwasher without being bilingual-even with a good education.

    Ontario 4% the next highest -yes 4% yet think of this those hundreds of thousands of government jobs that are deemed bilingual -WHERE THE HE** DO YOU THINK THOSE APPLICANTS COME FROM ? yes that 4%.

    There is a good reason Stella and others defend these hiring practices -because it directly effects their jobs..

    So if you think that the present government hiring policy is fair THINK AGAIN and read above.

    Representation by population will always remain a measurable,fair and equitable approach to bilingualism,
    How else does the government plan to attain” where numbers warrant”?

  5. Author

    Stella dear I don’t play that game. Your question isn’t relevant, and last I heard you’re not supposed to answer a question with a question. If Canada is going to survive it will be as a family that all pulls together.

    If Quebec truly wants to stay in Canada it’s going to have to figure that out and language rights for all, English and French have to be respected.

  6. Could you imagine what the reprecussions would be if the gentleman from Quebec had been elected as pope.

    I had to call the OPP yesterday, figure by the time they say greetings in english, then in french then ask to press one for english….the guy could have been in my home…

  7. I’m going to change it up a bit. THis weekend I’m going to be supporting Québec in a big way. I’m going to be at the Bell Center to watch GSP kick Nate Diaz s butt. I hope he does. Always been a fan of GSP but I’m scared that Diaz might be too good for my boy George. Language aside, lets all yell GSP…GSP ..GSP…

  8. Author

    Great example Richard. Everyone loves GSP 🙂

  9. stellabystarlight March 14, 2013 at 8:35 pm

    “The french language is declining and because of that, Quebec is doing what should be done to keep the french language and culture alive.”

    I guess oppressing other languages and violating human rights are alright to you stella how very ethnocentric of you to demand respect for French at the same time allow the violation of human rights for French.

    French is not a dying language but many of the native languages are ,so in the interest of protecting a language why not the near extinct native languages?
    Oh that’s right FRENCH FIRST.

  10. If this isn’t reason enough to boycott Quebec, I don’t know what is….

    “Pierre Laporte should be honored!

    It is said that those who commit heinous crimes receive far too much attention in the media, that they are seekers of fame, and measures are in the works to ensure that they will no longer be able to manipulate the media in this fashion.

    So today I am asking you to remember Pierre Laporte, a man who served his community and paid with his life for the principles of freedom which he espoused. Mr. Laporte was assassinated by the Chenier cell of the FLQ in 1970, his assassins later convicted in 1971 of his murder.

    I also ask you to join with me in denouncing the intended actions of Amir Khadir who intends to table a motion in the Quebec National Assembly which would recognize Pierre Laporte’s assassin, who died yesterday in Montreal, as a “national hero.” Khadir deserves nothing less than to be censored, admonished and ridiculed for his foolish, dangerous and intentional provocation of our peaceful society.”

    Quoted from Kirk Bennett-Montreal,Qc

  11. Didn’t I just read that the Quebec Liberals and the separatists parties received illegal monies from two (or More) corporations to conduct their latest political campaign?

    Doesn’t that make Pauline Marios and her cohorts illegitimate?

    Something is wrong in Denmark? And they want to revere Mr. Rose just like Louise Riel?

  12. @ richard

    Wasn’t bill 8 passed in the middle of the night, with 50% of the M.P.’S NOT in attendance.

    Wasn’t this the same bill 8, that had NO DEBATE or DISCUSSION ?

    The passage of this bill with respect to the people’s desire to see this actually have THIS BECOME LAW is a “farce”. This is what we hang our hats on in regards to bilingualism in Ontario?


  13. @ Jamie
    I think that Richard spends more time debating the subject that you do.
    But like me, he may spend a lot of time judging you and telling you what you think because he/we can see that you are closed minded on the subject of Québec and bilingualism, as are the others of your ilk.
    And it’s to bad because, it means that, all of us, are working or nothing.
    But not CFN.
    I’ve said many times that the PQ was elected democratically.
    Thanks for acknowledging that fact.
    But you understand that means you understand, that when you bash the PQ, it’s the Québec people you are bashing.
    So you should, at least, be consistant and stop saying, that there are many wonderful people in Québec.
    If, you think that many professionnals face barriers, in practicing their skills, you should be more clear, and name some. Then we could debate that.
    Better than boycotting Québec over Bill 14.
    A Bill that as not been passed yet and, will be waterred down, to the point insignificance.
    It’s hard to debate other things than you.
    You make yourself the debate.

  14. Author

    See Pierre the problem when you play games like you are now is that you push away moderates like myself and we end up with hard liners just taking shots at each other which never accomplishes anything.

  15. @Admin
    I’m not playing games and you’re not moderate

    The hard liners (I would rather we call them, what they really are, the fear mongers). They are highlander, Peter, edudyorlik, Con. Cit,2, and others.
    Tell us what the difference between them and you is.
    You’re the one who encourages them.
    I really would like to have a progressive debate that’s why, I wish you could prove me wrong but, you won’t even try will you?

    There are no fear mongers on the other side of these chats.

  16. Jamie wrote: Your question isn’t relevant, and last I heard you’re not supposed to answer a question with a question.

    Jamie honey listen carefully. It’s your prerogative to think my question is irrelevant, however, no other province ever fought another province’s by-laws and legislation. So what makes the english freedom fighters think they can rule this country? What makes them think they can dictate and change Quebec’s laws?

    Secondly…..for the record, I am not playing games, just sharing thoughts and feelings about this nonsense.

    Just for the record again……I did not answer a question with a question. My first post from yesterday was a question pertaining to fighting other province’s regulations……you replied with a question. Just bringing clarity and justification to your accusations. No hard feelings……this is what it is all about “debate”

  17. French is not a dying language whatsoever and if anglophones only knew how many countries worldwide speak French they would be shocked.

    This morning my husband read in his paper back home that many French people from France are immigrating to Québec and many do not want to go back to France. These people are making Québec their home and they love the people and the culture.

