Unfortunately, attempts to secure last-minute investors who came out of the woodwork to help save the Cornwall River Kings have been unsuccessful.
Each one backed out when they were told there was no revenue from concession or beer sales, no discount on ice time and only 30% of marketing in the arena. It also became pretty obvious rather quickly that the City was ready to move on, having removed our logo from the ice at the Ed Lumley Arena less than 12 hours after announcing the team would not participate in the 2016-17 Season.
We pushed and pushed hard to find one last company or private partner to invest in the team. Unfortunately, they all backed out when they realized the only revenue would be ticket sales and sponsorship.
I wish we had better news today for our passionate fans, but unfortunately I do not. First and foremost, my family and I were River Kings fans, and this is a sad day for all of us.
Hopefully the LNAH will have better success.
Earlier Mr. Moreau had the following to say:
It’s a sad day for my family and the local hockey community to see the River Kings die.It became obvious to potential investors that they would receive no compensation from the City of Cornwall.There would be no beer or concession revenue for a new ownership group, let alone price reduction on ice.There wouldn’t even be potential for practice ice.It came as no surprise that the River Kings logo was quickly removed from the ice at the Ed Lumley Arena.The City of Cornwall never wanted this team to succeed. We’d have better luck opening an art gallery.

Maybe it’s just me but when I saw the story about Rodney Rivette I thought “geez he sounds a lot like Brock Frost.” This city does not need the second coming of Brock Frost.
Hugger, Brock has had some limited success, Mr. Rivette…
Another brilliant example of the dysfunctional management of the taxpayers resources. Has the Cornwall Complex ever operated in the black?
Mr. Editor, Not really a change, in the way our “GONGERS” do business ? The conflicts regarding Murphy are vividly obvious ! His connection with BENSON’s is also vividly obvious ? The same goes for CARR, but he’s been given free rein by LYIN LES, to continue with his conflicts unabated . Not one of our GONGERS have ever stood up & publicly held them accountable ? GUTLESS on all counts.
Municipally run arenas rarely, if ever, make money or break even.
Looks like some around the horseshoe are picking up the slack left by dear departed Brock Frost or whatever he calls himself these days.
Jamie Mr. Bass said it right. If you are going to run and maybe succeed as mayor you will have to get rid of the clique once and for all. I would love to see them all packed up and gone from Cornhole and believe me if they went elsewhere nobody would look at them and would laugh and ridicule them all instead. Something has to happen or no population will be left in that hole of a town.
Lying Lez is not fit at all to be mayor. He reminds me of that one in the deep south with that charger car and the woman that had the short shorts. Lying Lez has to go and he is not fit to command. The entire council has to go as well – not one should be there in the next election. Folks get out there and vote and many of you can become concelmen(women). Get rid of the rest of them.
I think that Mr. Moreau got a good dose of what Cornhole is all about and anybody who finds out about the clique will refuse to do business. You all lost Loblaws and some other store that was going to make their warehouses in Cornhole. Taxes are way too high as well as everything else. People are not stupid they do a good market study before settling in and Cornhole lost for good reasons.