Looking Forward @ Canada Day in Cornwall Ontario – by Jamie Gilcig 081417

Cornwall Ontario – So after my editorial about Guy Lauzon’s partisan control over Canada Day here in Cornwall a lot of chatter and great ideas have been floated through my inboxes.

Clearly many CFN viewers are dismayed at any Politician of any one party controlling our Federal celebration.

What has percolated through is that if the City is being asked to cover the costs, whether it be cash from councilors expense accounts or in kind contributions then the City should be in control of the event.

Now that doesn’t mean that the city should run it, although this writer thinks they probably couldn’t do much worse than the current hot mess of Guy Lauzon sycophants and hanger ons, but there are options.

For example the city could tender the park and event to a promoter or promotion company, and of course exact criteria that would allow for a best result, or at least better.    The term could be for one year or more, but at least there’d be an out if the entity couldn’t achieve success as opposed to the limp status quo.

There are other options, but the point is that if the public is being to pay for an event via their taxes and volunteering, then the event should be for the public, and that would be all the public, and not just those that the organizer likes or gets kickbacks from.

What do you think Cornwall?  Should MP Lauzon be able to keep running Canada Day in the dreary cronyistic fashion that he has through his riding office, or is it time to up the ante and get better fireworks and have a bigger bang for July 1st?

You can post your comments below.



  1. Jamie you always have great ideas and it takes someone to come up with good ideas what to put on whether it be Canada Day or any other special day. Cornwall has been totally dead for some years now and it feels more like a funeral home or a graveyard going down there. Not one have good ideas – the vast majority of the sheeple are totally brain dead. Rubber Ducky here I am. LOL LOL.

  2. Hard to find a topic to post this in.

    Just thought I’d wish everyone a happy Canada Day. It was too hot for me to do anything outside today.

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