May 9, 2023 – The things you hear about or read on social media. It’s boggling. There’s been a lot over the years so I thought I’d answer a few questions for those that miss a lot of what CFN is.

Nobody likes to work for free, and take abuse. Well almost nobody. Certainly not me.

I always said that if I ever gave up on Cornwall it wouldn’t be because of the criminals, thugs, and bullies, that run this sad community, but simply that good people just didn’t care enough.

When I turned 55 this came to be; oddly enough while chatting with a very wise man that told me a simple truth. The more I factually and truthfully exposed scandals and reported real news, the more I helped the bad folk.

Think about our current PM Justin Trudeau, and Ontario Premier Doug Ford. The more scandals and abuses exposed, the stronger they seem to be.

Now that’s an illusion. It’s all a big game, and the biggest factor is that their opposition doesn’t seem to really want to be in power or they are truly enept at politics?

I came to the point that I didn’t want to give anymore of my time to the polluted, toxic, and racist community that Cornwall Ontario is.

Are there good people living there? Sure, but they are timid, and won’t stand up for themselves and certainly not for others.

When I was falsely arrested when running for mayor it wasn’t locals that helped stand up for me. It was people like Conrad Black, and the late Gerry Conlon of “In the Name of the Father” fame. It was others.

Smeared by other local media after false claims of making threatening phone calls, I was held on a peace bond for nearly a year AFTER it was proven that I didn’t make a single phone call as per disclosure and my phone records. And if I didn’t make any phone calls period it would be impossible to make said threats.

The person that made the false claim, Mike Bedard, the Pool Fool, was not charged. The crown, police chief, arresting officers and others made dosh or gained promotions for supporting this criminality. They all are still serving when last checked.

And the smear led to some good people cutting cords with myself and CFN, because they knew. And they were afraid bad things could happen to them. They were fearful of Ed Lumley, Elaine MacDonald, Bernadette Clement, Eric Duncan, and the honey hive of incompetence and corruption that run things in the area.

The simple truth is that there is no money in standing up for the “Little People”. I knew that, but what I didn’t know, and my bad for not knowing, is that the little people would be the first to stab you in the back, front, or any ol access. And that the “little people” are little because they simply can’t compete (for a multitude of reasons) with the rest of society.

Covid taught me a lot. I healed. I spent as much time away from Toxic Cornwall as possible. It was good.

The future of CFN will be in someone elses hands at some point. I run it at a loss essesntially, and keep the lights on. CFN is an important part of Cornwall history, but as for me personally, I think Ryan Gosling has it right. Give no light to Cornwall Ontario.

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Life is short. We all owe it to ourselves to be the best human we can be and enjoy as much out of life as we can squeeze out of it.

I, like many others, tried to make Pointe Malingne a better place. I did my part, but sadly this community just isn’t worth it.

Jamie Gilcig