L I N K – Story today in the Free Holder about our Employment numbers for Cornwall. Cornwall City Councilor’s Elaine MacDonald and Denis Thibault are getting very different reads from the numbers.
“MacDonald said the new figures from Statistics Canada presents a “false picture” of Cornwall since they include Ottawa, which is insulated from the hits to the manufacturing sector due to its rich public service sector.
“People want to work, but the opportunities for family-supporting jobs, or even full-time minimum wage jobs, are meager,” she added.”
Councilor Thibault may need to review some Stats Can numbers as we printed results showing a large increase in EI claims in Cornwall. LINK
“According to Thibault, the number of EI applications and the volume of visitors to Internet job sites such as Jobzone are both down.
“From where I’m sitting, those numbers reflect well (on what’s happening in Cornwall),” said Thibault, who heads up the Eastern Ontario Training Board.”
I asked Roger Sauvé our resident Economist & Statistician on the issue: