Cornwall, ON – Ryan Akins, age 28, of Cornwall was arrested on May 2, 2014. He is bound by a Probation Order with the relevant condition to keep the peace and be of good behaviour. It is alleged that on May 2, 2014, he threatened a 48 year old man. Police were contacted and an investigation was conducted. He was charged with Threats to Life and Breach of Probation. He was released to appear in court on June 3, 2014.
Cornwall, ON – A 29 year old Cornwall woman was arrested on May 2, 2014. She is bound by a Probation Order with the relevant condition to keep the peace and be of good behaviour. It is alleged that on May 2, 2014, she engaged in a verbal argument with her 46 year old common-law boyfriend which escalated into her scratching him and hitting him in the head with an object. Police were contacted and an investigation was conducted. She was charged with Assault with a Weapon, Assault, and 2 counts of Breach of Probation. She was held for a Bail Hearing later the same day.
Cornwall, ON – An 18 year old Cornwall woman was arrested on May 3, 2014. It is alleged that on this date she engaged in a verbal argument with her 19 year old common-law boyfriend while they were both under the influence of alcohol. The argument escalated into her hitting him in the face. Police were contacted and an investigation was conducted. She was charged with Assault. She was released to appear in court on May 27, 2014.
Cornwall, ON – A 36 year old Cornwall man was arrested on May 3, 2014. It is alleged that from December 2011 to present he inappropriately touched, sexual intercourse with, and obtained sexually explicit photos of his 16 year old daughter. Police were contacted and an investigation was conducted. The man was charged with 3 counts of Incest, Sexual Interference, 2 counts of Sexual Exploitation, 5 counts of Sexual Assault, and 4 counts of Possession of Child Pornography. He was held for a Bail Hearing on May 5, 2014.
Cornwall, ON – John Paul Cook, age 58 of Cornwall, was arrested on May 4, 2014. He is bound by a Probation Order with the relevant condition to keep the peace and be of good behaviour. It is alleged that on April 29, 2014, he inappropriately touched a 37 year old male who was known to him. Police were contacted and an investigation was conducted. John Paul Cook was charged with Sexual Assault and Breach of Probation. He was released to appear in court on June 17, 2014.
Cornwall, ON – Rebecca Dillabaugh, age 34, of Cornwall was arrested on May 3, 2014. She is bound by a Probation Order with the relevant conditions to keep the peace and be of good behaviour and abstain from non-medically prescribed drugs. It is alleged that on this date she threatened a 25 year old male who was known to her. Police were contacted and an investigation was conducted. Upon being located and arrested by police she became physically and verbally aggressive and assaultive. She was also found in possession of marihuana. She was charged with 2 counts of Threats to Life, 2 counts of Breach of Probation, Assault Police, Resist Arrest and Possession of a Scheduled Substance. She was released to appear in court on June 12, 2014.
Cornwall, ON – Kyle Cameron, age 22, of Cornwall, was arrested on May 4, 2014. He was located by police this date on Pitt Street operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was charged with Impaired and Over .08. He was released to appear in court on May 15, 2014.
Cornwall, ON – A 51 year old Cornwall man was arrested on May 1, 2014. It is alleged that on April 28, 2014, he engaged in a verbal argument with his estranged common-law wife, which escalated into him assaulting her. Police were contacted and an investigation was conducted. The woman suffered minor injuries. She did not require medical attention. The man was charged with Domestic Assault. He was released to appear in court on May 27, 2014.
Cornwall, ON – Brigitte Gareau, age 23, of Cornwall, was arrested on May 1, 2014. She is bound by a Bail Release Order with the relevant condition to not be away from her residence between 6pm and 9am. Police uncovered information that she was out of the country prior to her return date through customs of April 16, 2014. She was charged with Breach of Recognizance. She was held for a Bail Hearing this date.
Ontario Provincial Police News Portal [STORMONT DUNDAS and GLENGARRY] Traffic Stop Nets Drugs / Impaired Driver / Racing Law Infractions 2014-05-05
(South Glengarry) – On 03May14, at approximately 10:00pm, SD&G OPP officers were conducting a R.I.D.E (reduce impaired drivers everywhere) check stop at the junction of County Road 27 and Highway 401, South Glengarry Township.
Officers had occasion to check a vehicle that was being operated by a 21yr old male (Joshua PILON of Cornwall, On). The check revealed that the male was in possession (small amount) of suspected marihuana.
He was arrested and faces a charge of:
– Poss. of a Schedule II substance – Cannabis Marihuana
He is scheduled to appear 09Jul14 in Alexandria court.
(South Stormont) – On 02May14, at approximately 8:00pm, SD&G OPP officers responded to a report of a traffic complaint on Highway 138, South Stormont Township.
Officers located the vehicle on Cameron Road, South Stormont Township and found the 29yr old male driver (Blake MCMILLAN of North Glengarry) to operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.
