Letter to the Editor – Cory Cameron of Timmins Ontario on Discrimination – August 26, 2013



Discrimination.  The big D word.   A word most readily used by many though rarely meritable in its’ use.   In our contemporary world of political correctness, discrimination is one of many ‘buzzwords’ that forms a politicians’ lexicon of verbal spaghetti.  Political figures love to throw around the idea that one group of people are often discriminated against by another group of people or even by a nation’s laws.  It is a fantastic vote grabber for those most instrumental in the art of politics.  The truth however, in this day and age, is that rarely are modern-day laws discriminatory in their practice, right?




Have you ever heard of the concepts of affirmative action or what we like to call employment equity in Canada?  These are concepts that were instituted into Canadian law to help level the playing field for those who have traditionally suffered the ill consequences of discrimination; especially in the job market.  Under the Constitution Act of 1982, containing the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; equity legislation is detailed therein.  The Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) is enforced by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) and it is this commission that deals with whether or not discrimination has taken place in the workplace.


The following details the issue of Prohibited Grounds of Discrimination in Canada: (Belcourt, Bohlander, &  Snell, Managing Human Resources, 5th Canadian Edition, 2008).


Race or colour


Physical or mental disability

Dependence on alcohol or drugs



Marital status

Family status

Sexual orientation

National or ethnic origin (including linguistic background)

Ancestry of place of origin


Social Condition or origin

Source of income

Assignment, attachment or seizure of pay

Based on association

Political belief

Record of criminal conviction

Pardoned conviction


While appearing like a fair and equitable approach to the issue of fairness in hiring practices; employment equity actually creates the framework for unfair hiring criteria – whereby the best qualified person may be the most successful candidate but may not be chosen due to government imposed employment equity legislation.  Case-in-point; consider the possibility of two highly qualified candidates applying for the same government or private sector industry, job.  One candidate, a qualified counselor who, as a child, was raised in the atmosphere of a same sex marriage; understands the very real social challenges faced by his/her same sex parents.  One could surmise that not only is this individual qualified as a counselor; but has the added experience of being raised in a non-traditional family setting, outside of the traditional nuclear family.  The other candidate is also a highly qualified counselor but is a homosexual.  By the very definition and reasoning for employment equity, chances are that the successful candidate will be chosen due to his/her sexuality and not necessarily for his/her skills.


Another scenario if you will.  Imagine an Aboriginal couple fostering a non-Aboriginal child who is raised and immersed in Aboriginal culture.  He/she has a university/college education associated with his/her chosen field; speaks an Aboriginal language, is well-versed in the culture and customs associated with the First Nation and has all the credentials required of someone who could work for a government or non-government Aboriginal organization.  The other candidate also has some or most of these qualifications but has one added qualification.  Their ethnicity or race is of a First Nation.  Once again, by the very definition and reasoning for employment equity, chances are that the successful candidate will be chosen due to his/her ethnicity or race and not necessarily for his/her skills.


Sound like rare or improbable cases and scenarios to you?  I can attest that they’re not.  They’re increasingly happening everyday in Canada and Human Resources professionals have had to contend with the issue of unfair hiring criteria that these laws have created since at least 1995 with the Employment Equity Act.


If you think at this point that our Canadian employment laws are unfair and unjustified then I have even more bad news for you.  Consider the above information I’ve provided about Employment Equity.  Add to this the increasingly unfair bilingual language requirements as well and you can see where things are headed.  A politically correct society where in the quest for fairness we’ve permitted a very unfair system to flourish unchallenged by the people themselves.  We need to ask ourselves if Canada’s employment and language laws are really a reflection of what we encompass and value as a society or if our various levels of government are attempting through social engineering, to shape and mould the people’s consciousness to the system itself.  In other words, do the people work for the system or should the system work for the people?


Ever heard of the concept of a ‘bona fide occupational qualification’?  Believe it or not, this concept currently exists in Canada and it allows for discrimination in hiring!  That’s right folks.  You read that correctly.  In the very ‘Act’, the Canadian Human Rights Act (CHRA) whose existence is to prohibit discriminatory hiring practices there exists government-sponsored discriminatory hiring!  As Belcourt et al. reports (2008):


The act applies to all federal government departments and agencies, to Crown corporations, and to other businesses and industries under federal jurisdiction, such as banks, airlines, railway companies, and insurance and communications companies.  For those areas not under federal jurisdiction, protection is available under provincial human rights laws.  Provincial laws, although very similar to federal ones, do differ from province to province.  Every province and territory has a human rights act (or code), and each has jurisdiction prohibiting discrimination in the workplace.  The prohibited grounds of discrimination in employment include race, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, physical handicap, and marital status…Employers are permitted to discriminate if employment preferences are based on a bona fide occupational qualifications (BFOQ) or BFOR (bona fide occupational requirement). A BFOQ is justified if the employer can establish necessity for business operations.  In other words, differential treatment is not discrimination if there is a justifiable reason.  (106)

This sounds an awful lot like Orwell’s, Animal Farm, where Commandment #7 which originally stated that:


“All animals are equal”


Was eventually changed to,


“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”


Is this the kind of Canada we want to live and work in?  Surely the ideology of an individual’s rights should trump group rights in all respects.  Should it not?  Otherwise, we need to ask ourselves if we truly live in a democracy where all citizens enjoy the same rights and privileges as all others.  As of this writing, the majority of our citizenry cannot work for their civil service or hold the highest office of the land due to nothing more than a lack of knowledge of one of Canada’s minority languages.


Please keep in mind that,


“All Canadians are equal, but some Canadians are more equal than others”


Cory Cameron

Timmins, On

Sunday August 25, 2013


(Comments and opinions of Editorials, Letters to the Editor, and comments from readers are purely their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the owners of this site, their staff, or sponsors.)

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  1. @ Cory. In case you didn’t notice, and it looks like you didn’t, the Liberals (a federalist party) under Jean Charest held power in Quebec from 2003 until 2012. Every now and then, like in every other province, the voters chose a different party to rule. Even you should should be able to grasp that concept. Well, maybe not.

  2. Furtz said it right where he said that the heads of companies and all the top jobs went to anglo saxon people and the French people were kept down on factory floors. The former PQ leaders have said that before numerous times and one of them was Premier Levesque and he was absolutely right and so were the rest of them.

    Jamie is right just like what I have been trying to say is that all of us including the PQ supporters are fed up with the two party system and so the people of Québec use the PQ as a third party to put in whether they support that party or not. Just think about how we feel here in Ontario about “WHO DAT” of the conservatives and Kathleen Wynn of the liberals who is only a twin of McGuinty. I am voting for NON OF THE ABOVE and it won’t change anything at all so I would be wasting my precious time on such stupidities.

  3. Cory Cameron August 28, 2013 at 6:09 pm

    “If this is the truth Jamie, then how is it that separatists keep getting elected in Quebec?