    Québec is the only French speaking province in all of North America not just Canada and these people want to keep their language and culture. Yes it is unique because they have an awful strange language that only they can really and truly understand. LOL LOL. It is theirs and they have the right to keep it as much as we do when we speak English or any other language – that is their right. The same thing with the “natives – the Indians – aborigines”.

    I don’t go to the Québec side of the river not because I am against these people – some of the people that I worked with and like the most are from there and are wonderful people and most were anglos living there. I have everything that I want here in Ottawa so I don’t need to go elsewhere. The best restaurants are in Montréal and la ville de Québec and I love the people very much. I have absolutely no qualms in them being French and wanting to hold on to what they have.

    Our own PM Harpo speaks French very well for an anglo. The queen herself speaks a good 7 languages and a lot better than her children and grandchildren who don’t amount to one iota to what she is. If this woman can do that and Harpo doesn’t that encourage all of you to do better. When you have an extra language like French it makes you stronger. You can even decifer some Italian and some Spanish because they are all Latin languages.

  18. Total freaking insanity….
    Thanks concerned citizen 2 for raising this issue in your March 15, 2013 at 8:03 am POST.

    I am with you in and Kirk Bennett in asking all to join with us in denouncing the intended actions of Amir Khadir who intends to table a motion in the Quebec National Assembly which would recognize Pierre Laporte’s assassin, who died yesterday in Montreal, as a “national hero.” Khadir deserves nothing less than to be censored, admonished and ridiculed for his foolish, dangerous and intentional provocation of our peaceful society.”

    Forget boycotting… The people of Canada SHOULD REVOLT at such a callus suggestion. Imagine Mr. Laport’s family and what they feel about this? Imagine the other people who were caught in the cross fire as a result of the FLQ and what they did and how they feel?

    These French nationalists have lost their minds.
    What on earth is missing between their ears?
    Un-freakin believable…

    Here is an article By: Aaron Rand · 3/15/2013 1:08:00 PM that i came across that i figured was worth sharing…

    Aaron wrote, “If you look in the dictionary next to the word “ass”, you may soon find a picture of Amir Khadir, the Quebec Solidaire co-leader, who says he will table a motion in the national assembly next week, to have former terrorist Paul Rose declared a hero. This is the same Paul Rose, convicted terrorist and murderer, who was responsible bringing violence, fear, intimidation, and eventually murder to the streets of Montreal.

    Here’s Khadir’s rationale for declaring Rose a hero.
    “You may have the reservations he had about his past in the FLQ, but no one can question his sincerity, his devotion, his integrity, his intellectual honesty.”

    If you’d like to let Mr. Khadir know how you feel about his idea, here’s his e-mail address.

    And i add. Holy freakin absurdity. I simply cannot believe Mr. Khadir has used this to justify his intent.

    I am completely and utterly astonished and dismayed to the point of feeling as though i could throw up.

    Is that strong enough language to convey what i am feeling and how i believe we all should feel about this type of idiocy ?

  19. Author

    Pierre I do not encourage them any more than I encourage you. We host a forum for public debate. We have a mission statement. I believe in Freedom of Speech, and believe there are not enough places to practice it. You sir need to stop judging and telling people who they are or what they think. Maybe, just maybe, you should focus more on your position, especially as it’s not a strong one 😉

  20. As for the topic of the editorial and your question Jamie.

    “why the Federal government remains so silent on what’s happening to Canadians living in Quebec that don’t subscribe to the provincially mandated madness, and why they are abdicating those citizens rights…?”

    I offer two possible/likely reasons.

    1) The Infiltration of the federal government at this time in Canada’s history with Francophones who side with and feel a solidarity to Quebec on MANY issues — as CLEARLY spelled out by Danny Williams in this interview – – where he basically comes flat out and warns Canadians in no uncertain terms that Canadians are being taken for a ride. He goes further and say’s that he has NO DOUBT there is a conspiracy to undermine Canada integrity by the French —

    Danny Williams Quote, “I’ve gone farther than that. I said the tail is wagging the dog, they have the federal government strangled.”

    Evan Solomon: “The French ministers on all three levels are working on behalf of Quebec and not on behalf of Canada?”

    Danny Williams: “Absolutely.”

    Evan Solomon: “But listen to me, that’s hot stuff when you’re saying the French Ministers in Ontario — in Ottawa — are working on behalf of Quebec, and not on behalf of the rest of Canada.”

    Danny Williams, “Absolutely.”

    Evan Solomon: “All politicians in Quebec are for Quebec at the expense of the rest of the country. Do you actually believe that?”

    Danny Williams, “I actually believe that. I am not just suggesting it, I am saying it, and It is to the detriment of the rest of Canada.”

    And if that wasn’t enough I add number 2 –

    2) The apathy and complacency of the Anglophones in general but in this case in Quebec who have decided to simply either move away or comply rather than to stand up and be heard so that their government would KNOW they are suffering. After all, if you sit in the dentist chair and she pokes the raw nerve and you say and do nothing she will continue on with the belief that all is fine. Just as our federal government is doing because there is NO REAL (in mass numbers) voice of decent or complaint coming from the Anglos in Quebec.

    I further contend that the apathy and complacency of the Anglo’s in all the ROC is also why the current conservative federal government doesn’t flex its muscle with regard to this issue either because they see ZERO support for them to go out on a limb and take the initiative.

    But, by the same token, the people don’t take initiative because they don’t see the government doing so.

    Thus, the age old problem… what came first the chicken or the egg syndrome.

    C’mon people…
    It’s bad enough when we don’t get the information because the media in this country is whacked — BUT, it’s even worse when we have an intelligent respectable politician flat out telling us we are being duped and we STILL refuse to see the forest for the trees and RISE UP.

    What do we need? Huge billboards on the Queenway saying, HELLO PEOPLE??
    Quebec and the French are taking you for a ride and using your own money to diminish you and your power. WAKE UPPPPPPPPPP… Time to push back or else.

