JUNE 13, 2022 – Here we go again, teams of partisans backing various candidates shouting out their membership numbers in the Conservative Leadership race. While we all know this is a fool’s game, those partisans buried in their bunkers think this is important and in effect are shouting out “lookContinue Reading

JUNE 13, 2022 – Patrick Brown’s comment that he wouldn’t run for the Conservatives if Poilievre was the leader was quite frankly dumb. From a strategic viewpoint he gains nothing,first round but loses a lot. He comes across as a bit of a sore loser and he hasn’t even lostContinue Reading

May 21, 2022 – Cornwall is starting to reel at the loss of a critical health service. The McConnell walk in clinic, situated right next to the hospital, is shutting down leaving thousands of area residents at a loss for healthcare and surely what will add more pressure to hospitalContinue Reading

May 17, 2022 – I was tweeting today that there were more of we media and pundits watching the leadership debate last night than viewers. Ol Steve Paikin & the incredibly hot Althia Raj moderated a motley mess which showed how truly putrid our leadership is across the board, andContinue Reading

ASSAULT/RESIST ARREST, UTTER THREATS, MISCHIEF  Cornwall, ON – Robert Cadieux, 55, of Cornwall was arrested on May 9th, 2022, and charged with assault with intent to resist arrest, uttering threats, and mischief under $5000. While police were present on an unrelated matter, it is alleged that on May 9th, 2022, the manContinue Reading