Mike Duffy Stephen Harper & Justin Trudeau – What an odd scent in the air by Jamie Gilcig

388px-Mike_DuffyCFN – It’s funny reading the latest on the Senate scandal, Stephen Harper’s possible political demise, and Justin Trudeau’s ascent.

It’s almost like it’s a bad script.

What we do know.

Whatever success Mr. Harper has is because of planning and scripting.  It’s boring.  It’s not pretty.  It’s brutal and heavy handed, but it’s also created a sense of strength and conviction recognized across political lines.

Mr. Harper and his team hand chose Mr. Duffy, Ms Wallin, and Brazeau.     They were not strangers to the government.   A government led by someone that clearly has stated that he would like to abolish the Senate.

Will the scandals stick?   Even if Stephen Harper admitted to ordering Mr. Duffy’s pay off would that really indict him with voters?  In this day of Rob Ford can any scandal really bring down a politician in a system with almost zero accountability?

Even if there were no Senate scandal could Stephen Harper beat Justin Trudeau in the next election?    Would Mr. Harper be willing to roll those dice?

If Mr. Harper leaves before February he gets a whopping good retirement fund under the old rules for funding.    If he goes down in flames over this scandal many a Blue boy and girl will guffaw over single malt claiming that he took one for the team; maybe even compare him to former Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty.

Every politician has to go…someday.    Most rarely get to pick that day.  Right now Mr. Harper has that option although it’s not as pretty as the one that former Premier Frank McKenna chose.

And at the end of the day this scandal will help public opinion towards his stated goal of abolishing the Senate.

Always follow the money.

As for Mr. Trudeau; for a party preaching the legalization of Marijuana there was a clearly absence of Red at the media event with Jodie Emery in Ottawa Tuesday.   The US has given the “Green” light for Marc Emery, the Prince of Pot, to finish his term in Canada.

While this scribbler can understand the Harper government being their nasty selves and not bring home a Canadian serving time in a US prison for a crime he was never charged with by Canadian law enforcement why wasn’t Mr. Trudeau or any Liberals front and Centre?

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Marijuana is an important economic hot potato right now.    It’s also a political one with the Harper government putting thousands of Canadians in an odd situation in that they currently can grow their prescribed legal medical marijuana, but come next year that practice will be illegal.   Users will be forced to purchase from licensed dispensaries such as the one just announced in Smiths Falls Ontario in the former Hershey Chocolate plant run by a Liberal money man.

Thousands are wondering how they will pay for their “medicine” as their costs will go from a few hundred dollars per year to over a thousand dollars per month for some.   Will the provinces pay for this for those on disability or assistance?   Will the Feds pay for it?  Is it just a scam to inflict punishment on Medical Marijuana uses who some feel are circumventing the law as what happened with prohibition alcohol in the 30’s in the US?

What do you think dear viewers of CFN?  You can post your comments below.

via medica


  1. stellabystarlight: “So you see David……. it is alright to disagree but what is also very important is to leave judgement and personal attacks out of the equation.”

    What ?OMG folks you read that from Stella …you really did…I need not go there but those of you that have been viewing for a while ….what do you think.

    Now Stella being that you continually refer to Galgonov’s Pamphlet of which it is apparently quite clear that you have never seen but the cover so then I ask you again this question …

    Now would you like Galganov’s pamphlet in so that you can read the entire pamphlet ? A simple yes or no.

  2. @ Bella. Your buddy Kilroy regularly tosses infantile insults at people he disagrees with. Stuff like “Come out from under your rock” and such. It’s totally predictable and mildly amusing. What’s mind-boggling to me is that freedom-fighters don’t seem to know that BS like that just makes them look even stupider than they are, if that’s possible.
    Fight on!

  3. If this senate scandal involving theft of public funds/attempts to fleece the taxpayer serve to undermine the senates continuance and ultimately result in its demise then nothing was lost and we have gained ground.

  4. Ohhhhhhh bella-b,
    I must say… That was a good one…
    I thoroughly enjoyed this little word play of yours.

    bella-b wrote,
    “just If (and I said if. don’t get your panties in a bunch!) your opinion is wrong, should you be allowed to spew it ad nauseam, demean others, and dance the ignorant dance of victory?”

    Especially the — “dance the ignorant dance of victory” part 🙂

    As you know bella-b. There are a few regulars here (the agitator gang) who have little to no empathy or caring for the people dealing with the reality of what is going on.
    They demonstrate this VERY CLEARLY on those many occasions when they, not only — DO NOT HAVE THE DECENCY — to begin their rebuttal to whatever the new stories du jour is,
    whether that be this dying patient (who btw has died now) —

    or this distraught worried father of a 2 year old having a seizure

    — with a few words of compassion for the various players in the stories (the dying man at the PQ hospital — who did die BTW — and the little girl with the fever) before plunging into their rebuttal in lame defense of the healthy paramedic and or the healthy intern but they also, generally go well beyond simply trying to justify those blatantly unjustifiable actions into what can only be described as a “disgusting” attempt to — not deal — with the truth or the facts for fear that they MUST defend ALL CASES because admitting that SOME cases are CLEARLY WRONG would somehow smear ALL of their clan COMPLETELY.

    Which frankly just adds an EXTRA ELEMENT OF disgust for when they conclude with that oh so familiar “ignorant dance of victory.”

    But, we must have hope and remember that …

    Oh and PS, McDuffy and the rest of them should be thrown out without getting ANY MORE of our hard earned tax dollars. They were CLEARLY misusing the public trust in saying they were living in houses that it was PROVEN they were not living in. They interviewed people in all three cases who straight up said, “NOPE. We haven’t seen so n so around here AT ALL.”

    _____(o o)

  5. Furtz  November 4, 2013 at 6:26 pm

    @ Bella. Your buddy Kilroy regularly tosses infantile insults at people he disagrees with. Stuff like “Come out from under your rock” and such. It’s totally predictable and mildly amusing. What’s mind-boggling to me is that freedom-fighters don’t seem to know that BS like that just makes them look even stupider than they are, if that’s possible.
    Fight on!

    Feeling guilty much there furtz? I think thou doth protest too much! lol
    And there you go lumping folks together again. You’re a funny fella furtz. lol

    I notice too, that stella and davey boy have chosen to ignore me again. I seem to close out quite a few comment sections, when holding posters accountable for their words. It’s sure is easy to spew out baloney right up until someone questions the flavour……..then silence.

  6. highlander asked: Now would you like Galganov’s pamphlet in so that you can read the entire pamphlet ? A simple yes or no

    Thank-you for the offer, but no thank-you. I got a copy when it first came out……..enough said.

  7. Furtz November 3, 2013 at 10:46 am

    Ah hem, uhmm Furtzie. I highly reject the idea that my suggesting that you “Come out from under your rock” could be pegged as an “infantile insult.”

    ESPECIALLY when one considers that this was a suggestion to you as a direct result of this ridiculously insulting statement by you …

    Furtz wrote,
    “Kilroy, aren’t you advocating for the break up of Canada? What’s with the BS about the Quebec separatists being the only one trying to do it?”

    which, i am sure MOST WOULD AGREE is actually much more of an infantile insult.

    And on that note i bid wish you a “it’s a matter of degree” type of day eh 🙂

    Oh and duffy Mc scruffy should go, as well as his “teammates.”

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