    Naw, never mind Boycotting we should damn well hold the biggest freakin rally this country has ever seen and shut this city down until they hear the clear and unequivocal voice of discontent coming from us, the majority millions of Anglophones in this country who are fed up with paying the executioner (Quebec and the French) till they have enough power and money to do away with what they detest most — us, the English/Anglophones in Canada —

    _____(o o)


  21. @ Admin
    I do not have to tell people what they think because,
    what people do here, is tell what they think and if they are debaters, and not dictators, they expect to be judged for it.
    I believe in fredom of speech too, but I also believe that free speech would be better served if meaningful ”standards” where imposed on all media (newspapers), as they are in radio and television communication.

    As to my position not being a strong one. LOL!
    As I’ve stated many times before, my positions are those of most canadians, of many municipal politicians, of all provincial and federal parties, and all the provincial and federal Courts of Canada.
    My positions are also in accordance with the Constitution of Canada, the Candian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and in Québec, with la Charte de la Langue Française which, by the way, complies with the CCRF.
    How dare you tell me that my position is not solid?

    Your position, on the other hand, is one of a populist,
    A one-sided populist who can’t accept that the two official languages of this great country, are equal, regardless of the fact, that the French language is a minority language in Canada and in North America and, for that reason, it needs some protection.

    To further expand on your 10:14 am post where you had accused me of playing games as you had accused Stella, of playing games on your 4:50 am post. You had said that I was pushing away moderates, like you, and because of that, we end up with hardliners just taking shots and not getting anywhere…
    I’ve scrolled back to the biginning of this ”chat”.
    That was March 13, 7:00 am
    Mariah was the first to take dirty shots it was 8: 56am
    Driving the Carma Bus was the second at 12:22 pm
    And there have been many others before I came on the next day march 14,
    Proving the obvious again, Admin. I’m not the one taking the first dirty shots. I don’t take dirty shots.
    I just call em, as they are.

  22. Good morning bloggers.

    Ask yourselves this question;

    Would an English equivalent in the form(s) of Stella, Pierre, and others be permitted to post the likes of what they do in attacking people (like the Language Fairness for All group) in a Quebec media outlet or a Franco-Ontarian media outlet in Ontario for that matter?

    My guess is a big no!

    Further, I think the language police would have probably fined a Cornwall Free News equivalent (for argumentative purposes – let’s call it Valleyfield Free News) and by now the website would have been shutdown with Jamie charged with some trumped up language crap charge that’s so typical of that fascist state within a so-called democracy.

    All it would have taken would be for one single comment from one individual fighting for language fairness to cause the whole concept to be stymied, stopped and buried with Jamie probably in jail for a while in that favourite province of ours.

    However, I don’t want to give Stella and company more attention nor unwarranted/unwanted digital ink. Trust me, enough ink has already been spilled over these last two years on CFN alone to warrant the break-up of Canada, minus the goals of politicians on either side of the Quebec border.

    For the fact that we have been fighting for these last two years and have increasingly become even more polarized is tantamount and testament to the fact that Canada really is 2 divided nations; each with a much different concept of where we want to go and what we want to see in, ‘our’ Canada.

    I still find it enlightening to see that Stella and company are so so quick to attack a small peaceful group (LFA) fighting for language fairness in Eastern Ontario and yet seem to forget the atrocities that was committed by the FLQ of the past and the current Nazi PQ of the present. And speaking of the separatists in general. All of it at the cost of Canadian taxpayers; the very people they want to distance themselves from. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you!

    But enough about all of that. Today, I wanted to take this time to thank our moderator, Jamie. I think that Jamie has been rather kind to the opposite side and their defence of this entire, unfair matter. The fact that Jamie has been a victim of the language laws in Quebec only to leave it all behind (or so he thought) and then to provide a voice to the very type of people who caused him to leave his home to begin with (much like he does for Stella and Pierre and others) says much as to his character.

    What was that about not forgiving your brother 7 times but 77 times?

    In any case, all of this comes at quite a price; both financially and emotionally.

    So please, let’s do our best to help Jamie to keep CFN viable and to donate what we can to help out.

    Thanks again Jamie for all that you do,


  23. Author

    Cory what is it with you guys and Nazis? The separatists are not Nazis. Soft fascists at best, mostly with dying demogoguery helped by a weakening economy world wide and in Quebec.

    When people argue in extremes and use gross rhetoric they weaken their position. They give their opponents sympathy from the middle which is the largest segment and the one that makes things change. There are people that agree with language fairness that have been scared away by some of what they read; same on the other side of the debate too. Extremists always alienate the moderate middle of which I’m proudly a member of.

    You have one poster here that I delete 99% of his posts because he can’t control himself and I have to focus extra time on his comments. It’s just easier to delete them on sight. I have moderated 30,949 comments in four years as of this post.

    People there are thousands of viewers that read these comments. We can’t allow gross abuses and potential issues that could hurt CFN.

    I’m not addressing this pointedly at you Cory, nor anyone really. I’m just saying that we’ve accomplished a lot on CFN and we are doing it lean and mean. I can tell you that there are sponsors that will not advertise with us right now because I’m being portrayed as some anti-francophone zealot which I’m not.

    I do believe in fairness across the board. I believe in Freedom of Speech, but that doesn’t mean we are going to tolerate hate filled spews of nonsense from anyone. I can tell you that we can’t move dialog forward as long as we call each other terms like Nazi. There’s true merit in language fairness. Canadians need to have an open dialog and I feel a language referendum. We need Canadians to speak clearly to our politicians about what they want and not what’s being engineered around liquor filled rooms of over dressed tax hogs.

    We are getting some amazing support from the public; but if you post a lot and really want to support CFN cut out the personal attacks as it takes extremely valuable time away from your moderator and I will simply start blocking people.

    I get that it’s emotional and I get that there are a few “professional” agitators floating around, but you have to moderate yourselves.

    Thanks and enjoy the weekend!


  24. Jamie,

    Killers in the Province of Quebec. This isn’t my Canada and any province that celebrates this type of mentality and then perpetuates a persona of the people afterward to me indicates fascism to say the least. And N!@ism to say the worst.

