CORNWALL Ontario – Woodhouse Museum Curator Ian Bowering finally paid for Battery and damaging our CFN camera ME-2 today at the Courthouse in Cornwall Ontario.
It took seven months sadly because Mr. Bowering reneged on his apology and agreement to pay for damages.
The incident stemmed from his attacking CFN editor Jamie Gilcig during an interview at the Chem Tank rally in Cornwall back in December. Attending officer in charge, CPS Sgt. Brian Snyder, who is also Mayor Kilger’s brother in law, refused to lay a charge on site.
This is the second time that Mr. Bowering has struck at Mr. Gilcig.
Mr. Bowering had in fact apologized for the incident and agreed to cover costs, but when the amount was tendered sent a note offering less than half the cost.
I am not authorized to agree to the costs without a referee, but I am sincerely sorry that the incident happened, as I know that you are trying and are successful in covering Cornwall news.
With regard to costs, if you do find that there has been damage do let me know and I am sure that we can find a resolution. As for printing anything I have written, I do not write anything that the public cannot see.
Ian Bowering
Mr. Bowering was belligerent in the courthouse at one point advising Mr. Gilcig that he should step aside as he might strike him again, as well as repeatedly addressing him as a “Blogger” and CFN, the newspaper with the largest audience in the Cornwall market as a “Blog”.
He is also the focus of a closed meeting report from Stephen Fournier after he stated at a Waterfront Committee meeting that he couldn’t speak as per the agenda because of Mr. Gilcig being in attendance to cover the meeting. Mayor Kilger and long time councilors Carr and Grant were present with Grant and the Mayor voting to move in camera.
Mr. Bowering’s presentation was on the open agenda which is why the Freeholder filed a complaint against the proceedings which ironically led to chair Lee Cassidy also striking Mr. Gilcig and his camera.
It should be interesting if this will impact Mr. Bowering’s tenure at the museum as local historian Thom Racine appears to be waiting in the wings to apply for the position.
The Woodhouse museum is chiefly funded from the City of Cornwall via tax payer dollars.
Mr. Bowering was not contacted for this story.
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Good I am glad that Ian Bowering has to pay for Jamie’s CFN camera. This Sgt. Snyder is the man that I sent Jamie the piece from a paper that someone who was formerly from Cornwall sent in about him and Bare Ass. I have absolutely no regard of any kind for Cornwall’s Barney Fife PD which is so mighty corrupt and I will never ever forget what they did to Jamie as long as I live. I have always known to be mighty corrupt from what my former neighbors told us in Cornwall but really getting down to see it for yourself is another thing. What is so strange Jamie and folks is that on my walk this morning we sat down under a tree and those were my very thoughts. How can a police force be so mighty crooked like what is going on in the US as we speak.
I think if Mr Bowering were to be replaced, it should be with our little historian, Sara Lauzon. She does good research and already is very in tune with a LOT of Cornwall and area’s history. And new young blood would be great.
It’s a shame that things have to go this far. A simple apology and paying for the damage you caused would have ended this in one day.
Why does everything have to be so dramatic?
Carol I think Sara might be a bit too political for that position. Maybe with experience she’ll learn to be a bit less….
The reaction by Bowering is scary, as is the woman’s on the second video. They’re both making news. Wrong kind, They’re doing damage to themselves and making the city look bad.
City doesn’t need “little” people but professional, thinking adults. Bowering showed smallness. Same goes for the woman on the waterfront video. Agree with Mr. Coffey.
Unfortunate that Mr. Bowering is not the man I thought he was. I agree Sara Lauzon would be an asset in the future. His comments (Bowering) make you wonder what not being able to be his own man is all about (not responsible for his own actions) he creates the impression that he has some emotional challenges. Poor choice for a public position, perhaps this will be rectified in the near future.
Mr.Bowering fits right in with the others that run this city.He,s been kissing Kilgers a– since this episode happened.As for Sara I beilivie it will end up Cornwalls loss.Jamie on Sara your 100% wrong.Please explain your a (little bit less Quote)She is 24 and has to live and work in Cornwall.Should we send her into the wolf pack.
This Mr. Bowering does not have any kind of backbone and if he had he would never have touched Jamie’s camera. If he was a real man he would not take his orders from Bare Ass or the clique. If that statue in the park known as Sgt. Snyder (who looks more like something that the birds would land on) since he didn’t do his job and just stood there is any kind of a man he would have laid the charges on Bowering right then and there. So many men have no backbone at all and you can see those types at the kitchen sink doing dishes. Bowering looks more like one of the seven dwarfts in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and fits the image so very well. He is all set with that little cabin in the park instead of the woods.
