MULTIPLE CHARGES AT TRAFFIC STOP (NORTH GLENGARRY, ON) – On December 4, 2018 at approximately 9:03pm, a Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry (SD&G) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer intercepted a vehicle while conducting traffic enforcement on Highway 417, North Glengarry Township. The stop resulted in the male driver providing a false identity. FurtherContinue Reading

Impaired operation by RedBlacks player (Ottawa) – In relation to the Ottawa RedBlacks media release : Ottawa RedBlacks player Greg ELLINGSON was arrested at 2:37am on Friday, November 30, 2018, in the Kirkwood Avenue and Carling Road area during a R.I.D.E. program. He was subsequently charged with refusing to provideContinue Reading

CRIMINAL HARASSMENT, THREATS Cornwall, ON – A 19-year-old Newington man was arrested on November 30th, 2018 and charged with criminal harassment and threats. It is alleged the man repeatedly contacted his ex-girlfriend and made threats to kill her. Police were contacted and an investigation ensued. During the investigation, the manContinue Reading