    Does not the voting majority electorate not reflect the values of Quebec?
    And where is the counter to the deliberate ethnocentric laws being currently implemented in the Belle Province?”

    Hungry for the Truth…. August 22, 2013 at 11:42 am

    Because when one take time to look at the numbers of the last Provincial Election in 2012 it is clear, although Le parti Quebecois Seperatist are in power it is not the majority’s vote. It’s the split vote that saw them elected.

    Parti Quebecois 31.95%
    Liberals 31.20%
    Avenir Quebec 27.05%
    Others 08.00%

    Between the Liberals, Avenir Quebec and others 68.05% of the population of Quebec did not vote for Le Parti Quebecois Seperatist. I do not believe that Marois is in a position to even suggest a Referendum on the question of Sovereignty. Unless she is looking to commit Political suicide. And the last time that a Referendum was held in Quebec was 18years ago in 1995. Much has changed in the political landscape of Quebec.

  4. Cory Cameron August 28, 2013 at 6:16 pm

    “Well Roger. This is why I attempted to get the e-mail of Hungry for the Truth from our moderator so that he and I could have worked on a template to perhaps bring to the Board of Directors to the CCH detailing a more fair hiring criteria.”


    At this time I do not consent to giving you my e-mail. I’m a person that enjoys working with people that truly have a keen interest and respect in validating everyone’s input as equally important and valuable. It has been made clear from your groups spokesperson what I should do with my opinions and input. And at this time I truly believe I will get more accomplished.

    We have never met and already criticism and insults are being swirled around like it was candy. I will post the outcome of my meetings very soon. I also do not agree with need to have outside media present during a civil meeting. I can guarantee you that no one will call the cops or security to have me escorted off the premises. I am a civil, respectful and professional human being that does not believe that belittlement, belligerence and confrontation are productive tools, when seeking a favourable outcome in the effort of affecting change.

    I am posting your spokesperson comments just so we are clear that this is not personal. If you feel differently than your spokesperson, please feel free to post your own personal views.

    Highlander August 22, 2013 at 4:32 pm

    “Thanks for the advice ,but your more then welcome to set up your own bureaucracy and have a time line for implementation oh for over 50 years and have fun with that .

    This is but one of the many social media platforms we are involved with besides the various other groups and associations ,but please go ahead and tell all those others we are presently involved with how to do ,what to do ,when to do and how about to go about it!

    You have no Idea what happens in the background ,but your more then willing to attempt to control the scenario and to instruct how to do it .(valiant effort ,but lack of vision)

    You have what is called grand illusions whereby you are a leader with nobody following ,but keep on your agenda ! You do have 1 follower but my advice is do not use stella as your spokesperson she has a tendency to not like other cultures (I say that nicely) and it would only prove your agenda of ethnocentrism.

    So lives for lies go forth create your own bureaucracy ,perhaps funded by the franco rights groups for fair hiring (ya right )…more like to keep the status quo ….but leave it to us to voice our concerns and not create a strategy on this site ,as the best chest moves are the ones well thought out WELL in advance and your opponent remains unaware of.

    But thanks for the unwarranted advice.”

  5. jamie, and then there is voting federally…At least I know who I am not going to vote for.

  6. @hfft
    Obviously you never had any intentions to help improve hiring practices @ CCH.Your true “wolf in sheeps clothing” colours are shining thru.It wouldnt be the first time LFA encountered someone like u, Jean LaCompte AKA Mr Bilingual ring a bell???
    No great loss, LFA does not need a “plant”…

  7. Highlander asked, “I understand that your last employer was perhaps discriminatory. But did he have policies created like the government to promote discrimination?”
    The owner of the company did all the hiring.

  8. @HFTT…..You made the right decision, no doubt in anyone’s mind.

    From the start I had doubts and questioned the invitation. They have their own agenda and that is to eliminate French in this country even though French is one of the official languages.

    As for Cornwall, it doesn’t really matter to them anymore, they jumped on galganov’s bandwagon and that changed the entire scenario and agenda. When desperate, people do desperate things hence the freedom fighter gang.

    English lassie…….HFTT’s intelligence, class and professionalism would put anyone from the freedom fighter gang to shame.

  9. Eduyorlik: Slight correction, this is NOT BRITISH LAND and this is the 21st. century. Most Canadians I’m sure would disagree with that British statement. Check YOUR history, including things like the peace treaty between England and France. I know of no conquering nation except Germany that ever tried to take away a conquered nation’s culture and language in modern times. In the 16th to 18th centuries ALL colonial countries or conquerors were barbarians, and very uncivilized. Numerous cultures and civilizations were completely destroyed. Maybe if this is British Land we should get the British to come back and set up residential schools to kill the french in French Canadians, abuse and sterilize their children (Alberta and BC 19th century) basically cultural genocide, and use their children for medical experiments (BC), like they did with First Nations people? Canadians DO NOT know their history, despite the fact that we consider ourselves well educated. What was taught to us in school was pathetically incomplete, and usually one-sided depending on who wrote the book.
    What we see in Quebec to-day is a mirror reflection of what Franco-phones dealt with for centuries in this country. As I said, this is the beginning of the 21st. century. We like to consider ourselves civilized and educated so we need to act accordingly. “If we don’t know our history we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past”. There is no excuse for ignorance to-day, French or English, Quebec or Ontario.

  10. English Lassie August 29, 2013 at 6:20 am

    Obviously you never had any intentions to help improve hiring practices @ CCH.Your true “wolf in sheeps clothing” colours are shining thru.

    It wouldnt be the first time LFA encountered someone like u, Jean LaCompte AKA Mr Bilingual ring a bell???

    Your very comment confirms the correctness of my decision. Attitudes of arrogance, belligerence and judgement…..When disagreeing with someone why can you not show more respect, civility and respect.

    As for my intentions unless you have some kind of supper power I do not believe that you are in any position to judge my intentions, nor my willingness and abilities.

    “@ Cory, No great loss, LFA does not need a “plant”

    Never, at any point did I ever have an incline to infiltrate or join LFA. The loss is not mine!

    Your style of expressing your level of frustration and discontentment is very familiar to another moniker. Maybe English Lassie is your alter ego. Your “mini me”

    “Jean LaCompte AKA Mr Bilingual ring a bell???”

    Never met the man. Haven’t a clue who he is nor what he stand for.

  11. Roger Roy is absolutely right in what he wrote. I couldn’t fill in too much more.

    We are a British Colony and so is the US, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa including some other countries and islands. The US is not really independent like the “sheeple” were taught in schools and old George Washington sold out to the “banksters” of England since the US went bankrupt even back in those days. In our modern era the US has been bankrupt since 1933 and hasn’t crawled out of bankruptcy. I had a good chuckle a while ago reading that Detroit cannot even afford to issue birth and death certificates and that is how far down the tubes they are. There were 8 presidents before old George Washington and most Americans do not know anything about that.

