Media can be a bewildering thing.    We are flooded with content through the day.  Local, regional, National, happy stories, tragedies, tales of injustice, and crime. Yet at the end of the day we filter all that down to a few stories on a good day. With 4 utterly pointlessContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –   From offers of hand made suits  by Montreal tailors and volunteers it was very tempting to run for office in Cornwall this election. When I ran in 2014 I had one clear objective which I was very proud of the results contrary to what Hugo Rodrigues likesContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  One of the biggest problems in Cornwall is the utter failure of charities due to really bad politics. The United Way for example boycotts this newspaper.  They also kept missing their funding targets so they no longer have them.  Instead of acting like a responsible charity andContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –  So I was having a beverage with a gentleman I was expecting to run for mayor of Cornwall Ontario.   He was bright, successful, connected to the community and had the gift of gab.   He was clearly far superior to the only person to put their name forthContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –   This has been a very traumatizing week for a lot of people.   Being  a mere mortal myself we all only have so much endurance. While getting ready to escape Cornwall to celebrate the Strawberry Moon at a very dear friends joint, the news hit of the fiveContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – When I ran for Mayor of Cornwall in 2014 I was really clear about our number one issue, taxes. I had a clear plan that would cut taxes by 5%.   Now knowing the lay of the land; my false police charges, still not held accountable for byContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario –   It’s funny how words can become corrupt.  Phrases start out well meaning, but then we humans start to interact and corrupt things.  According to some, Communism is the greatest form of government, but as anyone that ever read or watched Animal Farm can attest, it can beContinue Reading

Dear Editor:  The taxpayers of the City of Cornwall are looking at a roughly 8% increase in their property taxes, unless Council makes some decisions otherwise. The Fire Master Plan is designed to save lives and money.  It follows a Guideline from the Ontario Fire Marshal and it’s based onContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – Blaring headlines are all over Canadian media with the news of Senator Mike Duffy suing the RCMP and Senate for close to eight million dollars. He’s represented by one of Canada’s best lawyers, Lawrence Greenspon.  I should know as Mr. Greenspon is representing me after the sillyContinue Reading

What a pleasure to come on my Facebook page and not have to see all the “cop-sucking” by the tin pot dictator running the right wing rag in CONwall. The crime-infested SEWER polluted with HATE MONGERS. The city where city council knows the people are not “intelligent enough to electContinue Reading

Transparency and Fairness in Credit Union Elections … Maybe Not! Written by: Peter Allen Credit unions are the unsung heroes of the banking world. Each member’s deposit is protected in a similar fashion as those in a chartered bank. Credit unions represent the interests of their members and the communitiesContinue Reading