CORNWALL Ontario – Yes the municipal election in Cornwall is getting dirtier than Todd Lihou’s sandal clad stink feet.
The Freeholder’s Greg Peerenboom nailed Mayor Kilger for using city resources.
This would not be the first time that Mayor Kilger is using the excuse that he’s a near illiterate high school drop out that can’t use a computer because turning things on just isn’t that easy for our mayor.
“I take full responsibility and it won’t happen again starting now,” Kilger said, after he verified his transgression with city clerk Helen Finn, the chief returning officer for the Oct. 27 municipal election. “Your right, I’m not supposed to use any municipal resources for the purpose of the campaign.”
Last election the mayor had Bob Peter’s of Economic Development work on his campaign during office hours. Mr. Peter’s was brought back from having to work for Peter Gault’s computer company when the Mayor was elected to his first term as mayor. He had been forced to resign under a cloud of smoke and rumors left the city employ under Paul Fitzpatrick with the cause alleged to be related to expenses billed to the city for an overseas trip. The file containing those records mysteriously has disappeared from Cornwall archives; never mind the alleged infamous City Credit card slip.
The Mayor also still hasn’t explained how his advertising to this newspaper in the last election was paid for by Gilles Latour and not his campaign with Mr. Latour only showing half the amount as a campaign donation. Both the Mayor & Mr. Latour have refused to comment.
It gets dirtier than that believe it or not. Elaine MacDonald, who besides being one of our most corrupt and conflicted councilors is head of the Labour Council. The Council conveniently not only endorsed her coven of witches mayor Kilger and her proteges Alyssa Blais & Carilyne Hebert, but fellow school teacher Heather Megill along with Andre Rivette, Syd yes I’ve been embalmed Gardiner, and new comer Guy St. Jean; but also essentially endorsed at least two candidates that hadn’t filled out their questionnaire and one that didn’t show up at their event.
Louise Lanctot when asked to publish the questionnaires stated that they are shredded after they are judged.
The Labour Council arranged for their slate to chat with the bright minds of our future at St. Lawrence College.
Can you say Gerry rigging an election?
Really? There are few words to describe the utter sleaziness and corruption tainted to that hot mess.
Were these people raised by hyenas and jackals? Did they not watch Sesame Street? Did they not learn right from wrong or have any moral compass growing up?
And finally for tonight we have the Community Action Pledge. The CAG asked candidates to sign their pledge to fight taxes. That was easy enough and many did including myself as the only mayoralty candidate.
Heck even a few incumbents signed it along with most of those fighting to replace them.
All the pledge was is to do all that is possible to roll back taxes. That’s it. Why on earth wouldn’t any candidate not sign that; especially if we don’t have to keep paying out millions to cover up scandals from the mayor and his cronies?
Sadly even this gesture, and frankly it’s a limp gesture as CAG isn’t really serious about this issue in this scribblers opinion. Sadly CAG boycotts CFN. You might even see ads in newspapers for this list that cost more to advertise in and have smaller viewer/readerships that CFN and aren’t even locally owned media outlets. That certainly isn’t about being a good fiscal practitioner.
Yes, the Gong show has started and the bell hasn’t even rang yet on Monday night.
We’re still investigating if Leslie O’Shaughnessy has entered the Witness Protection Program as he seems to have gone poof! No comments in other media; not answering phones or making statements about some of the hijinks that have been going on.
He was last seen at the Chamber debate after recovering from a cold. (no milk carton pic …yet)
Of course it could be worse. It could be in South Stormont where that wacky guy Jim Bancroft is actually stumping to kill the ad contract with The South Stormont News.
This from a man who stiffed his own community while mayor and ended up being sued by the township for not making sure that insurance claims were filed in a timely manner with an eventual settlement of only $66K for taxpayers which didn’t come close to covering costs for voters.
Listen to his words. Is that scary or what? Of course he’s not Tammy Hart who not only is campaigning to kill the ad deal, but to “remove the paper from this township” earning her our fascist of the month award for October!
