Cornwall ON – Remember the Sixties?  No, most of you reading this are most likely are way too young.  It was something your Grand Parents lived through! Whether you support the legalization of Marijuana or not it’s amazing to see young people getting involved in the political process again likeContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Rock for Charity 3 takes place Friday May 14, 2010 at Cafe Connectionz.   Jason Setnyk sent in a blurb and the photo above.  We’ll be broadcasting live from the event on The third “Rock for Charity” is this Friday May 14th 2010 at Cafe ConnectionzContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Did you listen to Reg Coffey’s Old Time Radio Hour last night?  If not click the image above.   Last night’s episode featured Dashiel Hammett’s The Adventure’s of Sam Spade and Robert Heinlien’s X Minus One.    Reg’s show is on every Tuesday night at 7:30PM. SoContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Vancouver Canucks when down with a whimper last night ending their season with their 5-1 loss to the Chicago Blackhawks. The Hawks scored 3 goals in the second period blowing Vancouver’s dreams of sipping from Lord Stanley’s Cup away again for the second season in aContinue Reading

Cornwall ON- It was good theatre. I am referring of course to the Helena Guergis interview on TV. The script played out exactly as one would have expected with a calm, at times teary eyed Guergis defending herself, her reputation and her husband. The only thing missing was “Stand byContinue Reading

Dear  Editor: I am appalled that Cornwall city council is considering a proposal by councillor Andre Rivette to use a  per capita population formula to increase the pay of members of city council during the period 2011-2014. Under councillor Rivette’s proposal of 43 cents per resident, the pay of city councillors wouldContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Not only does music soothe the savage beast, but it can also feed a hungry stomach. Javey Entertainment along with Elite World Artists (EWA) plan to turn music into grub with their self-produced compilation CD, Feed a City, which is to be released on Saturday May 15.Continue Reading

Cornwall ON- How sexist is the Harper Government?  I was watching Question Period on television on Sunday and the show had three MP’s on talking about funding cuts to women’s groups across Canada, and to minority interest groups including the Toronto Pride celebrations and that got me thinking to theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Both the Philadelphia Flyers and Montreal Canadiens kept their dreams of Lord Stanley alive!   The Flyers shut out Boston 4-0 even after losing Brian Boucher to injury.   Michael Leighton finished the shut out. Simon Gagne led the way with two goals for Philly.  Chris ProngerContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Prince of Pot, political activist Marc Emery has surrendered to police and the Rob Nicholson, the minister responsible has signed the extradition order.   Mr. Emery is expected to be transported to the US within the week. In a gross injustice and threat to Canadian Sovereignty theContinue Reading