Mr.Bowering fits right in with the others that run this city.He,s been kissing Kilgers a– since this episode happened.As for Sara i believie it will be Cornwalls loss.Jamie on Sara your 100% wrong.PLease explain your a (little bit less.Quote)She is 24 and has to live and work in Cornwall.Should we send her into the wolf pack.
I think it is unfair to see some people here put down all of our men and women working at Cornwall Police Services because of a few that have may have gotten upset because of issues with certain police dealings by a few members in our community. Overall,I do agree that they come to us at a high cost but in almost every dealing I have ever had by any of the police members out and about in our city it has been very positive whenever seeing them in action and performing their duties. I have lived in many other cities in Canada and have traveled to other places around the world where the police over react due to the dangers of their work and have little respect for those that they are there to protect. In my opinion,for an example, I was present the night Admin was removed from council by our Mayor and the responding police that were there did not seem in my opinion to feel happy or comfortable dealing with this situation with the Mayor nearby and the issue of the protestors signs grabbed,torn and hidden. The Cornwall Police may be costly for us but as a force I give them full credit for handling all the dangerous work that they may have to face in a city like Cornwall.
Gary I agree. We do have many fine officers working for the CPS. Sadly though whenever there’s an issue with one it ruins it for the force. The CPS also doesn’t market or do much messaging to help their image.
The evening when Mr. Samler was in the meeting of Bare Ass and council and the posters got torn up and hidden in Bare Ass’s office Syd Gardner was not charged for his offence and got off the hook. Speaking about getting off if that were one of us we would get charged. Twenty six cops of the Barney Fife PD left because of the BS going around and they couldn’t take it anymore. They got transferred out and some found other employment. I myself could not take such a thing going on at all. The whole thing is nothing but corruption. Yes you might find a couple of cops that are good but in general they are very corrupt.
An error was made Jamie your Camera was touched ( broken ) and Ian paid for that error seems to me that should be enough and Ian did send you a letter stating that he was ” sincerely sorry that the incident happened “.
Ian Bowering! This gentleman has done and is continuing to do an excellent job at the Wood House Museum on behalf of our community.
Mr. Beattie Ian should have paid the invoice when it arrived from the camera company. He also should not have kept trashing talking myself including at the courthouse.
I know you’re friendly with him; but his wrong was still his wrong. There would have been no court case if he had been a gentleman and honoured his apology and simply paid the repair bill.
I agree absolutely with Jamie and if Bowering were any kind of a man and a gentleman he would never have done this in the beginning nor get involved with Bare Ass and his clique.
Mr. Samler no cop can ever be trusted and I learned that by reading plenty about what is going on and any sane and intelligent person will not trust any cop at all. In this day and age you do not know who you are dealing with. Cops are not like in the days of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s days – those were the better days but today HUH! if you only knew what is going on. Even back then the Barney Fife PD was up to no good but very few people knew the truth about what was going on. Today we know too much and want nothing to do with any of them. You are a good man Mr. Samler and you see the good but you do not know the bad.
Not everything is doom and gloom. And not everyone is evil.
Jules, Before moving to Cornwall to raise my family 15 years ago, I proudly served my country in the Canadian Forces for over 21 years.We lived in Toronto when I retired in an expensive,area where crime was growing around us and we were looking to move and drawn by a Cornwall that was advertising a world of possibilities and a great place to raise a family. It was after moving we found out quickly how newcomers are treated.We learned what Dial a Bus was.If looking for a job here, you had to be known to get in anywhere especially Domtar the biggest employer here and what you knew was not a requirement. We had no prior knowledge of Project Truth or how the city was run by a clique that got rich by controlling all aspects of the city and covering up the corruption that still goes on here today.After serving in the military for my country I felt a need to serve my community and get involved as I did not like what I saw going on at city hall. I became a person working to help the poorer people hurting in our community. I became a poverty activist and community volunteer but after losing in the last election and having medical issues that sidelined me from doing what I enjoyed certain people blackballed me for speaking out against Kilger and Council during the election. Like Jamie, I could not be part of any community board or group that had city involvement. My wife and I to keep active in the community became city activists fighting social injustice in Cornwall. In 2011 the Labor Council gave us a Community activist award for all our hard work.For the next 4 years I have been closely watching all the scandals of this Kilger bunch, the worst council ever from what I have been told by many people.I do try to see the good in everyone and try not to judge others as I believe that is not my right or nature.I may not know all the bad here nor do I want to as I think it is more important to move away from what has been going on and rise above the mess left for the next council to work and build a better Cornwall for everyone here and not the select elite few.