    My emotionalism towards this issue stems from both personal experiences as well as those of historical fact. Not to mention the countless experiences being recorded by Canadians from the provinces of Canada especially those provinces of Ontario and Quebec. And quite admittedly, there is one ethnicity being treated differently apart from the rest in this country.

    I understand that the above wasn’t pointedly addressed to me – however it was written only after I had my comment posted. This is telling. Jamie, for myself and others, I have to say that with the abandonment of our politicians on the language issue, the disregard of our fellow countrymen on the language issue and the mainstream big medias mostly disregard on the language issue, your website, for many of us, gives us a voice for which we otherwise wouldn’t have.

    I’m well aware you’re no fan of the right-wing Sun. But here goes the article in it’s entirety. This is why, after 2 years of battling: separatists, apathetic/sympathetic politicians of separatists and French-only frontmen of this or that, we continue to struggle against this injustice. If not us to battle it, then pray do tell, who else, will?


    (Article taken from:

  25. Author

    Cory surely you know you can reprint a whole story without permission? Fair use dictates that we’re only allowed to quote a small portion and hot link to it which I’ve left up.

    As far as what I’m a fan of it’s not based on Left or Right Wing. I’m issue focused and hyper non-partisan. I’d even support Guy Lauzon if he ever says something that makes sense, especially if it’s an original thought and not something party pooped out of his gullet.

    To keep the analogy local; there was a politician in Cornwall by the name of Korey Kennedy who was doing well until he let his emotions get the better of him and he burnt his bridges and political career down.

    CFN is a place for debate and discussion. Not so much screed. I don’t want to have to spend our time scouring crazy azzed posts having to hyper moderate.

    Again; a lot can be achieved by simply presenting a position; supporting it, challenging bad ones; and taking political action to eventually achieve change.

    Hope that reads as it’s intended as this is not a call to war 🙂


  26. @ Jamie,

    RE: comment on your at 9:50 a.m.

    It my heartfelt belief that having been reasonable for 50 years, with a policy that has listened and appeased, that this has not worked. You previously stated somewhere that your are not politically correct. Nor am I. You also alluded to the fact that you have advertisers that you must respect. Fair enough. However, there is nothing wrong with responding in kind when one is abused and insulted.

    You talk of freedom of speech. Well , that cuts both ways. If something is wrong, if something is beyond the pale, then it should be characterized as such. You say to cory that the separatists are not nazis, soft facists as best. Well, Jamie, there are many, many different types of separatists. As for the nazis, many of them “started” as soft facists and look how a lot of them ended up.

    What is your definition of an extremist ?

    As for your pride at being a moderate , well, Canadians, and this very much includes me, have been far more moderate and tolerate regarding this issue for 50 yeard. All this got us was, the situtation got worse, and worse and worse. It simply doesn’t work.

    How long and how many more English Canadians must suffer at the hands of the french and the policies and demands that they make ? Isn’t 50 years enough ? We have dialoged, and talked, and waited and on and on…. With not only nothing ever changing, but things got progressively worse.

    Sorry, Jamie, I was forced out of quebec, both in my business and my chosen profession, can you really believe another 50 years of talking and being a moderate will help anything?

    And on another note. I do appreciate what this site is trying to do, although there are times I may not agree how you are doing it. So, please do not take anything I said as personal. No one knows what I have been through at the hands of these people, in quebec. You simply do not the pain and hurt this has done to me and my family. You really don’t

    So yes, it is emotional, but as well , there is ample justification for this.
    I know, I am the person that you shut down 99% of the time. So be it, but would it be so bad if you at least read this post.
    I’d like some day to meet you in person and you may have a completely different perspective of who I am and what I stand for.
    You can my name and email address from Edudyorlik.

  27. Author

    Peter, James, Jim, whomever you are. CFN simply cannot and will not hyper screen comments. If you can’t communicate without dropping abuse you get deleted. It’s that simple. You have to self moderate. If you cannot then CFN may not be for you. And emailing me whining about what someone else said simply wastes more of my time.

    You remind me of Pierre a bit. Maybe you are the same person with a lot of extra time on your hands?

    Either way if we have to constantly moderate the same poster they get their posts deleted or blocked. Hope you get that and realize that it has nothing to do with your position; but how you express yourself.

    I know not everyone has the same communication skills, but you simply can’t just drop abuse here. That’s not what CFN is about.

    This is:

    Mission Statement

    CFN is an online newspaper whose Mission is to give voice to the many who’d never have an opportunity to have a voice whether via op-ed, letters, or comments on stories.

    To be non-partisan and allow voices to be heard even though our ownership, editors, staff, sponsors, and viewers may not always agree with them.

    For people to have voice, but still do so in a safe manner although they may be challenged strongly for those opinions.

    And that by creating a forum to share unfiltered news and opinions that we may as a society speak to each other and exchange ideas that can lead to growth of our culture, community and society in a positive manner and show people that they do count; their voices do count, and that anyone can change their world.

    Our Vision

    CFN’s vision is to see our community participate in a lively discussion of the issues that matter to them no matter how small or obscure. We want to nourish and help create strong voices.

    In these days of spoon fed values and massive societal conformity for people to think about issues and not just follow the pack. Whether it be questioning why decisions are made or confronting people and holding them accountable; CFN’s vision is to help empower people while educating and entertaining.

    The news can be a living thing. And one newspaper can be very different than others. We also want to create a haven to attract the most talented people in the Universe where they can excel and gain from their talents, voices, and artistry with less restrictions, not more.

    CFN is not just “the news” It’s people’s views. It’s what they are passionate about. It’s about showing the world what they can do or what they’ve done.

  28. Jamie “Admin” young Korey Kennedy has to be forgiven at age 19 or 20 whatever he was then he was a kid. Young Korey was inexperienced on how to behave. If you look at grown up adult men and women who cannot put a lid on their emotions and they act like kids if not worse. Everyone has to start off some time in life and Korey was very young. Look at what we have in Conrwall’s administration and it puts young Korey like a “saint” or like what Willie Wise did spitting on the referee, pulling a Bernie Madoff along with Healey and others, etc. and I can tell you honestly that I would much rather have young Korey back on than what is there right now with the exceptions of a mighty few like André Rivette, and Maurice Dupelle.