    Britain is no saint at all and were nothing but thieves, murderers, drug dealers, pirates, etc. I know even more but Jamie will not print it.

    Our education system is mighty low and held back by design to keep people virtually ignorant. The best thing that people can do is to give their kids the opportunity of an education that they never had and that includes languages as well. Go to your libraries and it is free through your taxes and take advantage of what is there. Don’t keep thinking that if you vote for a particular party that things will change because it won’t – you have to be the change out there. Forget the parties because they are all controlled by the same people. You be your own change and make things better for your children and grandchildren.

  12. Well well well … Progress. Stella is finally NOT trying to intimate that Canada is a bilingual country.


    She is now saying it like it is ” a country with two official languages” (well, apparently not EVEN THAT if you’re in Quebec however. 🙂

    Guess my videos are working 🙂

    Have a nice “official language” kinda day eh 🙂

  13. Hungry for truth (AKA lives for lies) wrote, “The loss is not mine!”

    My question is according to whom? 😉

  14. Hungry for truth (LFL) wrote, “I am a civil, respectful and professional human being that does not believe that belittlement, belligerence and confrontation are productive tools, when seeking a favorable outcome in the effort of affecting change.”

    OK, so let’s see here.

    YOU BELIEVE (and argue it’s just fine)

    That the “Canadian” Trans Canada highway section that travels through a province (Quebec) has ZERO REAL English (the common language of this land/country and to quote the “gang of agitators, “one of the official languages of this country”) on the construction signs in that section.

    And you call this respectful?


    Hungry for truth (lives for lies) wrote, “I am a civil, respectful and professional human being that does not believe that belittlement, belligerence and confrontation are productive tools, when seeking a favourable outcome in the effort of affecting change.”

    OK so, your part in the taunting of Anglophone people who want to stand up against this unfair situation with this kind of rhetoric when you wrote…

    Are you serving “Tourtieres” or “Poutins”. Can I drive a only French on my bus. SEPERATIST if it’s possible.”

    Is what you call respectful and NOT belittlement ?

    Of course, AFTER you write these insults and taunting messages you then come back in a post days later (Hungry for the Truth…. August 18, 2013 at 11:15 am) and come on — almost as if you have handed over the keyboard to someone else and they go on — to write some diatribe (in your name) about communicating and helping with the cause and “teaching us poor peons” how to “create a plans d’action” etc etc..

    So, which is it Hungry? Are you
    “civil, respectful and professional human being that does not believe that belittlement, belligerence and confrontation” as you claim in one statement and really interested in working to STOP this insanity?

    Or, are you more similar to a French troll that does what many French trolls do and “shrug off bill 101 as unfair” when the media has a camera shoved in your face but then, it’s “les moudit Anglais. Sont tout paraile. C’est une bonne chose sacrément nous avons le projet de loi 101 pour les maintenir à leur place” when you’re “ALONE” with “tes amis” at home playing cards or on the boat with your drinking bud’s?

    The answer..
    is quite clear to those who peel off one of the layers of the onion and look just below the surface. And I am quite confident that ANYONE who has, can clearly see “your double sided” approach and thus, exactly what you are all about.

    And on that note, I hope you have a great “two faced” kinda day eh 🙂

    PS: You’re in good company.. Pauline and her gang are REAL good at this too. SEE she “pretends” she respects people too.


  15. ON August 29, 2013 at 9:28 am
    Roger Roy wrote, “Eduyorlik: Slight correction, this is NOT BRITISH LAND and this is the 21st. century “

    In some way you are correct Roger. BUT… for the benefit of others reading as well…

    There are two “truths” or “relevant to the time frame” — states of being — to consider here.

    One of those “states of being” would be looking at things from the position of that era when things were just “DONE THAT WAY.”

    Barbaric is a good term for it, yes. Countries were “settling land disputes” and deciding where their borders markers would lay with weapons instead of how they do it today.

    Which is literally by taking possession of other countries resources and people (without physically moving onto that land). This is now done by means of an old “invented” concept called — money – Then, by extension the further “imagined” concept that directly stems from the “invented” concept of money that comes into play which is – debt —

    So now, instead of bombing other countries and moving in with troupes (like the old days) the richer countries just make other countries so indebted to them that all their resources and wealth is simply transferred by means of nice tidy electronic bank transfers into the coffers of the country that holds the purse.

    But, I digress. All of this to say that yes, “part of your argument” deals with “ancient times” and part deals with “modern times” so yes, things were done quite differently “back in the day” but,

    The FIRST and original treaty after France was defeated by the victorious British was signed by France and they had ceded ALL OF Canada to the British. France decided to go with the “ownership” or possession some island because it had sugar on it.

    And for a time the English, the Scotts and others were the larger population in Quebec and actually built much of the physical landscape and injected the “ways of life” into that area. The French have pretty much wiped out that “historical truth.

    But, that was then and this is now.

    My BIGGER concern is what we see happening today
    Speaking from a pragmatic point of view which is NOT anti French but more interested in fair play… As opposed to the French who want French ONLY or at the very least dominant in Quebec but then come to Ontario (and other parts of Canada) and push French ONLY and dominant as well.
    One would think a people who understand and are fighting for respect for their language would understand that going onto someone else’s turf and pushing things this way would create a sense of anger and outrage.

    But yet, they do it almost as if saying, what are you going to do about it. You have done nothing up to now. So, let us be with our quest to make it AS FRENCH as we choose.


    Again, almost as if seemingly waiting to be confronted with what is tantamount to how “they believe and expect” that they SHOULD BE confront but since they are not they simply continue to march onwards till someone does..

    I would say that the French (a defeated clan) have flourished and gained TOO MUCH power in our political system (at all levels – federal, provincial and local) in this country as a whole

    while also having basically taken over a “province” inside the country of Canada. They are now running the affairs of that “province” as if it’s “a country” of it’s own with their own Prime Minister
    “premier minister”

    (oh, but financing this endeavor with unbelievably HUGE amount of funds from that other part of Canada which they hold such disdain for) and THAT ANOTHER HUGE THORN IN MY SIDE.

    Frankly what I am focused on is trying to rectify and get back to a state of WHAT SHOULD BE, as opposed to what a small group has forced things into what is has become.

    Much of this is with the help of spineless politicians, a media that turns the other way (or worse, hides the truth)

    and a race of people who are too damn polite, easy going, accommodating and to if that wasn’t enough complacent too.

    Traits that I guarantee you the former P.M. Pierre Trudeau recognized as traits that would fit quite well into his plan to hand over this country to the more aggressive, outspoken race on the other side of this situation.
    *Let that house be all of Canada

    Oh and, I would also venture an educated guess that all of this REALLY gets under the skin of the Canadian citizens that still live in that province even more. As they are on the front lines of the discrimination and — French only this and that — where their language (that of the country they live in) is generally thought of as a language that should be NOT SEEN OR HEARD.



