CORNWALL Ontario – Robert “Bob” Kilger finally put his papers in and will be running for mayor which means I finally have someone to campaign against!
After several false starts and predictions of running the two term mayor signed on the dotted line to ask voters for a third chance to lead the city.
This last term has been marred by scandals and allegations of Conflict of Interest, Closed Door meetings that violated the rules, several whistle blowing cases, the Paul Fitzpatrick scandals, the mail scandal, and probably a few more that haven’t been reported yet. In other words, after Rob Ford, the McGuinty/Wynne team he should come in with 75% of the vote
I jest, sorta.
Asked for comment, former councilor Leslie O’Shaughnessy said he had no comment at this time as did a few other area politicos.
Well Cornwall, we now have a race. You can post your comments below.
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To me the race for council and mayor doesn’t really start until nominations close. There could be other very capable candidates out there that are waiting to file their papers. Whether a person files their nomination papers on day one or the last day it’s still the same. Filing early does get your name in front of the voters. The important thing is making sure your name is on the ballot and that the people get out and vote.
Well, well, well this has to be an interesting race. Camptown races here we come doo dah doo dah. Look at that horse in the race Bare Ass. I am going to be stuck on this election for sure. We sure do need change and give that horse a good kick in the rear end and hope that he disappears for good – like the glue factory where he belongs.
Jules… will be interesting…..I do believe most of counsell should disappear….The new members don’t seem to have much of a say …..Murphy and Dupelle……they follow the leader like the sheep they are…..Carr,Gardner,and Bernie, ….the same …….they are tainted and staining our city…..just like Bare Ass……My City and my children deserve better…Seems alot of people just moved away….just be carefull if you bend over in Cornwall….
Jamie I know that I wrote a manuscript and wanted to say something about it but as usual I got carried away. That is what happens when I have a lot to say and no breaks between my brain and the keyboard. LOL LOL. It is hot outside and I can blame that as part of the problem. I have to put the blame on something. LOL LOL. Sorry Jamie.
Jules CFN, unlike the freeholder, pre moderates every post. That means someone has to read it before it goes live!
Jamie there is absolutely no problem and I appreciate that everything is read before it goes through the system. With mine you would fall asleep on the keyboard reading it. LOL LOL. The fan nearby is not enough to cool down my brain. LOL LOL. Have a good day.
@ Jules. LOL LOL ROLF! etc. Any more than three or four lines, and nobody will read your comment. LOL LOL ROLF…
LOL LOL. Furtz I wrote a manuscript and Jamie must have cursed and said “Oh no not Jules again!” and fell asleep at the keyboard. LOL LOL. I have quite a kick out of this CFN like a barrel full of monkeys. I am heading to bed just now since I am very tired and that heat just got to me today. Like I said to Jamie my brain and the keyboard just get out of control.
Next week is the week that Leslie O’Shaughnessy may throw his hat in the ring to run for Mayor. ( I do hope so )
If anyone can beat the current Mayor it is Leslie.
I hope there are more candidates. The current slate is less than ideal to make changes in this city.
Holy Moly! Good news if this is true about Leslie O’Shaughnessey is thinking about running for mayor. This is one of the good people of Cornwall. This man has integrity and self respect and couldn’t stand it anymore working for a crooked system. I had the most respect for Leslie when he left office and he showed that he wasn’t going to be bullied like the others and cared for the people that he represented. Bare Ass holding back mail – that is fraud. Nobody can tell me that who ever holds the gold can do criminal actions and get away with it. The old saying is that “every dog gets his day” and how true that is. Get rid of Bare Ass – the bloods and the cripps – no difference. If Leslie comes in it would be a great deal better and it would be like electing a good man of Jamie Gilcig – two very good people and either man cares about the community but Bare Ass is only there for himself and his clique.
Christopher North I wrote a manuscript to you yesterday and what a day it was for me yesterday and won’t go into that one but the entire gang at city hall has to be thrown out lock, stock and barrel. Eleven counsellors for a very small town is ridiculous and they drove Cornwall into the graveyard. About your children they would have no other recourse but to leave Cornwall unless some miracle happens. We need to see better people in counsel and a whole different mayor and I hope that the ball is in the court of Leslie O’Shaughnessey or Jamie Gilcig both these men are good people. Get rid of the old worn out old horse of Bare Ass and send him off to the glue factory where he belongs. What a horrible time it is to have that around.
Yes Leslie O’Shaughnessey or Jamie would be an improvement on our current mayor. But without a major change in some of the other members of city council getting either one of them in would be wasted. Also a change in direction / attitude is needed. Remember the mayor does NOT vote on council matters unless there is a tie.
The problem lies deeper than the mayor Hugger. It’s council and so far I don’t see 5-10 candidates I’d be happy to serve with. There are also some city managers that need “retiring” or replacing.
I noted the need for a council / management change in my previous comment…..”But without a major change in some of the other members of city council getting either one of them in would be wasted. Also a change in direction / attitude is needed.” Baby steps, a little at a time.
I said it before that city managers have to be replaced and I said from the very top downwards. Baby steps are not enough to make the necessary changes they have to be done now and not later when it is too late. There is someone on council (won’t say who) but knows what is going on in the town and he and his family can bring Cornwall down when they want. This is the type of mentality that runs Cornwall. You have to have good people in council which I prefer wards. Cornwall is very small and doesn’t need all those councellors. Ward system is the way to go and you don’t need more than 4 or 5 – 7 at tops. Seven is still too many. I live in Ward 4 Alta Vista area. Trim the fat and that is the first place to start. Another thing go private for garbage and other things. You will save a lot of money. City workers can be used for sewer work and that is how it is done here in Ottawa. Contract out.
Easier said than done in regards to replacing city managers. If the past is any indication they all have rock solid contracts. We’ve paid enough to fired / retired city managers.
The garbage /recycling collection in Cornwall has been privatized for some time now.
A lot of city services could be contracted out….street maintenance, sewer work, bus services, bylaw enforcement, etc. I think a lot could be saved if we were to look into this method of saving money.
I think we have some great city workers. I don’t think we necessarily have to contract out. That after all ads in a layer of extra cost for the contractor. Nobody works for free. But there are always improvements in efficiency that can be created; some by actually asking our city workers!
I agree we do have some great city workers. As I mentioned in another post I think a minimum 1% savings could be achieved in every city department including the CPS. If the actual workers were asked for suggestions on how to achieve the 1% instead of leaving it up to managers it could be achieved and probably more saved.
What is ridiculous is when I see city workers out working you would see at least 3 or 4 supervisors looking on while one person would do the job. “Too many chiefs and not enough Indians as the old saying goes.” There are workers who do take goods home with them and they use company vehicles for their own use and that has to stop. I have seen it myself when we lived in Cornwall. I have also seen a retired city worker have access (keys) to the gate at Guindon Park. There is so much that has to be done and I don’t say that lightly. Whoever gets in as mayor is going to have their work cut for them to get rid of what Bare Ass did. All of his clique was given a free ride and that has to end now not later but now.
Agreed on too many chiefs and not enough workers. But in some cases it isn’t always what it seems (& no I’m not defending city workers). Sometimes it’s workers waiting for another worker to finish their portion of the job so they can do their part.
As for workers using city workers using city vehicles for their own use that is slowly becoming a thing of the past. With GPS and other technology the cities can determine where their vehicles are and when.