    Mr. Mark MacDonald is what I would put in as mayor and I would like to see Mr. Dave Windsor in council along with some others. What is in council just now can follow the nearest railroad out.

    As for French language well there is a much greater problem than all of that and you have to live in big cities to see it.

  29. Cory Cameron it isn’t Nazism but like Jamie said a mild case of fascism. If there was Nazism my God there would be absolutely no free speach of any kind. Fascism is when government and corporations are together governing a country and that is similar to what we have just now.

    Cory as for language or ethnicity it isn’t just French that gets hired. If you look at the Civic Hospital and all hospitals here in Ottawa for instance (this is an example) we have people from all countries that work here Chinese, Phillopino, Mexican, Arabs, and I can go on and on. These people are hired since the government gives incentives to hire these people in all levels and the same thing goes for other private industries as well as in government. The problem runs much deeper than French. English and French are Canadians and they are the two official languages and that is why the government holds on to both of them. It would be terrible if we all had to speak Chinese and these people are starting to outnumber us.

  30. About this Amir Khadir this man is a foreigner stirring up trouble and by his name he is an Arab and most likely Egyptian or something like that. This man is not our real Canadians of English and French and most of these people are the ones stirring the pot and Islamic to boot.

    People don’t bicker just about language. I have said in the blogs and want everyone here to be intelligent and understand what I am saying it is people from outside who are causing the stir here in Canada. Stop blaming English and French only – if only you all knew the truth.

    Our country is built on two main cultures and languages of English and French. The rest are all émigrés of a mishmash of other cultures who have come here to call it home. Some didn’t come here to call it home but to stir up trouble.

    About Jamie he is a good man and he is honest in his approach in his journalism skills. I have no feelings that Jamie is biased on language issues at all. Jamie lived in Montréal and elsewhere and can judge what he has been through and what others are going through or have been through. Not all French people are like that in Québec – only the worst of the worst does things to kill Mr. Laporte and to have kidnapped the British man James Cross. It was Trudeau who sent in the forces in Québec and in Cornwall back in the days when I was at SLHS there was army people guarding the homes of Lamoureux the speaker of the house along with some others. I am an oldie who remembers those things.

  31. @ Admin
    I really don’t know what more I can say when after reading my posts, and those of Cory Cameron and Peter’s you can still compare me to those guys.

    You put me in the position of having to defend myself.
    I am not obsessed and psyshotic to the point that I live only to punish a province, or the ROC, or the other official linguage group. Or to break up Canada, for any reason.
    If Peter is right and 99% of the posts that you delete are theirs added to the ones that you pass, tells me that these guys live only to do this
    I came here, following the decission of the Supreme Court, not to hear the Galganov/Brisson Ontario High Court chalenge, because I felt that the supporters of this totally daft effort had been brainwashed (I still do) and that they would, now, be in need of some rational conversation, discussion, debate or straightening out
    on the subject that, as it turned out, we are fighting about.

    But, I can see, and believe that any rational, well informed person, can see, that the above mentionned people, and some others, are behond reach. Nothing on earth will convince them that Canada is one of the greatest countries in the world, precisely because, of it’s treatment of minorities. And, Québec treats it’s minorities just as well, if not better, than Canada does.
    I know that this last statement would require debate to convince even open-minded anglos but, I may stay here, to make that point, because dispite understanding that the efforts of the above mentioned will never go anywhere with politicians or rational Canadians, I worry about the hate they are trying to spread around.

    Psychotic : Intensely upset, anxious, or angry, crazed, furious, wrathful, irate, incensed, infuriated, livid, pissed off, lunatic.

  32. Author

    Pierre I have not called anyone psychotic.

  33. Pierre people have to stop putting down the entire province of Québec and anywhere else here in Canada. Québec has some of the best and warmest people out there and at the same time it has some of the worst and you can say that reflects everywhere in Canada and around the entire world.

    People here post their angers mostly because as Anglos they can’t find work because they are not bilingual and in a way I don’t blame them. I tell everyone here since a very long time now and as Jamie is my witness of saying that people should learn French or send their children since kindergarden to learn French. I had to battle to get my daughter in a French school from a Bilingual one and I can tell you I know racism and that is on all sides. I know that there is French racism but you have to stand up for what you believe.

    You can’t put Anglos down because of their frustration. I have an Anglo son and he different to my daughter and yet at the same time in a lot of ways more awake and alert about life and good with computers and lots of other things. My daughter is bilingual but doesn’t see the challenge of other bilingual people but of foreigners taking her job who only have a very rare basic knowledge of English and she is born and raised here in Canada with a Canadian mom and has put in over 50 places looking for work and to no avail and hearing that people come over from God knows where and gets work before her. Pierre you are Canadian and no matter if you speak French or English you are Canadian and everyone should feel that way.

    Jamie is fair and believe me he is a good person and would not call you or anyone psychotic. Jamie is polite and well manoered.

  34. A lot of people blame language for jobs they think they deserve, such as mr cameron. You denigrated your employer on a public forum. You are in front with signs calling the hospital management incompetent. Qualified or not, the hospital dodged a bullet. Thank god for unions that protects workers that do such transgressions. Had I been your boss, you’d have been fired by now.

  35. Jaime you seem to be getting a kick about how quebecers feel about language and anglo rights… there is a facebook site that is called.. la démission de Pauline Marois. A lot of people are defending both sides and it is very interesting regardless of which side you are on.

  36. Richard tremblay ,

    You are ill-informed. I had protested in front of Cornwall Community Hospital because it was not the best employee hired and that was not in the interest of those patients.
    I had seven years experience in that field as well as certification in that specialty, and had been working in that department on a casual basis .

    The person who received that position was not working in that department, nor had any experience in that specialty; in fact the hospital had to send her to train at a cost of $18,000 .
    Yet she still remained without experience, but she received that position solely because she was bilingual of which already more than half in that department already was.