    But, thanks for pointing that out Roger. I appreciate that and will endeavor to relate things based on that concept moving forward.

  16. PS: One small thing i forgot to add or mention has to do with the terms … Bilingual and Bilingualism.

    It is QUITE CLEAR and it has been “proven by direct action that is verifiable” that these terms have are simply

    INTERIM TERMS (interim states, if you will)

    to the French

    and the French use these terms (doublespeak) to placate the English into believing that everything is just fine (take a Valium).

    They lull everyone into a state of calm with the claim that “all is fine and all they want is a state of fairness (bilingualism)” which then (once numbers favor the French) becomes a complely French a state of — ONLY —

    Rockland, Ontario (not 100 French YET but most town workings . COMPLETELY FRENCH)

    Vanier, Ontario (not 100 French YET)

    Embrun, ONTARIO (mainly French first and ONLY)

    Hawkesbury, ONTARIO

    Haweksbury, ONTARIO

  17. @ edudyorlik. You’re on a roll for sure. Don’t stop now! Got any pics of French signs in North Ontario? Maybe Cory could help you out with that. Are we supposed to get all apoplectic because you found some pics of French signs on the interweb? Too funny! Are you the official LFA comedian? If not, you should be.

  18. stellabystarlight August 29, 2013 at 8:31 am

    “ @HFTT…..You made the right decision, no doubt in anyone’s mind.”

    Well, I reluctantly and disappointingly agree that it’s the right decision. Nonetheless disappointing. It could be so much more and have such a positive outcome.

    You can be sure that my intentions, and my willingness to attempt to affect change are stronger than ever. And it has not taken me 3years to formulate an action plan and a sound realistic, and factual argument that does not require the Separation of Quebec to accomplish a reversal of these unfair Hiring Practices.

    But, you know with attitudes such as the one of their spokesperson’s and their association with a “radical activist” and the Ranter it’s no wonder that they are not taken as serious
    as they pretentiously believe, by the Authorities in this Community.

    I’m sure that some of the Authorities read the posted comments made in this CFNpublic domain and asses and evaluate the quality and clarity of their Agenda.

    “English lassie…….HFTT’s intelligence, class and professionalism would put anyone from the freedom fighter gang to shame.”

    My purpose and intent was never to show anyone up. It was just to share an opinion and suggestions that could lend itself to foster change. If they interpret my input and opinions as Worthless, that is out of my control. My intent is honest and non malicious with no interests to deter anyone from their agenda.

    We’ll see what happens. I have every intentions of posting the outcome of my attempts in order to keep you informed.
    Thanks for your views and opinions. Although they are not always respected as they should.

  19. Kilroy, i have a house in hawkesbury, did you look at the other side of the building. The same sign is there but in english. Il faut que tu regardes plus loin que ton nez.

  20. assemblée source de vie is given in french only and it an inside sign in a hall. Are you saying that french people can’t have masses or practice their religion in french. Are you that desperate to find faults were there is none. TU tentes de trouver des poux ou il n’y en a pas. Now hawkesbury is roughly 80 percent french, find me a unilingual anglo sign, there are probably hundreds. Now that is a real cry and shame. Go into the beer store, bulk barn, any depanneur, pizza pizza and try to get service in french…”GOOD LUCK¨now that is a real cry and shame.

  21. OK Richard, there “may” have been an English sign on the other side of the building which faced the wall of the other building and not the “busy visible street” side where the French ONLY sign was but, i’ll tell you this much. The menu’s in the restaurant had French in MUCH larger bold print and yes, the English was indeed there but MUCH smaller and NOT in bold print.

  22. No Furtz but try and i might i couldn’t find any ENGLISH sings in hell forsaken Quebec as they are against the LAW. Especially ones on the side of moving vehicles.

  23. yorlik wrote: OK Richard, there “may” have been an English sign on the other side of the building which faced the wall of the other building and not the “busy visible street” side where the French ONLY sign was but, i’ll tell you this much. The menu’s in the restaurant had French in MUCH larger bold print and yes, the English was indeed there but MUCH smaller and NOT in bold print.



  24. Kilroy, you probably listen to lowell greene . This guy likes to push the buttons of his viewers on specific topics, why not, it gets people to listen to the station. He shares your views on bilingualism. The same issue of hawkesbury restaurant menus was brought up last year. And this was one of the rare times I agreed with Lowell greene, he said¨this is just being petty.¨ Did you also know that in some restaurants in hawkesbury, there are english menus and french menus. You could get either if you actually ask
    – If i’m going to complain about english signs in front of saint-judes church in hawkesbury, i would keep it to myself because I know i’ts an english only church. And, If I’m going to complain about signs, i’m going to look around more then one part of a specific building.

  25. edudyorlik
    August 29, 2013 at 11:53 am
    Hungry for truth (LFL) wrote, “I am a civil, respectful and professional human being that does not believe that belittlement, belligerence and confrontation are productive tools, when seeking a favorable outcome in the effort of affecting change.”

    OK, so let’s see here.

    Yes lets see it !
    Since July 12 /13 ? :(LFL) has said “I am a civil, respectful and professional human being that does not believe that belittlement, belligerence and confrontation are productive tools.”

    Yes ,since at least July 12 of Cory’s postal letter has he referred Edudyorlik as the King of rants and as well as myself King of inaccuracies .

  26. Hungry for the Truth….
    August 29, 2013 at 2:27 pm

    “My purpose and intent was never to show anyone up. It was just to share an opinion and suggestions that could lend itself to foster change. If they interpret my input and opinions as Worthless, that is out of my control. My intent is honest and non malicious with no interests to deter anyone from their agenda.”

    I guess that Is why you have been name calling since at least july 12 .




  27. Richard tremblay, stroll through the graveyards of Hawkesbury and VanKleek Hill, English and French have been living and working together in that area for about 2 centuries. I doubt anyone died because they did not get service in one language or the other. I doubt the Jean Coutu warehouse has many accidents just because thier roadway in and out signs are both French only. I am not a fan of the new housing style in west Hawkesbury, it looks like a carbon copy of Montreal housing that is out of place for the geography.

    People get along, adjust and make do, if they want too!


    edudyorlik August 29, 2013 at 11:42 am
    “Hungry for truth (AKA lives for lies) wrote, “The loss is not mine!”
    “My question is according to whom?”

    The loss, to the many Health Care professionals in Cornwall that are led to believe that they have “advocates” defending their cause. And, are being prevented from working based on unfair Hiring Practices. And an extra set of hands could have been helpful in advancing their cause. They are the ones that stand to loss. Or maybe they can wait another 3years with no results?

