Confused about how to get your website up the rankings in search engines? Do you have an older website or did you overpay for older technology?  Is your site mobile friendly?    Are you getting value?  Do you want to? Social Media excite and confuse you? Custom Web Design, support, consulting,Continue Reading

ASSAULT WITH WEAPON   (SOUTH DUNDAS,ON) – On April 13, 2018 at approximately 3:18 pm, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry (SD&G) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officers responded to a disturbance on Sir James Morris Drive in South Dundas Township.   Investigation indicated that an altercation occurred between two adult males and anContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –   Our city councilor here in Cornwall, Claude McIntosh,  actually once wrote about me having to do all the jobs here at CFN as though it were something to be embarrassed about or amateur.   Of course he’s participated on a City Council that boycotts this newspaper and inContinue Reading

Do you have a burning passion to work in journalism?   CFN has four openings for Summer Interns.   These are unpaid positions, but this year we will be giving out bonuses to those that complete the Summer!   Email As CFN is a digital newspaper you don’t have to be basedContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – Usually Cornwall doesn’t get much attention from political leaders in Ontario.  At best it’s usually some glad handing at closed riding association events which was why it was nice that PC leader Doug Ford and his team gave CFN some one on one time via telephone Thursday.Continue Reading

Food Recall Warning – Certain Stella Artois brand Beer may be unsafe due to possible presence of glass particles Recall date: April 2, 2018 Reason for recall: Extraneous Material Hazard classification: Class 2 Company / Firm: Labatt Brewing Company Limited Distribution: National Extent of the distribution: Retail   Recall detailsContinue Reading

Tired of paying crazy ad rates?  Tired of paying for ads that aren’t seen?  With our traffic and story hang time this is the place you want to be and for a limited time and limited inventory(one slot on our home page and one on our inside pages)  you canContinue Reading

Marijuana dispensary search warrant executed, 202 Spadina Avenue, Six people facing charges Wednesday, March 14, 2018 – 3:14 PM 14 Division 416-808-1400 The Toronto Police Service would like to make the public aware of arrests in a Controlled Drugs and Substances Act investigation. On Monday, March 12, 2018, at approximately 6:15 p.m.,Continue Reading

Great Expectations Relationships are rewarding if you put the time and effort into them but they aren’t easy. Even the strongest relationships have their issues and take work. We don’t fall in love with each other because of compatibility. We fall in love with an idea; what we assume theContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – Today has been a certain bit of delicious irony.   The Progressive Conservative Leadership circus may have ended.   If it has Doug Ford has surprised many and won the race on the first ballot, but not without at least one recount. One would think that after the HilaryContinue Reading