CFN – Spring election drums are beating much louder after the Easter break as the buzz is that NDP Leader Andrea Horwath will not support Liberal minority PM Kathleen Wynne’s budget.
With potential scandal brewing again over erased hard disk drives and the clear challenge of facing the Hudak led Conservatives this may be the perfect and only chance the NDP have for success.
Ms Wynne has struggled since taking the reigns from Premier McGuinty who fell on his own sword and resigned rather than answer to particular scandals exposed loudly by Mr. Hudak and his team.
The Liberal government has also not fared terribly well in by election in the province under Ms Wynne.
Locally the drama over two Agricultural Colleges have further distanced her government from voters.
Locally SD&G PC MPP Jim McDonell may have a battle on his hands as he faces off against rookie Liberal John Earle and veteran Dipper Elaine MacDonald. In nearby Prescott Russell Grant Crack looks safe while Steve Clark is a lock in Leeds Grenville.
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An e-mail has gone out to riding associations offering them insurance for their campaign offices – a routine election procedure that is not usually done until a party has decided it is definitely going to the polls.
“They don’t want to give Hudak the ammunition” of accusing Ms. Horwath and NDP MPPs of propping up a government whose paid staffer has allegedly broken the law by facilitating the deletion of information such as that concerning the gas plants scandal.
With Ms Wynne and Mr Hudak now embroiled in a lawsuit over statement and allegations over the handling and access to hard disks during the change over from Mr. McGuinty to Ms. Wynne it might be that spot of sunshine between the clouds that Ms Horwath and her party have been looking for?
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Now is as good a time as any to pull the pin. The Libs should have a well deserved time out, and the Cons should be put out of their misery until they ditch Hudak.
Horwath and the Dippers will fill in just fine for the next few years.
Agreed with Furtz. Time for the Fiberals to be shown the door.
@ Hugger. It wouldn’t surprise me if the next Con leadership race is between Doug Ford and Peewee Herman.
Did you mean Doug or Teflon Rob Ford?
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Will Wynne pull the plug this week?
Looks like she will.
That would be one way of avoiding debate on a budget and allowing the other party’s to score points.
Yup. She might as well cut her losses and go for it.
Bet the Cons wish they had a leader right now.
If she does pull the plug it’ll be interesting. The province has 3 main stream parties who should NOT be premier. In that regard, Jamie, there should be a fourth choice in your poll “none of the above.”