Case Number: 18-PSA192b Witness Assistance Fill Out a Witness FormUpload a VideoMississauga, ON (13 December, 2018) —The Director of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), Tony Loparco, has reasonable grounds to believe that an Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer with the Middlesex detachment committed criminal offences in relation to incidents that reportedlyContinue Reading

MULTIPLE CHARGES AT TRAFFIC STOP (NORTH GLENGARRY, ON) – On December 4, 2018 at approximately 9:03pm, a Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry (SD&G) Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) officer intercepted a vehicle while conducting traffic enforcement on Highway 417, North Glengarry Township. The stop resulted in the male driver providing a false identity. FurtherContinue Reading

Impaired operation by RedBlacks player (Ottawa) – In relation to the Ottawa RedBlacks media release : Ottawa RedBlacks player Greg ELLINGSON was arrested at 2:37am on Friday, November 30, 2018, in the Kirkwood Avenue and Carling Road area during a R.I.D.E. program. He was subsequently charged with refusing to provideContinue Reading

CRIMINAL HARASSMENT, THREATS Cornwall, ON – A 19-year-old Newington man was arrested on November 30th, 2018 and charged with criminal harassment and threats. It is alleged the man repeatedly contacted his ex-girlfriend and made threats to kill her. Police were contacted and an investigation ensued. During the investigation, the manContinue Reading