Cornwall ON – Several workers fell ill at Star Tek in Cornwall Ontario this morning.  Fire services have yet to verify the cause and the building has been evacuated and remains so until the all clear is given.   Star Tek was in the news recently as 398 Cornwall employeesContinue Reading

CFN – Mark Lauterbach and his wife Joanne are tough people.    They, like many Bee Keepers and Honey Producers have been ravaged by a decimation of the Bee Population that’s impacting producers around the world.   It’s why it’s so important to try and repopulate their colonies. While MotherContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Rachel’s Kids’ held its 7th Annual Summer Garden Party and Charity Auction at the Cornwall home of  chairperson, Dr. Rachel Navaneelan.  Over the afternoon, 400 guests from the local community helped to raise $110,000 for children in need – both in Cornwall and around the world. TheContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We’ve been busy since February of 2009!    We just celebrated our 4,000 story!    Along with your over 11,000 comments that’s a very busy little online newspaper!    Thanks to all of our sponsors for helping to make it happen, and of course you, our amazingContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – L’immense peinture murale « Portraits honorifiques » s’est arrêtée à Cornwall durant deux jours au début de cette semaine, lundi le 13 et mardi le 14 juin. Cette murale représente les visages de 155 soldats, marins et membres de l’Armée canadienne morts au combat en Afghanistan. L’oeuvre, créée par DaveContinue Reading

New Dundee ON – Frustrated with gridlock? Tired of high traffic volumes? Looking for the true freedom of safer, more enjoyable and better driving? The idea of Ontario’s new Super Highway program may just be your answer. MTO (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario) operated highways currently have some of the slowest speed limitsContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce has lost another member and board executive.  Douglass Randlett of Long Sault lost his life in a motorcycle accident Thursday.   He was travelling westbound on South Branch Road and was involved in a collision with a pick-up truck travelling eastboundContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – L’école élémentaire catholique Marie-Tanguay a choisi de nommer son nouveau parc, qui sera créé le 25 juin prochain, Sœur Elaine Robitaille, une Soeur Sainte-Croix. L’organisme canadien Let Them Be Kids, qui aidera la construction des nouvelles structures pour la cour et qui a donné de l’argent afin d’aiderContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Buy a ticket for Rachel’s Kids’  2011 Charity Raffle!   All proceeds go to the Pediatric Unit of the Cornwall Community Hospital!   All prizes being drawn this Saturday June  18, 2011! . Would you pay $50 for a new car? How about for an Apple iPad or aContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Moutache Joe’s (109 Pitt Street 613 937 0700) is hosting their Wine Tasting event Tuesday June 21, 2011 starting at 6:45.    The five course meal; always an epicurean delight; comes with a theme night of wine tasting. This occasion celebrates the wines of Francis Ford Coppola’sContinue Reading

Morrisburg ON – C’était en fin de semaine, du 10 au 12 juin, qu’avait lieu la 4e édition du Festival médiéval au Upper Canada Village, à Morrisburg. Les organisateurs ont invité les visiteurs à retourner dans le temps grâce à un immense village médiéval, conçu spécialement pour l’occasion, en arrièreContinue Reading

The Shrine circus is coming to town. How shameful that we would host any circus that continues to exploit animals such as elephants, horses and dogs simply to entertain individuals for a few hours? . For those of you who are not familiar with the story of Tyke, this willContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – It was very tough for me to watch the Liberal nomination in SD&SG last night.    I had admiration and respect for all three of the contenders and they all had different advantages and flaws. My paternal grand-father was as pro boxer though and I have toContinue Reading