    No certification, no experience yet the only attribute that allowed her the job was bilingual and the manager Nancy Loiselle advised me that was the reason she was offered the job.

    So yes, the hospital chose language as more important than education and experience -(MERIT)-So was that in the interest of the patients or hospital management’s political masters?

    I had every right to stand in front of that hospital and have people be made aware of the hospitals choice of language deemed more important than education and experience.

    The hospital has not dodged the bullet; they will still be held accountable with the 2800 signatures sitting at Queens Park.

    So folks, do you think language should be more important than education and experience?
    THINK, How would you like your elderly taken care of? Hopefully by the best QUALIFIED medical staff – we only hope!

  37. Thanks Jules for your comments.

    You wrote:

    “It would be terrible if we all had to speak Chinese and these people are starting to outnumber us.”

    I see no problem in learning Chinese or French or Italian or Russian or any other of the world’s languages though. Also, what do you mean when you indicate that, “these people are starting to outnumber us?”

    I also don’t see practicioners of the (Chinese/Mandarin) languages attempting to mandate the use of Chinese/Mandarin on an unsuspecting Canada or propaganda being coerced on the Canadian population. Do you see any websites/television commercials promoting/espousing the following in British Columbia?:

    “Chinese language education is the best choice for your child’s future?” It would be different if all of a sudden tomorrow morning we read in the classified sections of newspapers across the nation that our civil service positions required the use of Mandarin/Chinese. In addition to this, it would be quite odd if only the Chinese segment of the Canadian population numbered around 13-17% of the total Canadian demographics and all of our civil service was required to be bilingual, as in English/Chinese.

    I just don’t see that happening though. In other words, I don’t see Chinese special interest groups lobbying all levels of government for special funding/privileges out of the sheer reasoning that they belong to a specific language/ethnicity group. No, it seems to me that the Chinese culture/language and the expanding of which in Canada is grown out of grassroots organizations/businesses and community fairs.

  38. Honestly,
    with everything that is “factually and provably” known and has been printed and video’d and just plain publicized in every conceivable reputable news media in Canada over the years, CAN ANYONE really begin to think about taking a person who writes things like,

    “Québec treats it’s minorities just as well, if not better, than Canada does”

    with ANY ounce of SERIOUS WHAT_SO_EVER.

    This person and others, who we all are familiar with that write here, are just agitators and get their jollies from yankin our chains.

    AND… the reality is… If they truly believe this Cr@p that they spew (like I quoted above) then they have MUCH BIGGER problems that anyone here can fix or “convince them out of.”

    The simple solution for these people is to ignore them..

    Yes, it makes for a less active “debate” if we can call it that, but REALLY, is there any use in debating with people who write this kind of stuff?

    Our time and efforts would be better served if focused on other things. In my case, attempting to “spread the word” about what is going on to AS MANY PEOPLE AS I CAN REACH through whichever means possible.

    Right now that is through speaking to people that i meet and creating video’s that can spread on the net.

    The TRUTH is just that … THE TRUTH. Video’s that tell the tale of a woman being punched because she spoke English to a transit worker in Montreal, a woman and son who were egged because they spoke English on a Montreal street, a man who had a tomato sandwich throw in his face because he dared to speak English at a Montreal hospital (of all places), an Iranian man (who btw speaks 6 languages) who came to this country and was treated like cr@p while trying to sell his car in Quebec because he had simply not had time to do what “they” want to force everyone to do and “learn French” because he had just immigrated there not long before his humiliating experience. I COULD LITERALLY GO ON AND ON and most of you good people are familiar with, if not personally lived through, these types of humiliating situations yourselves in “THAT PROVINCE.”

    Let’s do our thing, spread the word, tell our tales and stories everywhere we can and then come here to share it with each other. pass the word on who we connected with, and how many people heard our stores, and how many people are more aware of what Canada is facing along our days…

    Because KNOWLEDGE IS power folks

    And the more people that are exposed to what is going on, and see the videos etc … THE BETTER 🙂

    PS Cory, i found this section of your last post interestingly poignant.
    “I just don’t see that happening though. In other words, I don’t see Chinese special interest groups lobbying all levels of government for special funding/privileges out of the sheer reasoning that they belong to a specific language/ethnicity group. No, it seems to me that the Chinese culture/language and the expanding of which in Canada is grown out of grassroots organizations/businesses and community fairs.”

    Certainly highlights just how crazy things are when one considers how much our government pumps into “that cause.” doesn’t it.

  39. Thanks again Edudyorlik for your above post.

    Yes, things do seem crazy. It seems we’ve all been duped. But moreso it happens again and again and again…

    The following bothers me and is eye opening:

    “Québec treats it’s minorities just as well, if not better, than Canada does”

    Let’s all think about this for a moment. There are so many things wrong with this statement but I want to and will point out two main things about it that I find specifically troublesome.

    1) This statement is just wrong. We only find Bill 101 and 14 that severely restrict the use of the English language in the province of Quebec. There is no equivalent anywhere else of a Bill 101 or 14 occuring anywhere in the rest of Canada outlawing the French language. Moreover, Edudyorlik, your comments regarding English language practicioner’s experiences are bang on for the way in which they describe what is happening in Quebec.

    I beg anyone reading this to give examples of French Canadians being mistreated by English bus workers, metro workers, paramedics etc. inside or outside of Quebec. Please for the love of everything that is fair and just, find me some examples of this.

    2) Pierre’s statement of, ““Québec treats it’s minorities just as well, if not better, than Canada does” is telling of the mindset of this man.

    Already, in Pierre’s mind, is the idea of the separation of Quebec from Canada. Quebec is still a province within the nation of Canada; truth be known. Although this marriage seems to be but a symbolic one at best anymore, as Quebec does what she pleases despite what the other provinces practice. For there is no, ‘Notwithstanding Clause’ that any other province can claim on convenience when it feels like.

  40. @ Cory Cameron
    The Chinese people are not a founding people/nation of this country and manderin is not an official language.
    And neither are the 200 other languages spoken, in Canada.
    Bilingualism dates back to 1763, before the creation of Canada, in 1867. It was part of the Constitution act Clause 133, I believe.
    That was because the francophone society had been building here, since 1608.