And of course Glen Grant still hasn’t apologized for assaulting senior Roland Besner.
Maybe Pat Finnerty was right?
Doesn’t that make you just want to move here or open a business?
Elections are Monday October 27th! And not a day too soon!
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So, what exactly was the “city resource” the mayor was using for his campaign?
Well then maybe other near illiterate seniors’ could also use those same city resources, fair is fair
What exactly does, “I take full responsibility” actually mean? We have heard one politician after another make this same statement. Wynne took full responsibility for one of the provincial liberal governments wrongful misuse of public funds, the gas plants scandal. Does this mean that Wynne and her band of thieves will reimburse the taxpayer? Don,t hold your breath.
To answer my own question the statement means absolutely nothing. The public swallows it hook line and sinker and in the case of the liberals gave them the reward of a majority government which currently is attempting to cover up their current abuse of trust and abuse of taxpayers money (the office tower financing).
So what does Bob mean? He means he is sorry that he got caught and understands that there will be no consequences. So my next question is, how will you reward Bob for his honesty and sincerity on election day?
I think we all know the answer to that question already!
@Mary Bray… the drain on city resources that that would cause could bring things to a stand still. But then again I have lived here for 28 years and nothing has moved us forward yet. One can always hope though.
Jamie I am so busy laughing my head off at this end and shooing my husband who is so full of laughter with his jokes out of this room. I cannot figure out who is the wackiest whether it is me your wacky Jules or those on Parliament Hill, the military or Cornwall’s Bare Ass and council or who. The Gong Show is right and please Jamie let me hit the gong. I am sitting here laughing myself to pieces with an uneducated, sneaky and crooked mayor of Cornwall and his gang of crooked thugs and I don’t know which one is the most stupid and crooked of the gang. Speaking about Todd Lihou’s stinky feet I worked with a German girl here in Ottawa who had the same stinky feet and we used to have a lot of jokes with her. I really enjoyed this column today since you have me roaring with laughter like a lion on the loose. LOL LOL. ROLF! ROLF!
Jamie and folks listen to Mr. Pat Finnerty and listen well to what he says and he is absolutely on “the money” and this is a man that I love to listen to and yes Cornwall’s population hasn’t changed a bit in fact it went down and if it were not for a few immigrants and a few people who moved from Ottawa, Montreal and elsewhere to replace those who left and died Cornwall would be less than the population of Brockville. It is a mighty corrupt bunch who runs Cornwall and they run it into the ground and only for themselves. You all read what Bare Ass did well this is nothing compared to what he will do if he is elected again and maybe before he leaves his cat bird seat for all we know. This has been the most corrupted mayor ever was when Bare Ass came in as mayor and his councel of thugs and bullies. Who said Cornwall is dull – the town is full of fraudsters and scammers, liars, pedophiles and all kinds of weird things going on. Mr. Finnerty is so mighty right and other people are so mighty blind that anybody can take advantage of them which already has happened. The day after elections in Cornwall we will have more news on “Tit Holy Gilles Latour” the latest fraudster. We will have Cornwall rocking and rolling for sure. LOL LOL. ROLF!
Today is not a good day to pick on Parliament Hill or the military.
With everything going on at this current moment in our country, do you think you could give up on slandering political persons temporarily and just stick to news instead of personal hatred jaime. And to be honest im fed up with your style of news its ignorant and disrespectful like your post about the fire on first and Alice. If you’re going to run for a political seat have some level of self dignity. In other news well we don’t know what news is from cfn so ill check out real news sources thank you and have a nice day
Ryan we live in a democracy. If you don’t like what you read anywhere why are you reading there? I don’t read the Seeker Chicks for example because it’s mostly illiterate and not journalism; Gonzo style or otherwise.
Thank you for your feedback though and thank you for reading CFN. Now the bigger question is hopefully you will vote on the 27th!
Who was slandered? I must have missed that occurrence.