The Optics of Corruption and Incompetence or Cornwall City Council in Action – Meeting 4 PM at City Hall – April 16, 2012 CORNWALL ONTARIO – LACK OF TRANSPARENCY KNOWN AND RECOGNIZED ACROSS CANADA – LTE Corneliu Kirjan South Stormont Resident’s Claim to Fame- CANADA’S LARGEST TITANIC MOVIE MEMORABILIA COLLECTIONContinue Reading

CFN –  Optics in Politics can be everything.  They can make you look bad, and they can make you look like the Cornwall City Council team and Clerk right now. Transparency and accountability are huge; especially in municipal politics.  Cornwall, which has less than 50,000 residents spends over $145M perContinue Reading

To be convinced, one must visit the site of the think tank Frontier Centre for Public Policy. One of the issues studied by Frontier Centre concerns local governments and the results are available at (lgpi for local government performance index). The data used to compare the performance of aboutContinue Reading

CFN –  There is so much more to dining than simple eating.  A rushed lunch is very different than a leisurely meal with loved ones or friends; where time disappears over the sounds and smells of a communal meal. True dining in many areas is a declining experience in that less andContinue Reading