Dear Editor, Sixty-seven conservative candidates knowingly submitted false statements to Elections Canada, including 10 conservative members of parliament. . The matter has been tried in court and they have been found guilty by the Canadian Federal Court of Appeal for falsifying returns. . The appropriate legal remedy for violating theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Lafreniere Park in Metarie Lousiana is normally a tranquil and beatific scene; usually filled with parents and their …..children which is presents a case of bitterly ironic hypocrisy as one Reverend Grant Storms was picked up and charged with Obsenities. Mr. Storms is best known for picketing “Southern Decadence” aContinue Reading

Cornwall ON- We get a lot of content sent to us; letters to the editor, press releases, and all sorts of information. Today this arrived from the Progressive Canadian Party calling The Harper Conservatives on the recent Election’s Canada censures. LINK “An Ottawa Citizen investigation found 50 Conservative candidates claimedContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Max Pacioretty doesn’t really look like a power forward, but he’s performing as one.  Fast; good hands, and this season; playing on the top line, is showing a ton of confidence that’s leading to points on the board as it did tonight against Atlanta. Montreal was out shot;Continue Reading

  Cornwall ON – Call to students and student artists in Glengarry, Stormont, Akwesasne, Cornwall and Dundas .   Jacqueline Milner is in the process of planning an art exhibit; “The Earth Matters Art Exhibit”. This Exhibit will feature the work of Regional artists and student submissions, during the months ofContinue Reading

Ottawa ON – It must be a bit embarrassing these days for those who have been criticizing the Conservative’s purchase of new military equipment. As the situation in Libya deteriorates and Gadhafi counters the efforts of the population to remove him, western powers must now consider if they will useContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Actor Charlie Sheen is on a rampage.  A media rampage.   Like Dennis Hopper’s character in Apocalypse Now, a legendary movie starring his father Martin Sheen, Charlie seems hyperkinetic going from one media outlet to another lamb basting the Two and a Half Men show producers andContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Well the trade deadline past and either one of three things happened in Montreal.   Either GM Pierre Gauthier thought he has the horses to make it to Lord’s Stanley Cup already on his roster.  Um, not likely. Or….the asking prices were too steep for his liking….IContinue Reading