A package with a glossy card, and other objects has been arriving all around Cornwall inviting the public to attend a church gathering at Aultstille Theatre (approximately 700 seats) for April 10, 2020. This would appear to be in violation of Ontario Emergency orders.
We will update as more information becomes available.

The Cornwall Police Service has refused to answer questions regarding this issue as of publication time nor were there any updates on the 5 churches social media pages.
All Outdoor Recreational Amenities across Province Now Closed
TORONTO — In an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19 and keep people home, the Government of Ontario has extended the Declaration of Emergency and associated emergency measures, including the closure of non-essential workplaces and restrictions on social gatherings. In addition, Ontario is issuing a new emergency order under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act to close all outdoor recreational amenities, such as sports fields and playgrounds, effective immediately. These actions are based on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer of Health.
“I made a commitment to be open and upfront about what we need to do as a province to beat this virus,” said Premier Ford. “Based on the best medical advice available, we are taking further steps today to protect the health and safety of all Ontarians by closing outdoor recreational amenities, like sports fields and playgrounds, and extending our emergency orders to save lives. We all need to work together and do our part to stop COVID-19 by staying home, practising physical distancing, and avoiding social gatherings.”
This new order would close all communal or shared, public or private, outdoor recreational amenities everywhere in Ontario, including but not limited to playgrounds, sports fields, basketball and tennis courts, off-leash dog parks, beaches, skateboard and BMX parks, picnic areas, outdoor community gardens, park shelters, outdoor exercise equipment, condo parks and gardens, and other outdoor recreational amenities. Green spaces in parks, trails, ravines and conservation areas that aren’t otherwise closed would remain open for walkthrough access, but individuals must maintain the safe physical distance of at least two metres apart from others. Ontario’s provincial parks and conservation reserves remain closed.
“We are acting on the best advice of our Chief Medical Officer of Health and other leading public health officials across the province” said Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “We will continue to take decisive action to stop the spread of COVID-19 and protect Ontarians’ health and wellbeing.”
“The health and well-being of Ontarians is a top priority of our government as we navigate through the COVID-19 health crisis. I know our municipal partners are already taking action locally to protect their residents,” said Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “This order makes the rules around closing shared outdoor recreational amenities consistent across the province.”
To ensure the province is able to continue its extensive efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19, Ontario will also extend the March 17, 2020 declaration of emergency and subsequent emergency orders, regulations and amendments issued under s.7.0.1 and 7.0.2(4) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act.
The following declaration and orders have been extended and will be in effect until April 13, 2020:
- Declaration of a provincial emergency
- Closure of public places and establishments with exemption for emergency child care for health care and frontline essential service workers
- Prohibiting events and gatherings of more than five people
- Enforcement of emergency orders
- Work deployment f or health service providers
- Work deployment for long-term care homes
- Electronic service of documents
- Electricity pricing
- Drinking water and sewage
- Closure of non-essential workplaces
- Traffic management
- Prohibiting unconscionable pricing for necessary goods
- Streamlining requirements for long-term care homes
Who are the bigger crackpots, these “Evangelicals” or the Aultsville Hall management?!?
Freedom of religion is one thing, but when that freedom infringes on others… that’s enough!
It’s so unfortunate that “evangelicals”, among other sects, shelter so large a share of delusionals.
BTW, the Wesleyan Church housed “Creation Science Centre” — with its alternative fact viewpoint of cosmology, anthropology, geology, biology and general ludicrousology — may help explain the mindset.
Simon what scares me a bit is that the people that own/control one of these churches also appear to own one of the biggest day care centres in Cornwall which caters to front line workers.
Shades of “Rosemary’s Baby”, some of these delusionals and their church people are aching to run a maternity home in Cornwall — with the help of the state.
So much for separation between church and state.
Let’s hope this get cancelled. If this was planned before the current crisis erupted why couldn’t they have cancelled the mass mailing and event?
This has to be an April Fools joke ? But, then again, it is Cornwall ! However, if, it is true, the CORNWALL POLICE SERVICE, should be all over this like a wet blanket ! The “Declaration of Emergency Measures”, set down by Queen’s Park , are extremely clear ! Is this another case of, being connected to “CPD” allows you privileges ?
It’s not hard to cancel a mass mailing. Someone has to answer for this. Not everyone reads the media and if this hit all doors in Cornwall mathematics are that some would go.
These pastors are so wrong. Hope they get charged by the province, cause Cornwall Police won’t.
There have been excuses made, but honestly they should be issuing apologies on full pages in local media including this newspaper. We offered them a discounted page for only $99 and they refused after spending more than $2,000 on Canada Post if they sent out those envelopes to the entire city; more if you add in the counties and Akwesasne.