    I was not suggesting that it is LFA ‘S loss or your loss. When one puts as much effort at obliterating a culture and insulting any one that disagrees, I would not expect them to feel a sense of loss for anyone that is perceived as an adversaries.

  29. edudyorlik August 29, 2013 at 11:53 am

    “Are you serving “Tourtieres” or “Poutins”. Can I drive a only French on my bus. SEPERATIST if it’s possible.”
    “Is what you call respectful and NOT belittlement ?”

    In contextual reference which can’t be done in any intelligent way because you extrapolate from context WORDS and don’t supply a time tag to allow readers to form their own opinion in a contextual way.

    Because I wrote them, I can affirm that in context to when and where they where written they are not disrespectful nor belittlement. They are HUMOUR! IN THE CONTEXT.

    The Comments you make below RESPECTFUL? BELITTLEMENT? Most certainly not humour.

    edudyorlik August 29, 2013 at 11:53 am

    “PS: You’re in good company.. Pauline and her gang are REAL good at this too. SEE she “pretends” she respects people too.”

    There is no attempt at condescension or belittlement? Look at yourself first before you try self-appointing yourself as a superior form of principle morality.

    Edudyorlik August 29, 2013 at 8:03 pm

    “No Furtz but try and i might i couldn’t find any ENGLISH sings in hell forsaken Quebec as they are against the LAW. Especially ones on the side of moving vehicles.”

  30. @ Hungry. As I’ve said before, If the freedom-fighters are trying to draw attention to unfair hiring practices at CCH and eastern Ontario, they are shooting themselves in the foot by constantly squawking about french signs and booting Quebec out of Canada, and such lunacy. Any interest in, or sympathy for their cause gets flushed down the toilet when people come across BS like that. In fact, they just get written off as a group of crazy anti-French radicals.

  31. Author

    Furtz if you or anyone really cared about the issue it would not matter how well or poorly the message is delivered. Requiring workers at CCH to pass French as a First Language testing is plain wrong. I would love to see the Francophone staff at CCH testing and see their scores. This is social engineering.

  32. @ Admin. I’m not saying there isn’t problems that needs remedying re hiring practices at CCH and probably other places. I’m saying that the endless BS about breaking up Canada, and the sight of French signs etc, is killing what might be a legitimate cause.

  33. admin August 30, 2013 at 12:13 pm

    “Furtz if you or anyone really cared about the issue it would not matter how well or poorly the message is delivered.”

    Jamie, with all due respect, there are more that really do care about the issue, and they do not all post on CFN. Many are the 1000’s of readers that you refer to. So it does matter how
    well or poorly the message is delivered. Having accountability, clarity and focus of the message is essential to garner support for the issue in my opinion.

    “Requiring workers at CCH to pass French as a First Language testing is plain wrong.”

    That is the message. The Whole message. The issue. Unfairness in the Hiring Practices.

    Blaming Quebec laws that are not responsible for this shift, in my opinion is just as ineffective as brushing your teeth with dirt.

    There is other Governing bodies other than the CCH board of directors that are responsible for the shift and influence that is plaguing Health Professionals with unrealistic linguistic requirements. It has nothing to do with Quebec’s language laws.

    The faulty measured use of French-language Services originates in ONTARIO and unfairly affects Ontarian’s.

    If one presents themselves as “Advocates” is it unreasonable for readers and participants to expect clarity and focus in the delivery of the message on the ISSUE?

  34. Highlander August 30, 2013 at 4:33 am


    Your attempt of discrediting me and faulting me only brings confirmation that I have made the correct decision. Your belligerence, further explains and justifies the correctness of my decision.

    Not wanting to associate myself with anyone that can justify intimidation and accusations as a solid method of conflict resolution is in my opinion is the CORRECT thing to do.

    Never at any time did I ever think that the readers are stupid. I have spoken to readers that never post, and most have a very good take of your antics and tactics. So I wouldn’t ever consider them stupid. I feel very comfortable leaving them to intelligently conclude.

    I have never refused to work with Cory. I have invited him to post his personal comments on his views. You have made your views clear calling them BS as well. Not all share your opinion.

    It seems that once again your demeanour and accusations in this response is as always indicative of your denoted methods seen in so many of your posts.

  35. On August 30, 2013 at 10:30 am
    Hungry for the Truth…. wrote, ”

    Awww, calm down there hfft (AKA LFL) Don’t want to blow a fuse now do ya?

    edudyorlik August 29, 2013 at 11:42 am
    “Hungry for truth (AKA lives for lies) wrote, “The loss is not mine!”
    “My question is according to whom?”

    HFTT (AKA LFL) wrote,
    “The loss, to the many Health Care professionals in Cornwall that are led to believe that they have “advocates” defending their cause. And, are being prevented from working based on unfair Hiring Practices. And an extra set of hands could have been helpful in advancing their cause. They are the ones that stand to loss. Or maybe they can wait another years with no results?”

    Oh my, you really are quite full of yourself aren’t you?

    This “problem” goes MUCH DEEPER than a hospital in Cornwall. Or even the city of Cornwall for that matter. This cancer has taken hold of the country as a whole. It was “injected” if you will, into all parts so as to make it VERY difficult to “cleanse.”

    I truly DOUBT (BIG TIME) that you or the “advocates” there will be able to stop this as it is going to take a MAJOR majority Anglophone push for that. A push that i can tell you — is coming soon —

    With your type of “sense of self” you must be just dying to tell us all who you REALLY ARE just so that you can attain the level of respect you obviously believe you deserve based on that type of “confidence” element which comes with being looked up to (whether warranted or not) as in the case of television or radio personalities.

    C’mon, since it seems SO IMPORTANT TO YOU then, tell us who you are so you can garner the respect you obviously believe you deserve. The confidence connected to “that persona that doesn’t come through in text”

    HFTT (AKA LFL) wrote,
    “I was not suggesting that it is LFA ‘S loss or your loss. When one puts as much effort at obliterating a culture and insulting any one that disagrees, I would not expect them to feel a sense of loss for anyone that is perceived as an adversaries.”

    Funny, you address me in this message but seem to be attacking the LFA with this statement ”

    “When one puts as much effort at obliterating a culture and insulting any one that disagrees ”

    So i guess i should defend myself within the possibility that you were also referring to me.

    FACT: (and please remember it)
    I DO NOT, as you say, “put effort” into obliterating ANY culture. I am, what MOST SANE PEOPLE would refer to as, standing up for the Anglophone side of this and finally retaliating (MOSTLY by way of pointing out the TRUTHS that exist in that province committed by the French and highlighted in the media).

    There seems to exist in Quebec a group of the most arrogant people that could possibly exist (not all of course, but). This is a people who outlaw the English language in their “country” and then believe it’s just fine — AS THE MINORITY — IN the rest of Canada — make their language first and dominant on in hospitals and universities and on public buildings and small towns where they outnumber the English who, despite being the larger numbe rin those small towns are none the less still in ONTARIO, a province with a 96% Anglophone majority… BBzzzzttt. Disrespectful to say the least.

