I know we don’t have a Hardee’s here in Canada, but if we did would this commercial get your burger lovin’ butt down to it? httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzwxmy1TWNM&feature=player_embedded please visit our sponsors:Continue Reading

Yes, they said it couldn’t happen; the Habs actually outshot a team (36-19).   They won too thanks to goals by Alex Kovalev, Saku Koivu, and Guillaume Latendresse. Of course Tampa isn’t that great a team this year, but a win is a win, especially in a Cup hunt. Congrats toContinue Reading

L I N K Former crime journalist Michel Auger, who wrote about organized crime for Le Journal de Montreal, said the story behind Gallant and Operation Baladeur is worthy of a movie. Police allege the suspects either ordered or carried out the killings of 28 people between 1978 and 2003.Continue Reading

Joint Operation With CBSA, OPP and RCMP Results in Contraband Tobacco Seizures SOUTH GLENGARRY, ON, March 26 /CNW/ – Officers from the Cornwall RCMP Detachment with officers from the Canada Border Services Agency and the Ontario Provincial Police worked together on a joint operation targeting those who transport contraband cigarettesContinue Reading

I was just watching this week’s city council meeting on Cogeco and it’s amazing to watch this group interact. There definitely are certain “types” of people.  You can see which councilors supports business interests, and which councilors support human interests; which councilors are smarter or brighter, or which councilors youContinue Reading

Petro Can Deal = Higher Gas Prices in Ontario Heatstroke Sensing Helmets Japanese Astronaut Wears Stink Free Undies Frenzy to find Madoff Hidden Assets Oil About to Sky Rocket, Again! CIA having to Advertise on Facebook and Classifieds to Staff please visit our sponsors:Continue Reading

L I N K One of America’s Most Wanted is now off the list after being nabbed in Montreal. In March 2001, McCollum failed to appear in a Tennessee court on four counts of aggravated sexual battery of a child. He was accused of molesting a boy. Kristin Helm, ofContinue Reading

L I N K I can’t believe that someone this sick could do such a thing.   Lacing cupcakes with poison and leaving them in parks for dogs goes beyond criminal.    They say that most serial killers start by hurting animals and moving up to humans. There’s no defense for aContinue Reading

LINK Is Councilor Denis Thibault politicking or is this a good thing?  Talk back to us Cornwall.   Councilors received a 2.1% pay  increase bringing their salaries up to $14,270 per year. I’m going to ask some of our City Councilor’s to respond to this article. please visit our sponsors:Continue Reading

Maybe that’s why Bob Gainey didn’t get Vinny Lecavilier?   Maybe William Gillet wouldn’t let him spend the $$? Now that the rumours have been confirmed perhaps a Canadian concern or even a Quebec concern will purchase the Habs? Mr. Gillet made a shrewd investment at a good time and snatchedContinue Reading