Cornwall Ontario – The Curse of the Ontario PC party strikes again. Death by Social Media after unproven sexual accusations against now former leader Patrick Brown have led to his resignation.
“However, defeating [Ontario Premier] Kathleen Wynne in 2018 is more important than one individual. For this reason, after consulting with caucus, friends and family I have decided to step down as Leader of the Ontario PC Party. I will remain on as a MPP while I definitively clear my name from these false allegations.”
A wave of staff resignations and an already hostile base literally snatched a projected victory from Mr. Brown,who ever being a political opportunist surely must be in a bitter stew over the circumstances he now finds himself in.
The visible long time batchelor was already enduring questions about his own sexuality within the hard core elements of the party. In some PC circles the allegations of drunken sexual escapades with young women might actually help his regard.

Which leaves Stephen Clark, a life long politician who started his career by surprisingly becoming Mayor of the very Conservative Brockville Ontario; eventually going on to become the MPP of Leeds Grenville, being an obvious choice from current MPPs.
With Premier Wynne and her Liberals being about as popular as a dirty cat litter box and the NDP being resoundingly tepid, the PCs clearly have a challenge on their hands.
What do you think dear CFN viewers? Does Clark have the right stuff to not only lead the party, but to snatch defeat from Kathy Wynne?
You can post your comments below. (Poor Jules must be dyin’ to post on this one 🙂 )
I’d rather see Lisa MacLeod as leader. Unless the PC’s get handling this very quickly and also find a new leader they just handed Wynne and her cronies four more years in power in Ontario. They need to have the PC executive decide on an “interim” leader to at least get them through the next little while and the election.
Clark kinda sorta has that credibility to be leader. Lisa’s a hottie, but not sure she could get more votes than Horwath or Wynne.
Agree to a point. IMHO, Clark is known locally, Lisa has been there a lot longer.
The timing now is suspect , as PC Leader Brown has been going after Wynne I suspect she might very well have had a hand in this whole matter .
Wynne congratulated both women for standing up and speaking out for as yet unproven claims , seems that Wynne is not prepared to wait for the Court System just hang him in the Public Forum , is that Liberal Justice ?
Believe Me, “Wynne congratulated both women for standing up and speaking out”, so have PC members. What do you have to say about that?
Clark is the MPP in a riding that has been exclusively Conservative provincially for over 100 years. He’s a good guy but he’s never had to fight to win. He’s never been tested. Big mistake choosing Brown as leader. Not as toxic as Hudak but pretty close.
I’m with Believe Me 1. To me this has the Fiberals fingerprints all over it. This happens just five months before the election? Both women came forward at the same time? And one of them accepted a job in his office with him the summer after the accusations were said to have occurred. So, was she really that concerned about what had happened previously?
The Fiberals are too smart to do it directly, as it would be found out rather quickly. But I’m betting some minion of a friend of a friend of a friend is involved in getting these allegations to light and getting all this in motion at such a convenient time for the Fiberals.
Actually Hugger this screams of a take down by his own party. Kathy seemed quite happy to run against Brown, but if you read some con fb groups there were a huge amount of cons who didn’t like Brown and wanted him gone.
In this toxic #MeToo environment that is threatening to redefine how we interact it might be a tragic strategic error not to install a female as the new leader of the Conservative Party. Every male at this point is suspect and tainted. Our system is being undermined. Innocent until proven guilty in crisis.
Mike Hunt
I supported Christine Elliott for PC Leader did not support Brown however be that
as it may , now think Vic Fedeli is my choice for PC Leader , as I believe he can trim
Wynne and I so want Wynne defeated .
Mike you were right Cons did Congradulate the ladies for standing tall however for a very different reason , suggest they wanted deck cleared to fight Wynne on her record
Looks like Patrick Brown might replace Patrick Brown! You can’t make this stuff up. Hilarious!