Poets call this the ‘Merry Month of May’. Hasn’t been too ‘merry’ yet with rain and cold damp winds sometimes. But, at least it is Spring.
A friend is all thrilled because her crocuses and irises are popping up through the ground and there are flowering trees with pink and white blossoms.
The grass is that wonderful fresh green you only see in the spring and there are so many different shades of green and yellow to the budding leaves on trees and bushes. It will be warmer soon and then we will be much ‘merrier’.
I love this photo of my brother Ron Herrington in front of blossoming trees.

Here is a photo sent in by a reader of some swimmers at the Anderson Ferry, East Front of Cornwall, year unknown.
Look at the bathing suits. The lady on the right may be wearing a bathing cap – hard to tell.
The gentleman said that it is a picture of the landing near Doyle’s Marina on Montreal Road for the ferry to Cornwall Island both of which are no longer there.
Thanks so much for sharing the photo with us.

Child Haven International was founded in 1985 by Dr. Nat Shah and Fred and Bonnie Cappuccino who are three of the most inspiring people you could ever meet.

Photo of Dr. Shah courtesy of his daughter, Sarika and her friend Charlene Widrick. Photo of Bonnie and Fred courtesy of Fred.
Child Haven International was founded to provide shelter, loving care and education for destitute children.
There are in ten projects in India, Tibet in China, Bangladesh and Nepal. They also aid and shelter some destitute seniors and women and provide education for children not living in one of their homes.
Go to: www.childhaven.ca or call the office in Maxville 613-527-2829 for more information on this incredible organization.
When I get the latest newsletter it is always a job to select one of the articles because each page is filled with amazing stories of hope, love and joy.
Always there are wonderful photos and stories of children, staff and volunteers and all their activities
Here is one article from the March Newsletter:

The newsletters always close with a wonderful inspirational quote from Rabindranath Tagore:
“Let me light my lamp, says the star And never debate if it will dispel the dark.”
Rabindranath Tagore
In a recent newsletter from Everything Zoomer ( http:// www.everythingzoomer.comhealth/2019/04/11/per-healthy-aging/?) it states that 88% of pet owners seem to feel that their pets help them enjoy life, according to a recent poll by researchers at the University of Michigan who surveyed 2,051 adults nationally , aged 50 – 80 to see if pets contribute to healthy aging.
The article also reported that 60% said that having a pet helped them cope with their own emotional and physical problems including taking their minds off their pain.
42% of people who don’t have pets said it was because they didn’t want to be tied down.
So glad I have my Tiger cat…just a joy!!

In this photo Tiger is giving himself a bath.
He licks his front paw many times and then up comes the hind leg and he washes it over and over. Quite a ritual.
I love to watch him lick his paw and then wash his ears and face with it. He is so engrossed in doing it but don’t anyone dare bother him or he gives a nasty look that would stop a train. So cute.
Here are a few puns from a friend:
Venison for dinner again? Oh deer!!
How does Moses make tea? Hebrews it.
England has no kidney bank but it does have a Liverpool.
I tried to catch some fog but I mist it.
They told me I had type A blood but it was a Typo.
I changed my iPod’s name to Titanic. It’s syncing now.
Jokes about German Sausage are Wurst.
I stayed up all night to see where the sun went and then it dawned on me.
Velcro – what a rip off.
Why were the Indians here first? They had reservations.
I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. I can’t put it down.
Have a good week, Dawn
Dawn, as usual, I have enjoyed your newsletter and especially the photo of your brother Ron. Loved the bathing suits. That must have bee very early – maybe 1920’s or early 30’s. Do you know when they stopped the ferry? I don’t remember hearing about it.
Dawn I was thinking about Tiger lately and as usual Jamies Fitzie. I enjoyed the pictures of the old bathing suits and I remember as a child inheriting my much older sisters clothes and mom shortened them for me and I felt so out of place with other people in old clothes from way back when. I remember the bathing caps as well and I had an old swim suit that had a skirt type of a thing on it.
Hubby was wondering if any flowers were out since he cannot get out like what he used to. Hubby has pneumonia and he is going to be tested for heart, etc. on July 16 at the Civic Hospital here in Ottawa. I stayed up for 2 days with hubby at the hospital in the emergency unit. I had no real focus nor being really awake and in shock. Thank God for my daughter who is the best. Hubby is home now.
Jules Fitzy is going to be a dad again