Cornwall ON – Earth Matters has received a note from a concerned reader who is very concerned about an open pit mine which has been proposed in Melancthon Township on Hwy 124, just north of Shelburne. . The Highland Companies (owned by a Boston Hedge Fund) has filed an applicationContinue Reading

South Stormont, ON – There are many major players in the current political battle and most are well known. . There is Stephen Harper, the would-be benevolent patriarch, Michael Ignatieff , the “David” to Harper’s “Goliath” fighting insurmountable polling numbers, Jack Layton, the underdog that makes bold speaches and gestures with no fear ofContinue Reading

Les sénateurs gagnent 132 300 dollars par année comme salaire de base et ils sont là jusqu’à l’âge de 75 ans. Il n’y a pas de doute que la majorité des Canadiens aimerait voir l’abolition du Sénat. Mais les vieux partis politiques le soutiennent par intérêt. Çacoûte plus de 90 millions parContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – So it’s one week to show time for Canada and all of our futures.    It’s been the most anti-climactic and non-focused election I’ve lived through to date. The Harper game plan is like a Jacques Martin hockey plan; get a lead and hide and hold ontoContinue Reading

It has been officially 6 Months since my letter to the editor on October 20th, 2011.  The Communities in Boom Report placed Cornwall 100th out of 100 communities; stating that our city was difficult to start-up and maintain a business! . Many local officials and community figures were outraged andContinue Reading

In the federal all-candidates debate in the Cornwall Civic Complex, SDSG MP Guy Lauzon is reported to have dismissed Parliament’s contempt ruling against the Conservatives as simply the opposition parties ganging up, and therefore meaningless.   Clearly, Mr. Lauzon has learned nothing about parliamentary democracy and has no time for it.  Continue Reading

We are trying to raise awareness of Canada’s discriminatory practices towards disabled people who want to visit Canada. HE’S NOT A TERRORIST HE’S NOT A MURDERER, HE’S COMMITTED NO CRIME. YET CANADA HAS BANNED THIS 17 YEAR OLD FOR LIFE HE CAN NO LONGER ENTER CANADA AS A VISITOR. WHY?Continue Reading

Dear Editor, Premier Brad Wall does not understand how parliamentary democracy works. So let me make it easy.  A government must retain the confidence of a majority of Members of Parliament sitting in the House of Commons. Mr. Harper has a third chance at winning a majority May 2nd. IfContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Today Cornwall City Council granted a discombobulated Lift Off team an unsecured short term interest free loan of $30,000. One councilor voted against it, Andre Rivettte.  Kudos to him. As a small business owner and home owner I’m shocked and stunned.   Is City Hall really inContinue Reading

IF YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO IS GOING TO CHANGE YOUR COUNTRY LOOK IN THE MIRROR! I have been so astounded, listening to people about the upcoming election. and saddened by so many people’s lack of being informed. . After  speaking  with many people here in Cornwall here are  someContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Lift Off Festival is going to City Council today; hat in hand, looking for $30K in loans.   It’s going to put some interesting pressure on council, but in the end I’d be sadly disappointed if these dollars are advanced.  There is no financial device that makes senseContinue Reading

ROGER SAUVÉ – We hear a lot about how the job picture and the economy has improved at the national level and that is indeed the reality. While this may be so, recent Statistics Canada reports reveal there are many significant variations around this trend.   Let’s look at theContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –For some years now, Canadian mining and exploration companies have been coming under fire in South America and other under-developed nations for serious human rights and environmental abuses.  Canada has always prided itself in its human rights record, and even has a “Charter of Rights and Freedoms” toContinue Reading

According to various environmental organisations, the BC Government is not going far enough with its proposed health study into the impacts of the oil and gas industry in the province. A Globe and Mail story quotes a BC Ministry of Health Spokesman as saying the government is “working on aContinue Reading

The Quebecor Sun Media news chain, including our Standard-Freeholder, has circulated another dubious story on basement corporate tax cuts. . Jim Hendry, editor of the Peterborough Examiner, has issued a new piece “Lower corporate tax cuts are an economic winner” for the multi-corporate news agency. . Hendry cites Stephen Harper’sContinue Reading