  41. A family friend a long time ago said, ¨richard, il y a des méchants anglais et il y a méchants français.¨ To blame all francophones for the idiot that punched a girl for speaking english is like blaming all anglos for what that Bain guy did at a P.Q. rally.

    – Christopher, I disagree completely. How you are not being taken to court is beyond me. You mentioned the public ins and outs of the hospital, naming individuals personally, that should not be done on a public forum. What you are saying is here say ? Who are you to judge that the person was not qualified, or even more qualified then you ? YOu haven’t seen her resumé ? You don’t know her qualifications or the real reason why she was chosen. They did dodge a bullet because a guy that complains every time he disagrees with his employer should be warned at first, disciplined, then fired if the situation repeats itself. You don’t like how the hospital is run, go through the proper forums, don’t slander the good name of the hospital and the workers.

  42. edudyorlik
    March 16, 2013 at 9:39 pm

    Well said ,let it be known to others that they are not alone in discrimination that many have experienced from the own government and in part society.

    I have come to meet many whom have been discriminated against ,hence I speak up .
    In a truly just society a person should be hired on MERIT first ,not language first,to do otherwise does society a disservice on many levels.

    1)-Discriminates against those that do not speak the second language that 80%of society.
    2)Society does not get the best “person” for those government jobs ,but the best bilingual applicant.
    3)Being bilingual applicant is required that limits applicants to only 17% of individuals only on language requirements not MERIT.
    4)Resentment of individuals who have the said requirements of education and experience (MERIT) and remain limited for opportunities for only one thing -Limited second language- which still remains 80% of the population!
    5)Society is being dumbed down within the government (i know,Its not that funny though)The applicants are chosen by language requirements and many would be great applicants are not even looked at because the lack of the second language.

    Cory you make a good point with Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese) ,but I still would advocate for fairness in the approach to bilingualism.

    We should be having a Measurable ,Fair and equitable approach to bilingualism such as REPRESENTATION BY POPULATION.

    You see it matters not what the official second language is but as long as our government approaches in a Measurable ,Fair and equitable way.

    At the present moment that Measurable ,Fair and equitable way of approach to bilingualism is not being followed.

    The original intention of French bilingualism was to “provide services where warranted” -The policy has been abused to now forcing french where those numbers DO NOT WARRANT.

    As for Cory’s Natzi statement – Natzi policies and Fascism remains a very grey area where the line crosses,and fascism remains a step in that same direction.
    Fascism evolves into a regional Ideologies and policies that enforce those regional Ideologies .
    Never do those policies lesson but become ever increasingly oppressive to ones that are ethnically /culturally not excepted under that regional fascist ideologies.

  43. Well said Cory

    “I beg anyone reading this to give examples of French Canadians being mistreated by English bus workers, metro workers, paramedics etc. inside or outside of Quebec. Please for the love of everything that is fair and just, find me some examples of this.”

    Yes show us some examples.

    March 16, 2013 at 10:52 pm

    Hey Pierre the natives have been here 10,000 years and are part of our country so why not their languages?

    The natives have been and remain part of the development of our great country as much as French and English .
    Why not protect their language as those languages are about to go extinct?
    So are you saying those native languages do not warrant the same protection that is allocated to the French language to the tune of billions yearly and 65% of all government jobs?

    Ob by the way the Chinese have been around for hundreds of years including helping build the national railway should they have less rights as well because of government implementation of bilingualism?

  44. Richard tremblay
    March 17, 2013 at 12:26 am

    “To blame all francophones for the idiot that punched a girl for speaking english is like blaming all anglos for what that Bain guy did at a P.Q. rally”

    Your not getting it Richard IT IS NOT AN ISOLATED INCIDENCE .
    Many more go unreported then what is reported ,but I have a feeling that is starting to change .

    -” Christopher, I disagree completely. How you are not being taken to court is beyond me. You mentioned the public ins and outs of the hospital, naming individuals personally, that should not be done on a public forum.”

    Yes ,yes Richard why haven’t they brought Christopher to court ?
    A very good question !!!!!
    I am sure he would like that !So would many of us as it would put to question the hiring practices of government institutions in the spotlight.

    yes ,yes ,yes, So really Richard why not bring him to court !!!Perhaps you need to address that with the hospital and REALLY ASK THAT FOR YOURSELF without the pretense of your french language bias.

    So YES question yourself why the hospital has not brought this to court???

    Does the hospital really want to resolve this? Bring it to court what’s stopping them …..oh yes that’s right …GUILT.

    “Who are you to judge that the person was not qualified, or even more qualified then you ? YOu haven’t seen her resumé ? You don’t know her qualifications or the real reason why she was chosen.’

    Did he not inform you of the person’s qualifications related to that specialty?
    You are questioning him and yet he is more informed then you or I on the subject,yet you judge him without having information to back your statement.

    Richard do you work for the hospital?
    Are you privy to the background information on the issue?
    Is there more information you can provide on the subject that can inform the people out there on the hospital hiring issue and Christopher Cameron?
    Or are you simply a BLOWHARD?

    Yes ,yes bring Chris to court CCH let the chips fall where they may .

    So ask yourself people why haven’t the Cornwall Community Hospital brought Christopher Cameron to Court ?


  45. @Richard tremblay RE: post on March 17, 2013 at 12:26 am

    Richard wrote, “To blame all francophones for the idiot that punched a girl for speaking english is like blaming all anglos for what that Bain guy did at a P.Q. rally.

    Yeah right Richard, except there is ONE (count em ONE) asshole Richard Bains idiot but several dozen (or even several hundred dozen) Francophone idiots punching, yelling at, throwing sandwiches and eggs at etc etc Anglophones in Quebec.

    What would one expect considering their government pretty much tells them it’s ok to act aggressively toward and treat the the English people and the English language with dis-respect since they have outright outlawed it.

