Cornwall ON – Two very interesting reports have completed recently.    The first was the TOP report or 2011 Trends, Opportunities and Priorities Report which focuses on SD&SG, Cornwall, and Prescott Russell and covers an awful lot of ground.   It’s insightful and you can get a real snap shot ofContinue Reading

Ottawa ON – There are two basic types of political discipline- internal party discipline and the party’s ability to restrain itself from foolish endeavours. The recent NDP filibuster over the Canada Post back to work legislation puts both types of discipline on display for the NDP. The NDP did wellContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Research by labour experts Richard Freeman and James Medoff concluded that organizations with labour unions experience less employee turnover. Unions also allow employees to feel like they have a voice in the workplace, which can reduce feelings of frustration that could lead to turnover.   The businessContinue Reading

Ottawa ON – With all the rhetoric surrounding the Conservative government’s introduction of back to work legislation, its worth looking at previous government reaction to strikes at Canada Post. There is a long history of troubled labour relations at the corporation, for example, there were some 19 strikes, lockouts andContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Healthcare, Healthcare, Healthcare.   There is no issue as important in Canada right now.  It’s about our identity; our sovereignty, and frankly it’s about who we are and how we treat each other. It’s also about money and power and when those two get together it can beContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – D’ici 2014, les réductions d’impôts décrétées par les Conservateurs en 2006 auront coûté au public 220 milliards de dollars, soit un manque à gagner de 36 milliards par année, qui se traduit par des coupures dans les services publics.   Le gel du budget de fonctionnement des ministèresContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The NDP has the progressive policies that put Ontario’s families and seniors first.  The NDP will protect and create good jobs, improve public healthcare, and provide greater assistance to agriculture and our rural communities.  Andrea Horwath and the Ontario NDP have promised to make life more affordable for everydayContinue Reading

New Dundee ON – Frustrated with gridlock? Tired of high traffic volumes? Looking for the true freedom of safer, more enjoyable and better driving? The idea of Ontario’s new Super Highway program may just be your answer. MTO (Ministry of Transportation of Ontario) operated highways currently have some of the slowest speed limitsContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – La pauvreté est une question sociale importante car elle affecte les perspectives de développement des enfants et des adultes. Les gens laissés en marge économiquement ont aussi tendance à être en marge socialement. Certaines personnes sont ruinées du jour au lendemain, pour cause de dettes, de rupture familiale ou àContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Twenty years ago, July 11, 1991 First Nation speakers came together from all over North America to commemorate the events known as the Oka Crisis. It was a time of healing, respect, dignity and a strong path forward. What has happened since then? What has happened lately?Continue Reading

The Shrine circus is coming to town. How shameful that we would host any circus that continues to exploit animals such as elephants, horses and dogs simply to entertain individuals for a few hours? . For those of you who are not familiar with the story of Tyke, this willContinue Reading

Dear Editor, Minister Rona Ambrose is telling us why her government is spending millions of dollars Canada can not afford. The reason she states in the House of Commons is no longer valid  The following letter asks her a question many Canadians have concerning our foreign involvements in the lastContinue Reading

Ottawa ON – For once I actually agree with former Prime Minister Paul Martin. The occasion for this unusual situation occurred when he said “Most Canadians would not send their children to the kind of schools that Ottawa condemns aboriginals or certainly First Nations on reserves to go to… This isContinue Reading

Ottawa ON – In her final report released last week in Ottawa, retiring Auditor General Sheila Fraser stated, “Despite the federal government’s many efforts to implement our recommendations and improve its First Nations programs, we have seen a lack of progress in improving the lives and well-being of people livingContinue Reading