
CFN started to get calls and messages early this morning stating that staff at Cornwall Square were let go.     The mall mysteriously was announced to be sold at a fire sale rate after previous announcements of part of it to be demolished and the mall repurposed.   Oddly enough theContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – The city likes to give out voodoo numbers when it comes to tax increases, but the bottom line is the bottom line.  If you raise taxes nearly 20% per term without increasing revenues something always gives out. Even worse, if you borrow money to pay for aContinue Reading

CORNWALL ONTARIO – While Gilles Latour pled guilty to eight counts of over 1 million dollars, including his own mother, other seniors, Jason Christoff, and Andre Pommier, the bigger question is if cases like this are properly being handled by area police who clearly don’t have the manpower and resourcesContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – Not very many in the Cornwall area are surprised that after protesting his innocence, that the former Team Cornwall President and Bob Kilger Liberal bagman Gilles Latour plead guilty to fraud charges in court this week. Charges that included ripping off his own mother who suffers fromContinue Reading