CFN – Jim McDonell, Progressive Conservative MPP for SD&SG must be starting to feel like a campaign is coming up as he’s becoming more outspoken on several issues.
Last week he issued a release on Youth Employment or lack thereof in Ontario and I sat down with him for a one on one interview.
Mr. McDonell will also be the opening speaker of the Town Hall Meeting in Cornwall Ontario Sunday October 27th, 2013 at the Air Force Wing in Cornwall.
The event will have live music and comedy, as well as other community speakers including the Warden of the United Counties of SD&G and if all things go well a special greeting and performance by Akwesasne Grand Chief Mike Mitchell. Admission is free and open to the public from 1-4 PM!
For more details about the Town Hall Meeting check out CFN for more details!
Kathleen Wynne Failing Ontario’s Young Workers
CORNWALL – The Ontario PC Caucus is calling Premier Wynne out on her government’s record on youth unemployment. “Ontario’s young people deserve a government that will open up opportunities, not one that drives up unemployment and makes empty promises,” said PC MPP Vic Fedeli, the Ontario PC Finance Critic.
Despite promises contained in last year’s Budget and Premier Wynne’s latest announcements on a youth employment strategy, many Ontario youths struggle to find work and training in the province and are forced to move. Youth unemployment in Ontario has risen to 16.4%, a figure even the Government has admitted to..
“Over one in seven Ontario youths are without work due to a decade of Liberal job-killing policies that shut doors to trades apprenticeships, drove manufacturers out and bled job-creators dry through red tape and punitive taxation” – said MPP Jim McDonell. “In a gesture of policy leadership, we cleared the decks so Kathleen Wynne could bring forward her plan for jobs, or steal ours if she didn’t have one. Instead, she’s serving Ontarians a re-heated portion of stale rhetoric and empty promises.”.
“Ontario needs solutions, not more talk; Ontario PCs have outlined a clear path to growth” – McDonell concluded. “The Liberals’ indifference is worse than not having a plan. It’s doubling down on an approach that’s failed young people in our area of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry for ten years. That’s why it’s time to change the team that leads this province. ”
MPP McDonell also talked about the Arbitration system, confirms that he will be running again if there’s a Spring election call, and how the Green Energy Act is the Liberals greatest failure of this mandate in office. Click PLAY above to listen to the full video.
Great interview Jim,
I think that the majority of Ontarians do not realize that the Liberal gas plants costs of 1.1 billion and some estimates when its all done are 1.6 billion.
This to ensure 2 liberal seats and what did we get for that 1.6 billion NOTHING ,well except protection of those two Liberal seats.
It would not matter to me what party would have done this IT REMAINS AN OUTRAGE to many.
We have incurred great costs in a green energy program that was obviously an ideologically motivated rather then a measured calculable approach.
Now Ontarians have a surplus in energy and subsidize Americans energy cost and often pay them to take that energy off our hands, now tell me how does that benefit Ontarians ?
I would be disgusted in any party that would approach policies that have hurt the average Ontarian with increased costs with very little benefits .
We will all pay long into the future for this mess with increased electricity cost and particularly the elderly that live on limited fixed income and the many working poor.
Thank you Liberal Government for showing us how political ideologies without a measured plan has trumped the needs of Ontario’s citizens.
This is a fine example why voter apathy exists ,when the populous feels they no longer have a voice or are listened to. SAD.