November 20, 2022 – Some seniors were talking about what would have been the scenario had there been a strike when we were kids in school. A lot of our Mothers were at home. We don’t think that we would have been having lessons., remote learning or otherwise. No computersContinue Reading

The tenants of Beek Lindsay Seniors Residence had a nice visit with furry little pets recently. Mandy of Wytrueharvatt Farm brought two beautiful white rabbits, a small little rooster and two little white kitty Tickles. Everyone enjoyed holding a little pet for awhile. The Farm is all inclusive and offersContinue Reading

OPP CONDUCTING INVESTIGATION INTO DEATHS AT THE HAWKESBURY & DISTRICT HOSPITAL AUGUST 19, 2022 – The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has laid additional First-Degree Murder charges in connection with the ongoing criminal investigation into the deaths at the Hawkesbury and District General Hospital. On March 25, 2021, members of theContinue Reading

July 27, 2022 – One of the biggest things the Covid-19 Pandemic has done is show how truly weak and messed up our healthcare system is. This isn’t something that can easily be fixed. Money alone will not solve the issues which impact different provinces differently depending on their systems.Continue Reading

May 21, 2022 – Cornwall is starting to reel at the loss of a critical health service. The McConnell walk in clinic, situated right next to the hospital, is shutting down leaving thousands of area residents at a loss for healthcare and surely what will add more pressure to hospitalContinue Reading

FEBRUARY 20, 2022 – February is Heart Month. It is a time for not only fundraising but also to raise awareness of the heart and stroke problems which can be of a higher risk for individuals with an unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, unhealthy weight, smoking, stress and excessive use ofContinue Reading

FEBRUARY 11, 2022 – Cornwall area lawyer Maurice Gatien has been working for a few generations now, but until Covid he’s never seen anger in his face to the point that he was assaulted in his office Tuesday February 8th which resulted in a trip to CCH via ambulance. HisContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 23, 2021 – The phrase, “One Day at a Time” can suddenly take on new meaning when we are battling a problem. Recently in August I was in the Cornwall Community Hospital for 3 weeks and underwent surgery. The staff in the ICU are angels…professional and very caring. IContinue Reading

Retirement residences are personal “homes,” not nursing homes. They’re designed, built and operated by companies for people aged 65 and up, places people choose to live based on their needs and what they can afford. To be clear, this is not a story about the government putting financial pressure onContinue Reading