    I have watched this progression from
    — French on my cereal box (no big deal) to
    — French in the government (also OK to a degree) to now unilingual Anglophones having difficulty gaining employment in their own country.

    This is not to mention that SOMEHOW the Anglophone Canadian population has allowed the concepts of:
    Canadians choosing our Prime Minister from a mere 17.5 % of the population that can speak French AND not allowing Anglophones to advance beyond a certain rank IN THEIR OWN Anglophone dominated COUNTRY without knowing French.

    AND THAT, does not even touch on all the other unfair, unjust, and beyond the realm of insanity kinds of disrespectful kinds of things this race is allowed to get away with in this country.

    Oh and, notice i say, “allowed to get away with?” That is because i blame the Anglophones for ALLOWING this cr@p to take place MUCH MORE than i blame the Francophone for pushing those limits.

    But, what can we say, we’re a friendly, giving, loving, easy going, accommodating, open, and a respectful kind of people which is much more than i can say for the French (not all of them, but) when it comes to what i see coming from their kind in THAT PROVINCE on almost a daily basis.

    And, in case you’re TRULY interested, MUCH OF WHAT I SAID in this last statement is well documented in my accurate videos which show credible news agencies reporting what is going on in Quebec and the disrespectful manner in which they are pushing their language and culture on Canadians OUTSIDE OF QUEBEC.

    And, in those, oh so familiar words we have all heard at one time or another.


    (think child having a seizure and the paramedic opening a language debate saying to the distraught father, “you have to speak to me in French.”)

    And on that note, i bid you a happy “reality” kind of day 🙂

    PS: here’s the latest example of DIRECT DISRESPECT…

  36. RE POSST BY:
    admin August 30, 2013 at 12:13 pm
    Admin wrote, “Furtz if you or anyone really cared about the issue it would not matter how well or poorly the message is delivered. Requiring workers at CCH to pass French as a First Language testing is plain wrong. I would love to see the Francophone staff at CCH testing and see their scores. This is social engineering.”

    True Jamie but, as just about ANYONE will tell you, (and i am sure you know first hand) French is a MUCH more difficult language to learn.

    So, in the end it’s still unfair.

    And besides WHY should all people outside of Quebec learn French just to gain employment in hospitals and the like?

    Especially considering what is happening inside Quebec where the population DOES NOT EVEN LEARN the common language (English) of the very country they live in.

  37. Opps, i left out two words in my above post…
    PLEASE NOTE in bold…

    edudyorlik August 30, 2013 at 1:39 pm
    I have watched this progression from
    — French on my cereal box (no big deal) to
    — French in the government (also OK to a degree) to now unilingual Anglophones having difficulty gaining employment in their own country. NOT ACCEPTABLE

  38. I have to say that Furtz is very right in what he said and all the arguments about English and French is what chases doctors and others away – Cornwall has had a lot of French people who left in the 1950’s era during the seaway and they are as much a citizen of Cornwall as an anglo. The more the anglos taunt the French then it sounds more like the separatists of Québec on the warpath than an Ontario town.

    I am both English and French and when I was in school my highest marks were in French. English was more of a disaster zone even though it is my original language. I love the French language and speak it with my husband on a regular basis including English because my husband learns more English all the time and that gets me laughing at some of the things that he comes out with. If people put their children in a French language school then the child is well versed in the language. My husband learned French back in Lebanon and there is no distinction over there if you want to learn a language. I had friends who lived in Egypt and went to an Italian school and no distinction. All the fighting that I read is done here in Canada. I do not hear anything in the US and elsewhere. People learn French even in England and such places and it is only here in Canada that I hear so much bickering.

    Hawkesbury is a French town (the majority) and I don’t hear anything coming from these people or any other place. Here in Ottawa it is a skip and a hop across the bridge to get over to Québec and I never hear a single thing. I also worked on the Québec side for three months and not once have heard anything negative and that was in the late 80’s. In fact I hated to leave and liked the people that I worked with. I liked most places and hated to leave but it was time to move on. Not once have I heard the bickering that I hear from Cornwall.

  39. Author

    Furtz there are direct connections between the issues. There sadly really are….

  40. FURTZ@ Hungry. As I’ve said before, If the freedom-fighters are trying to draw attention to unfair hiring practices at CCH and eastern Ontario, they are shooting themselves in the foot by constantly squawking about french signs and booting Quebec out of Canada, and such lunacy.

    Furtz the thing is CCH is not the main thing anymore since they jumped on the galganov bandwagon. galganov wants the elimination of anything French IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY..

  41. Roger Roy August 29, 2013 at 9:28 am

    “Canadians DO NOT know their history, despite the fact that we consider ourselves well educated.”

    Roger, we do not have to go so far back in history to find historical evidence that French-language Canadians have been discriminated against. As you’ve said “those who not remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. I would add to that “Those who not or WILL NOT remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

    All that is being said, written, exchanged or debated about languages is lacking of historical and contextual references in my opinion.

    The injurious criticism of French Canadian culture and more specifically targeting Quebecers, appears to be a reenactment, of a time that most English Canadians conveniently omit to recollect or admit to, when they accuse Quebecers of being xenophobic.

    The well documented history of the struggles for the survival of the French Canadian language and culture, would not lend itself well, as a script to become a Disney movie. Some would describe it more, like a, Stephen King novel. The survival, and the Right
    of use, of the French Canadian language, have been historically forced into defending itself in the face of war, battles, blood shed, unfair Laws and practices of discrimination against it.

    As noted above, most English Canadians omit the recollection of this time in history. They openly accuse the French Canadians. Never accepting any wrong doing. They discard the factual reality of the historical actions of injustices and unfairness, that the British Imperialists and English Canadian’s inflicted against the French Canadian’s Rights and culture . They blatantly attack their mental and emotional insecurities and would have us believe that Quebecers xenophobia is self created and unjustified.

    A snippet of a more recent time, denotes historical evidence and defines an era of Canadian history, where French Canadians living in Quebec, did not have the right to self-governance. Prior to Bill 101, the Anglophone Supremacy that dominated the
    Citizens of Quebec, clearly confirms that politics have always dictated language policy in Canada, usually directed against Francophones.

    For decades, Anglophones exercised power over Francophones in Quebec, and as a result of this English dominance, gave way to English mansions in Westmount and French slums in St-Henri.

    The situation in Quebec was not a Rosy story book tale, prior to the 1960s. We find a typical English colonial setup. If you were Francophone you were generally relegated to the lowest rungs of the economic ladder. In some companies, even the position of
    foreman was exclusively held by Anglophones. To have any chance at advancement within the Company, most upper level positions required fluency in English, and French was considered an asset.

