Cornwall Ontario – As the slagging goes on it appears that some party staffers missed vetting social media comments across the board.
While the PC’s have been tarred and feathered including the dumping of at least one candidate, the NDP are trying to spin a horrific Hitler member added onto Tasleem Riaz’s facebook page in 2013.
The NDP released a statement from Ms Riaz:
Statement from Tasleem Riaz
I am horrified that an inappropriate meme was on my Facebook page. I don’t recall sharing it in 2013 – and at no point in my life would I have done so intentionally.
I am an interfaith advocate, and I have devoted my life to interfaith religious tolerance and freedom. I work closely with the Jewish, Hindu, Christian, Sikh and Muslim communities in my neighbourhood. In every way, I find Hitler, the hate he spewed, and the genocide he committed to be abhorrent.
I live and work, day to day, to advocate for all people to love and respect others of all faiths. I can’t understand how this happened, and I’m devastated that it has.
To be fair a lot of us don’t remember what we posted five years ago, but there was no apology in this statement. It’s led to a lot of heat during a tight race between the Doug Ford led PC’s and Ms Horwath’s NDP. This also isn’t the first time that issues from the NDP have been called Anti Semitic by some going back to the bad old days of Libby Davies.
Political Guru and Punk Singer and Author Warren Kinsella was asked about the Riaz mess:
[bs-quote quote=”It’s not enough. It’s not nearly enough.
Quoting Hitler approvingly?
Fire her now.
Warren Kinsella, LL.B” style=”default” align=”center” color=”#dd3333″ author_name=”Warren Kinsella LL.B” author_avatar=”” author_link=””][/bs-quote]
Should the NDP Remove TASLEEM RIAZ as a Candidate?
- Yes (81%, 59 Votes)
- No (19%, 14 Votes)
Total Voters: 73

In an era of MeToo, where every allegation is considered fact, #TasleemRiaz, must step down. @NEWSTALK1010 @fordnation @AndreaHorwath
— Rusty Shackleford (@OrglePc) May 25, 2018
I would let Tasleem Riaz go, if I was @AndreaHorwath timing is very important in politics.
— Bilal Ahmed (@billie424) May 25, 2018
Ms Riaz also is alleged to have posted comments upsetting to some of our Canadian Armed Forces.
.@ToddSmithPC responding to NDP candidate Tasleem Riaz’s accusing our brave men and women in uniform of “slaughtering innocent men, women and children.” #onpoli #ONelxn
— Ontario PC Party (@OntarioPCParty) May 25, 2018
Mr Smith was also quoted as saying:
“The NDP clearly continues to have a problem with allowing the anti-Semites to fester in the dark corners of their party,” said Smith. “We’ve already shone a light on the 9/11 truthers and militant anti-Israel BDS supporters running for the NDP. But today, however, we have the most serious example of anti-Semitism we have seen in Ontario politics for a long, long time.”
A PC release exposed allegations of comments made by four other NDP candidates.
Requests to the NDP for further comments have not been returned as of press time.
What do you think dear CFN viewers? You can post your comments below and please hit the paypal donate button and help support actual independent media, especially since the political parties think facebook is a replacement for real advertising. (which it isn’t)
The ‘Schicklgruber’ meme was originally intended as a cautionary note about how even the worst characters can play by the rules and still reach their evil ends.
It’s not clear in what context Riaz used this meme, but she’s not the sharpest pencil in the box if she posted it to FB for a demographic not known for critical thinking, discretion or — as in this case — sober second thought.
Simon what about her comments about our Armed Forces in Afghanistan? IF Doug Ford could figure out he had to dump Tanya what is the issue with Andrea here?
Beware of the Howarth government since she wants to make Ontario a Sancturary province. I would never vote for NDP and only voted for them once in my life. I do not trust Doug Ford anymore after what I learned so I will be voting for Winnie the Poo until better people come forward as PM of Ontario.
Let’s be clear… Tho’ evils undescribable and unreported are a fact of life and death in a war zone, this silly mouthpiece now running for election, had no facts to backup her spoutings.
Liberals stand with terrorists and dole out awards to them (Omar for one). NDP stand for a state run system (communistic modelling) and Conservatives rooted in common sense are just plain scary (remember Steven “scary” Harper?). What to do?