Mr. Samler I have all the respect for you and there are some good people in Cornwall and they get pushed down. Take a look at Jamie for instance when he said in past posts that he and his ex wife wanted to volunteer their time and were told that they were not welcome. Now Mr. Samler do you see some of what I am saying to you and all. I too thought that Cornwall would be a great place to raise my family but it turned out to be the worst since too many problems arised down there with my son. I don’t know what it is but here in Ottawa we don’t have those very same problems. The area where I live is a mix of low income and middle to upper income homes and there are shootings in the lower income areas and in a previous middle income that became low income and it isn’t far from me but close enough and scary. I do know what you mean by Toronto because we visited that city back in the mid 80’s and couldn’t wait to get back to Ottawa. Cornwall has not changed its mentality to be better but went much worse and a great deal worse since Kilger aka Bare Ass took over as mayor. I used to think that Bare Ass would be a good mayor boy was I mistaken. I became so that I refrain from voting since I made a bad decision about Bare Ass even though I didn’t live in Cornwall when he got in. You are a good man Mr. Samler and you would be a great asset to Cornwall’s city hall and that is the truth. If only Leslie O’Shaughnessey or Jamie can get in as mayor. Leslie would have a better chance because he is very familiar with municipal politics and knows a lot about Bare Ass to defeat him in the coming election. I wish you all the very best there is Mr. Samler whether it be in politics or in your own daily life.
Cornwall has its problems yes. But to say Ottawa doesn’t have the the problems is just wrong. I am not referring to Project Truth. Ottawa has it’s cliques, etc., don’t fool yourself into thinking it doesn’t. Cornwall’s problems appear more prevalent due to the city size. The smaller the city the greater the problems stick out or magnify themselves.
Hugger Cornwall’s only real problem is that the “Good people” don’t stand up to the bullies and bad ones.
And good people stand up to bullies elsewhere? Nope. Otherwise whose standing up to Harpoon Harper and bullies in the city of Ottawa?
Hugger just because you stand up to a bully doesn’t mean you’ll be successful. There are people standing up to our PM. There are people that stood up to Ms Wynne and Mr. Hudak.
Those that stand up to our mayor and council here in Cornwall seem to get a certain treatment….
Hugger I sure do know that there is a clique here in Ottawa and bullies galore but like you said Ottawa is a big city and Cornwall is very small like a farm. Ottawa is a political town and the people are such snobs except for the regular little people. Most of the people in Ottawa are such pompous snobs and you know that since you were born and raised here and lived here a long time. In Cornwall those who are really nobody think that they are above everyone else. I sure do agree with you more than you know Hugger. I will be very honest with you so sit down and hear me out. When I wanted to come back to Ottawa because things were not working out in Cornwall and we were renting my husband was sitting at the kitchen table and had a seizure (he has brain damage) and this has never ever happened before. I wanted this for my children. My husband was dead set against coming back to Ottawa and we knew that there were so many changes to this town and one that my husband didn’t want to come back to. Well I finally convinced him to come back which we did and he isn’t all that keen about it nor is my daughter. My daughter likes small towns since it is much easier to get around into. My son likes big places. When we were in Cornwall he was hanging around with bad company but here in Ottawa he has not gotten into problems like in Cornwall at all and no bad company. It was a nightmare down in Cornwall for some years until we left. My daughter found work two weeks after arriving here in Ottawa and we were told that was a miracle since the economy was in bad shape. She left the other company because the jobs that she was working on went to Montreal and Toronto and there was the call centre jobs that was shift work and couldn’t meet the buses to go out to Kanata. Just now she is working in a super market as a cashier which we consider temporary for now works nearby. I wish to God that Cornwall was a much better place but unfortunately it will take a miracle for the people to wake up and make the changes necessary to get into the 21st century.
Agreed. But standing up to Harpo Harper has proved detrimental.
Careful there Hugger. Dear Leader’s ever expanding enemy list will soon include everyone who posts negative views regarding his perfect rule over Canada. This guy takes any criticism very seriously.
Furtz if that’s the case then Harpo can kiss my a**.
Sadly, Hugger, despots like Harper can and do inflict serious damage to their critics. Best to keep a low profile.
All Hail Our Dear Leader!
Now what is the old saying “Heil Caesar!” LOL LOL. What is strange is that on my computer it sometimes asks as an advertisement for Harpoon Harpo if I would vote for him and I leave that blank. Anybody who knows me knows that it would be a good laugh. When the elections were on for Olivia Chow’s husband I voted for him the NDP even though I am not a socialist but anything except voting for Harpo or the former Liberal fellow who is a professor at Harvard in the US. The backlash happened where the votes were divided and I sure don’t want to see this for Cornwall. I would like to see people get out there and oust that old horse Bare Ass to the glue factory and put in Leslie. If Leslie were not available then it would be Jamie but Leslie is the most eligible who can beat Bare Ass.