    Many parts of Montreal were as English dominated as Toronto. Your chances of being served in French were about the same as in Toronto. Before Bill 101, Montreal was basically an English city where the majority spoke French. Also, about 90% of immigrants to Quebec ended up as Anglophones. Francophones had basically accepted their subordinate position to Anglophones for decades until the 1960s.

    Many things changed in Quebec in the 1960s. One of which was the economic prospects of Francophones. This was largely due to people like Jacques Parizeau who created organizations like la Société générale de financement and la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec which made capital generally available to Francophones for the first time. This completely changed the economic landscape in Quebec. Quebec was no longer at the mercy of a group of wealthy Anglo oligarchs.

    Then Francophones in Quebec, used democratic institutions to regain control of their destiny, ending an era of Anglo dominance, that had plagued them for decades. This lead to a lot of positive changes for Francophones, AND the dreaded language laws.

    History, afforded Quebec Citizens the value of hind sight, an opportunity of correcting any unfairness’s or injustices going forward. And in this case fairly and realistically justifies the
    behaviour and WILL of French Canadian’s. Not out of discrimination but as an equal Right to promote and protect their culture, and the use of their language. Which up until then had
    been dominated and controlled by English Canadians.

    Quebec’s language laws may be a nuisance to Anglos in Quebec, and in other parts of Canada, but they are not discrimination. Like Affirmative Action in The US, they are to correct an historical injustice. The problem here, of course, is that most white Americans DO acknowledge the injustice done to Black people in the US, whereas, most English Canadians refuse to accept, that they are responsible for any injustices done to anyone,
    francophone, native or anyone.

    Quebec is the only place left in North America where it is still possible to live and work in French. There is Laws to make sure that this will continue into the future. The demands of Anglo-Quebecers and some discontent Canadians, seems to be that Quebec should stay a Province of an English-speaking country and rescind all protection of its language.

    I fail to see how anyone can see that, as anything less than a demand, for cultural genocide for the last viable community of French-speaking people in North America. A people who have inhabited this continent for centuries, dating as far back as New France, and Lower Canada. French Canadians have been participants and an active contributor in building our

    I can’t help but wonder, if equal historical efforts were made against the English language, to suppress it’s use, and dictate their right to self governance, as is the history of the French
    language in Canada; how many English Bill-101 would we have today. Could the English speaking Canadians be faulted in wanting to prevent historical suppression and violations
    of their Right to the use of their language and the preservation of their culture?

    In 2013, some English Canadians, are still admittedly working with the same sense of entitlement, and denote a repressive attitude toward French-language in Canada. Are we once again living an ERA of history, where the English majority is one more time seeking to utilize suppression dictatorship over French-language of Canada.? Done in the name of equality, fairness and democracy to the English majority at the expense of discrimination against the French Canadian minority?

    “Je me souviens, Que né sous le lys, Je croîs sous la rose.”
    “I remember, That born under the lily, I grow under the rose.”

  42. @ Hungry for truth (AKA Lives for lies)
    “Because I wrote them, I can affirm that in context to when and where they where written they are not disrespectful nor belittlement. They are HUMOUR! IN THE CONTEXT.”

    Considering what you wrote,

    “Are you serving “Tourtieres” or “Poutins”. Can I drive a only French on my bus. SEPERATIST if it’s possible.”

    it would seem that one mans humor (a French man) is another mans insult (an English Man) who is banished from this particular bus that you were asking to drive.

    I think people can see for themselves that once again your attempt at fancy quote sand words DO NOTHING to make your claims REAL.

    But, that being said, i wish you a very happy “humorous” kind of day.

  43. If they find this group of citizenry so outrageous and so out of left field and this or that – there still remains the issue of why comment at all? It’s true; I write extensively on the issue of language fairness; most often in regards to how it relates to jobs. I do this because I want to elicit ideas and responses from like-minded people who may share in my beliefs that there is something amiss to all of this. These bilingual hires don’t reflect an actual service need and so What other conclusion can one draw about this issue? And then the idea that business owners cannot post in the language of their choice? Something amiss there too.

    Now what about laws outlawing the English language in the still as of August 30, 2013, Canadian province of Quebec?

    Ask yourselves this now? Am I pestering any French language blogs or newspapers denouncing the imperialist tendencies of bilingual or even separatist policies? No I am not. Now why are a few on CFN demonizing a few dozen people who are fellow Canadians seeking nothing but equality in the job market? This has opened my eyes to the fact that many of our French brethren in Canada are not all that different from the attitudes expressed by those Southerners who supported Jim Crow laws.

    It’s strange, though isn’t it? The same old world snobbish European attitude that was expressed so often in yesteryear still flourishes amongst many of our fellow Canadians.

    Chances are very real that Napoleon could have laid claim to all of North America at one point. But even Napoleon conceded that much of New France was a Catholic backwater that wasn’t worth fighting for at the time.

  44. Stella, who is shooting themselves in the foot. I know you don’t look at links but maybe the ones who do, can get a picture of the frustration and one sided social engineering going on. There are over 300 comments there as well. Of course, you will get views, some drastic, some not, that is life.


    You have been discriminated against, I have been discriminated against, let’s move onto correcting it for our kids!

  45. @Edudyorlik
    AKA Kilroydude, King of Rants

    Thank-You for your well wishes.
    I am nor French nor English.

    I AM BI.

    Have yourself a kind of Canadian day hey!

  46. hungry, wasn’t it howard g s lawyer that said that francophones that are bilingual, aren’t truly francophones ?

  47. Hungry for the Truth…. August 30, 2013 at 2:24 pm

    Yes, you’re right. Most Anglophone Canadians don’t recall the injustices that took place in Quebec with most of the wealth being owned by English Canadians. This was especially true in Montreal in the 20’s to 50’s. Industries owned and managed by rich English and worked at by poor French….

    Recall the stories as told by famous Canadians such as Rocket Richard and Jean Chretien?

    I am referring to the Rocket Richard Historica Minute segment and the stories as told by Jean Chretiena and his biographer, Lawrence Martin in, “Chretien, Volume 1, The Will to Win”.

    But alas, there is something to be said about how the French ethnocentrics treat others who disagree with them. (Let’s cite Oka for instance). It’s bad. But it doesn’t hold a candle to what they do to one of their own. Case-in-point, let’s examine how one of our former PM’s were treated in speaking about Quebec issues with a University of British Columbia student named Daniel Latouche. In discussing Quebec sovereignty, Chretien and Latouche had a heated discussion which saw Latouche accuse Chretien of selling out to the English; while Chretien hinted at Quebec’s idea of nationhood as being a dream.