    The fact that it is against the law means that people are even encouraged (and you KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE) to squeal on English people for using their language or displaying it on a sign in public (etc)
    YOU damn well KNOW attacks against English people for speaking English is much more prevalent (dozens and dozens compared to one Bain) yet you STILL “TRY” to make comparisons and save your side of this ridiculous argument when your side has no legs to walk on.
    It’s obvious that you and your ilk are simply “trying” to save face when you know what, everyone else can plainely see that YOU CANNOT.

  46. Right on Richard!!! Had the big C felt that in fact there was discrimination in his case, he should have fought it at the time of the occurence. Had the big C won his case (which I doubt he would have) that would have nipped the langugae issue in the bud. It also would have paved the way for the future hiring policies and would have corrected any wrong doing in the future. No need for protesting nor picketing in front of the hospital and making the Cornwall citizens pass as a bunch of rednecks.

    I found this quite interesting. I am reading a book written by Margaret MacMillan “Paris 1919″ On page 75 or so, (e-reader) it said ” When LLoyd George decided to go into law, his uncle worked through a french grammar book so that LG could get the language qualifications that he required”

    So english freedom fighters, language qualifications have been around for 100 years. Get over it……

  47. highlander wrote: So YES question yourself why the hospital has not brought this to court???

    The question should be, why hasn’t the big c sued the hospital? The C cried discrimination, he claims he had the proper qualifications for the job. Gee if his allegations were true, he could have proved it and won his case thus becoming the hero for the english freedom fighters cause.

    Yorlik…wonderful idea. You should be focusing more on the big rally in Ottawa and reaching out across all nations to spread the word about how terrible this country is. Thinking that would be more productive…**smile**

  48. First of all, french as founding nation, was also a “conquered nation”. If any one has the right to bitch it is the 200 “native” nations” that preceeded either the french or English.

    bilingualim “does not go back to 1763”. This was the treaty of proclaimation ( passed in 1763 ), returning land and culture to the french “after the conquest”. Bilingualism, was only put into place in 1969. Another inaccuracy , well what’s new

    Well said Cory and highlander and edudyorlik. When the “fraud squad,” speaks, it is so easy to prove them wrong on ALL LEVELS. However, they reject proven fact,and deny the historical fact as well. I know, I have nailed them ( with their own history) and they refuse to acknowledge that the facts , although there in front them are, in their minds are to be rejected. Go figure. Ethnocentric, xenaphobia, nationalism, bias ,and most importantly, anti-English.

    Edudyorlik, I am currently in Buffalo on business, and while typing these blogs, I have invited an American, Michael Lawson to view some of the blogs here. He is a business consultant that deals in mergers and acquisitions.

    After filling him in briefly, and reading a number of these posts, his reaction is that he is dumbfounded and shocked at first quebec, and second Canada for allowing this to continue. He said in the U.S. the french, acting like they are would be disavowed and cut loose real quick. This simply would NOT BE TOLERATED.

    That any institution would hire solely on language, that people are assaulted by transit workers, because of language. That the word PASTA is a threat to the french language, same as “penis ring”. That children’s health are put at risk because a nationalist refused to speak English.That children in St Lambert were threatened and harassed because they spoke English. That a government openly encourage its people to “rat out ” their neighbors for using the world’s “international ” langugae. That a quasi-police force goes around “measuring the letter size” to make sure frnch is dominent.
    That fines are issued to honest taxpaying citizens for trying to make a living, by using English , the international language of the world. Think how stupid this is
    He read the “fraud squad’s” comments and laughed that actually some one would have the gaul to consistently make fools of themselves, and defend such reprehenseable acts
    I refered him to sources in our history for references and he thanked me.

    I agree with you edudyorlik, that these incidents must be known far and wide to all. This also applies to eastern Ontario. I believe that a web site and fund raising to inform through mass media,is the next step. Word of mouth is also very “powerful”
    Today rates are reasonable and with the net and your genius in creating videos, this is a very real possibility. All of the posts here, I routinely send to friends In Canada and the U.S. This includes all of the assaults and updates on what the french in this country are doing , in the name of language. For the most part people have responded with rage and disgust.

    There is also a site in the state of N.Y. that I have been sending updates to, so they see as well what they are getting into going into quebec and eastern Ontario, This is a great idea , very productive and positive. Let the world see quebec and eastern Ontario in all of its lingustic glory. I defy any of the “fraud squad” to try to contradict with substative proof, through sources, not their opinions to refute “anything ” that I have said .
    This includes how the Montreal canadians treat their non -francophone players, that are both leaders in the community and on the ice, for not being “french enough” No wonder no one wants to play in Montreal and that they haven’t come close to winning a cup since 1993.

    I do applaud Mr. Gendron ( mayor)of Huntington quebec, for his stance against “L’office de la screw les Angliais “, He refused to stop forwarding information to the 40% of anglophones in french only, He will still send information in English .The response from the french, was that his car and home were vandalized. There you go quebec in all of its glory.
    Classy eh ???

  49. @ highlander
    It’s not french first it’s french and english tohether. I’ve already explained why last night, it was so but my post was deleted.
    If this one goes through, I’ll explain it again later because it’s important.
    And it wont be, just my opinion. You’ll be able to check it out as it is part of the history of Canada.

  50. @ pierre,

    Since you again brought up history and you check it, how about responding to the historical facts I outlined on my March 4th, at 1:27 p.m. and 8:11 p.m.

    I rest my case as to my previous blog. When questioned, confronted challenagd, they ( the fraud squad) fold like a cheap deck of cards.
    They try to use richard bain, as an answer to the FLQ, solidaire quebec, RIN and the many , many others incidents that have taken place.They conviently fail to mention, that Bain is mentally instable. The incidents and murders against the English were pre-mediated acts. Nice try, but we see through your propaganda and bias spin.It would be really refreshing if any of the fraud squad had anything to say that would stand up. Rants ,raves and rethoric, all baseless, is the norm for them.

    However, by these rants etc, they post, many people throughout Canada and the U.S. see them in all of thier glory, because I forward all of what they say to as many people as I can. They in turn, send it to others.

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