Cornwall ON – Keith Beardsley has written a new piece on the deterioration of Parliament and how it behaves and the impact on our political system and perception created with the Canadian public.  It’s some interesting and well thought out reading. I’ve talked a lot with people lately about the apathy inContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Every once and awhile a company sinks to a new low.    Bell Internet seems to make a habit of this.   It’s not the product overall although there are criticisms of it; it’s their customer support and complete lack of responsiblity. Legally we can’t share allContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Hmm….geez I hate writing pieces like this.  It’s just not Canadian.  I mean stating the obvious is so freakin’ easy. Most likely a corrupt coke snortin’ lazy azzed politician’s career goes down the crapper.   Abandoned by his own party he tries to lean on his wife’sContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Cornwall Free News will be doing a report on the Cell Phone Industry.   Who offers the best deals, best phones, plusses, minuses, customer service, good stories, horror stories. We want to know Canada.  Who offers the best cell phone experience. Please take our poll. RightContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Well if Coronation Street can have gay characters why not Archie Comics?  The iconic comic book empire is about to unveil it’s first openly gay character as opposed to Dilton Doily who I always had suspicions of…. LINK VERONICA #202 features the full-issue story, “Isn’t it Bromantic?”Continue Reading

South Stormont ON – It’s that time!  The 10th Annual South Stormont Trade Show takes place April 30th – May 1 2010 at the Long Sault Arena (60 Mille Roches Road)  It’s a Trade Show. It’s a family event.  It’s an adventure!   And it’s Free with no admission forContinue Reading

I’m sure there is going to be a public outcry against McGuinty’s new sex education curriculum, but I would like to present another perspective. After my last letter, “Confronting Homophobia in our Schools, I can just imagine the feedback on this one! According, grade 6 students will learn aboutContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Avatar Director James Cameron isn’t happy with the Alberta Tar Sands.  The Billionaire fimmaker, pride of Kapuskasing Ontario recently discussed the environment. LINK “I think it’s bad, I think it’s the wrong solution for us to be doing greater and greater environmental damage pursuing a dead-end paradigm,Continue Reading

CORNWALL REGIONAL TASK FORCE CONTINUES TO DISRUPT SUPPLY ROUTES OF CONTRABAND SMUGGLERS CORNWALL ON – The Cornwall Regional Task Force (CRTF) continues to identify, target and disrupt supply routes used by organized crime groups who attempt to smuggle illicit commodities into our communities.  Between April 9th, 2010 and April 21st,Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – A few hours of your time per month can make a difference in the lives of a lot of people.  Sound familiar?   A cliché yes, but most are true.   We live in crazy days that leave almost no time for ourselves never mind to giveContinue Reading

ROGER SAUVÉ – Life Trends – Facts And Figures That Matter to You – Life is changing for both men and women Bob Dylan released “The Times They are a-Changin” in 1964. He was right at the time. Some four decades later, the change continues. My new report, Canadian Gender Realities 2010,Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – It’s always good to green Cornwall.   The Raisin Region Conservation Area will be giving away 10 seedlings per household as part of their 12th Annual Earth Day Celebration. It’s this Saturday April 24th at 18045 Country Road 2 or you can phone them at 613.938.3611 forContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Local Songster Graham Greer will be one of the featured act this year’s Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest!    Mr. Greer will be appearing at this years Bluesfest with such legendary acts as Santana, Rush,  The B52s, Iron Maiden, Great Big Sea and Bob Weir of  Grateful Dead fame,Continue Reading