    And it got worse. At the University of Montreal, he was pestered with a stink bomb, was the victim of shouts and laughter too. (All of this while he was a minister). On speaking of the differences of living standards between French and English Canadians, and how this would have to change to reflect more equality between the two peoples, the following took place:

    “When a student shouted that Quebecers had had been hearing that “bullshit” for a century and nothing had happened, Chretien fired back that for one hundred years Quebec had been producing nothing but priests and lawyers and teachers. It was about time it started producing economists and engineers and businessmen. It was about time, he said, it joined the real world.”

    HFTT, your post of Aug. 30, 2013 2:24pm had a resonance of downtrodden French to it – as caused by English supremacy. You expressed the following which is all historically accurate and which I agree with:

    “The well documented history of the struggles for the survival of the French Canadian language and culture, would not lend itself well, as a script to become a Disney movie. Some would describe it more, like a, Stephen King novel. The survival, and the Right
    of use, of the French Canadian language, have been historically forced into defending itself in the face of war, battles, blood shed, unfair Laws and practices of discrimination against it.

    As noted above, most English Canadians omit the recollection of this time in history. They openly accuse the French Canadians. Never accepting any wrong doing. They discard the factual reality of the historical actions of injustices and unfairness, that the British Imperialists and English Canadian’s inflicted against the French Canadian’s Rights and culture . They blatantly attack their mental and emotional insecurities and would have us believe that Quebecers xenophobia is self created and unjustified.

    A snippet of a more recent time, denotes historical evidence and defines an era of Canadian history, where French Canadians living in Quebec, did not have the right to self-governance. Prior to Bill 101, the Anglophone Supremacy that dominated the
    Citizens of Quebec, clearly confirms that politics have always dictated language policy in Canada, usually directed against Francophones.

    For decades, Anglophones exercised power over Francophones in Quebec, and as a result of this English dominance, gave way to English mansions in Westmount and French slums in St-Henri.

    The situation in Quebec was not a Rosy story book tale, prior to the 1960s. We find a typical English colonial setup. If you were Francophone you were generally relegated to the lowest rungs of the economic ladder. In some companies, even the position of
    foreman was exclusively held by Anglophones. To have any chance at advancement within the Company, most upper level positions required fluency in English, and French was considered an asset.

    Many parts of Montreal were as English dominated as Toronto. Your chances of being served in French were about the same as in Toronto. Before Bill 101, Montreal was basically an English city where the majority spoke French. Also, about 90% of immigrants to Quebec ended up as Anglophones. Francophones had basically accepted their subordinate position to Anglophones for decades until the 1960s.

    Many things changed in Quebec in the 1960s. One of which was the economic prospects of Francophones. This was largely due to people like Jacques Parizeau who created organizations like la Société générale de financement and la Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec which made capital generally available to Francophones for the first time. This completely changed the economic landscape in Quebec. Quebec was no longer at the mercy of a group of wealthy Anglo oligarchs.”

    And here is where it gets a little weird and you seem to support the pendulum swinging to the other side.

    “Then Francophones in Quebec, used democratic institutions to regain control of their destiny, ending an era of Anglo dominance, that had plagued them for decades. This lead to a lot of positive changes for Francophones, AND the dreaded language laws.

    Hymmm. There is another group in history who used democratic institutions to further their cause as well. Can you guess which one, HFTT? And good sir, I substitute those Language Laws for the Nuremburg Laws. Read them, they sound an awful lot like the same language as what we see in the current laws like Bills 101 and 14.

    “History, afforded Quebec Citizens the value of hind sight, an opportunity of correcting any unfairness’s or injustices going forward. And in this case fairly and realistically justifies the
    behaviour and WILL of French Canadian’s. Not out of discrimination but as an equal Right to promote and protect their culture, and the use of their language. Which up until then had
    been dominated and controlled by English Canadians.”

    Are you putting forth the argument that Bill 101 is not discriminatory in its outlawing of the English Language. Where English lettering must be half size and below the French language?

    “Quebec’s language laws may be a nuisance to Anglos in Quebec, and in other parts of Canada, but they are not discrimination. Like Affirmative Action in The US, they are to correct an historical injustice. The problem here, of course, is that most white Americans DO acknowledge the injustice done to Black people in the US, whereas, most English Canadians refuse to accept, that they are responsible for any injustices done to anyone,
    francophone, native or anyone.”

    What?! HFTT, Quebec’s language laws are not only a nuisance, but restrictive and totalitarian in their intent!!!! Where else in the world in 2013 are English parents restricted to send their children to school in English? Or any other language for that matter?

    Sir, like I argue in this LTE, affirmative action and employment equity are perfect examples of discrimination in their most purest form!

    “Quebec is the only place left in North America where it is still possible to live and work in French. There is Laws to make sure that this will continue into the future. The demands of Anglo-Quebecers and some discontent Canadians, seems to be that Quebec should stay a Province of an English-speaking country and rescind all protection of its language.”

    Quebec is not the only place in North America where it is possible to live and work in French. How about most of Canada and parts of the United States? What about the Cajun areas?

    “I fail to see how anyone can see that, as anything less than a demand, for cultural genocide for the last viable community of French-speaking people in North America. A people who have inhabited this continent for centuries, dating as far back as New France, and Lower Canada. French Canadians have been participants and an active contributor in building our

    I can’t help but wonder, if equal historical efforts were made against the English language, to suppress it’s use, and dictate their right to self governance, as is the history of the French language in Canada; how many English Bill-101 would we have today.

    Well none as the English in Quebec aren’t being heard right? What about the majority in Eastern Ontario or New Brunswich who’s rights are being stripped away to work in their own communities?

    “Could the English speaking Canadians be faulted in wanting to prevent historical suppression and violations
    of their Right to the use of their language and the preservation of their culture?”

    In South Glengarry they could be faulted by the likes of certain commentors on CFN!

    And to what party or parties were you referring to when you penned the following:

    “Are we once again living an ERA of history, where the English majority is one more time seeking to utilize suppression dictatorship over French-language of Canada.? Done in the name of equality, fairness and democracy to the English majority at the expense of discrimination against the French Canadian minority?”

  48. Great article Eric.
    Hungry for Truth” If you are truly “Hungry for Truth”
    read this article and watch these videos.

    Like a chocolate vanilla combo Oreo cookie you have peeled the cookie apart, holding half in one hand and the other half in the other. You went on to described what you see in one hand but, like many stories and situations there is the description of the other half of the cookie which is sitting in your OTHER HAND which, when i get the time (not available to me right now) i will endeavor to provide.

    for now. Again, if you really are Hungry for the TRUTH watch this series. (part 3 especially)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAPVYkLYJKI — 01

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XO9lZkPu8zk — 02

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wpvha-oe0Hw — 03

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD8UOwJJ4D4 — 04

    It was their own elite that did them in and BOTH ENGLISH and French were “used”

  49. Hungry for the Truth…. August 30, 2013 at 2:24 pm







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