He was arrested and faces charges of:
– Driving While Ability Impaired
– Fail or Refuse to Provide Sample – alcohol/blood
He is scheduled to appear 15May14 in Cornwall court.
(South Glengarry) – On 04May14, at approximately 4:15pm, a member of the HSD (Highway Safety Division) had occasion to check a vehicle on County Road 2, South Glengarry Township.
The check revealed that the 49yr old male driver (Francois MOREAU of Sainte-Genevieve, QC) was operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol.
He was arrested and faces charges of:
– Driving While Ability Impaired
– Driving with More than 80 mgs. of Alcohol in Blood
He is scheduled to appear 14May14 in Alexandria court.
– 02May14 (7:30pm), SD&G OPP officer stops an eastbound Dodge on Highway 401, South Glengarry….187km/h (posted 100km/h zone).
05May14 (01:30am), SD&G OPP officer stops an eastbound Hyundai on Highway 401, South Glengarry….151 km/h (posted 100km/h zone).
Ontario Provincial Police News Portal [STORMONT DUNDAS and GLENGARRY] Boating Season is Back 2014-05-05
(SMITHS FALLS, ON) – Attention boaters. Before putting your boat on the water, check all life saving, distress and safety equipment and make sure that it is in the boat and that it works. An empty fire extinguisher won’t help put out a fire, nor will a flash light with dead batteries signal for help.
The OPP SAVE Team recommends boaters wear a life jacket or personal floatation device at all times. Once you fall into the water it’s too late.
If operating a motorized boat after sunset and before sunrise, or in restricted visibility, navigation lights are required. Check them before you go on the water to make sure they work.
Criminal Code drinking and driving offences apply to boats. Don’t mix alcohol and boating. Your Automobile Drivers Licence will be suspended.
If boaters aren’t sure what equipment they need it can be found in the Safe Boating Guide, which is a free publication issued by Transport Canada or call the Boating Safety phone line at 1-800-267-6687 or visit
SIU Concludes Death Investigation in Port Elgin
Case Number: 13-OCD-141
Appeals Form
Mississauga (2 May, 2014) — The Director of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU), Tony Loparco, has concluded that there are no reasonable grounds to charge any Saugeen Shores Police Service (SSPS) officers with any criminal offence in relation to the death of a 46 year-old man in June of last year.
The SIU assigned four investigators and two forensic investigators to probe the circumstances of this incident. As part of the investigation, two witness officers were designated and 10 civilian witnesses were interviewed. The SIU also designated three subject officers, of whom one participated in an interview. Two subject officers did not provide their notes or participate in an interview, as is their legal right.
The evidence gathered by the SIU suggests the following series of events leading to the man’s death:
• At approximately 10:45pm on June 21, 2013, the man broke into a neighbour’s residence on Oakwood Drive.
• The man, confused and behaving aggressively, was confronted by the homeowner and an altercation between the two men ensued.
• Officers with the SSPS attended the residence in relation to this disturbance.
• Two officers, with the assistance of the homeowner, attempted to bring the man under control and place him under arrest but due to his strenuous resistance were unable to place him in handcuffs.
• A third officer arrived shortly after and joined in the fray. Acting in concert, they were able to overpower the man, turning his body on its side and then in a prone position, at which point the man’s arms were handcuffed behind his back. At about the same time, the man fell into acute medical distress, went limp and stopped breathing.
• Despite the efforts of SSPS officers and attending paramedics, he could not be revived and was transported to hospital where he was pronounced dead.
The pathologist at autopsy concluded that the man’s death was a “Sudden death associated with Excited Delirium and Prone Restraint”.
Director Loparco said, “The officers were clearly in the discharge of their duties when they responded to the residence and attempted to physically subdue the man. For reasons beyond his control, the man was experiencing an acute manic episode and was a clear and present threat to the health and safety of the home’s residents. In light of his aggression and level of resistance, it is apparent to me that the officers used no more force than was reasonably necessary in the circumstances. It is noteworthy that none of the officers, according to the eyewitness evidence, actually struck the man or used any of their weapons. Rather, it would appear they relied on their muscular force in what was essentially a wrestling contest to eventually secure his arms in handcuffs. As soon as it became apparent that the man had stopped breathing, they rolled him on his back and quickly applied CPR, continuing in their efforts until the paramedics arrived. I am satisfied in these circumstances that the officers were justified in their use of force. I am further satisfied that the officers were alive to the dangers of positional asphyxia and acted promptly to mitigate those risks as soon as it was reasonably feasible to do so.”
The SIU is an arm’s length agency that investigates reports involving police where there has been death, serious injury or allegations of sexual assault. Under the Police Services Act, the Director of the SIU must
- consider whether an officer has committed a criminal offence in connection with the incident under investigation
- depending on the evidence, lay a criminal charge against the officer if appropriate or close the file without any charges being laid
- report the results of any investigations to the Attorney General.