Cornwall ON – Ce film québécois raconte l’histoire de Jeanne et Simon Marwan, des jumeaux, qui remonteront le fil de l’histoire de leur mère, Nawal. D’abord, le notaire Lebel remet à ceux-ci deux enveloppes, l’une destinée à un père qu’ils croyaient mort et l’autre à un frère dont ils ignoraientContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Pour la 3e édition de la Cabane à sucre, près d’une vingtaine d’activités pour toute la famille seront organisées du 15 au 17 avril dans le stationnement du cinéma Port, dans le Village à Cornwall. Afin d’accueillir le printemps à bras grands ouverts, des activités enlevantes, deContinue Reading

Cornwall ON- It’s showtime!   Saturday April 9, 2011 an event is going to take place.   The 2011 Mayor’s Spring Celebration of the Arts. Join Mayor Bob Kilger at Aultsville Theatre for a celebration of local talent! Concert followed by an Arts Reception and Silent Auction Hosted by well-knownContinue Reading

Alexandria ON – Today, the Economic Development and Employability Network of Ontario (RDÉE Ontario) unveiled the activities that Place aux jeunes Ontario-SDG will undertake during the year.  Thanks to a $64,200 financial contribution from the Ontario Trillium Foundation over the course of 2 years, and an agreement with the CanadianContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Ontario Power Generation (OPG) made a donation to Seaway Valley Crime Stoppers. Crime Stoppers involves the cooperative efforts of the community, the media and the police in the fight against crime. . This organization covers the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Cornwall, Akwesasne and northernContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Sunday May 15th is your chance to help focus on an important cause and have a good time!  What: The  “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event in support of Sexual Assault Support Services for Women of SDG&A (SASS)  When: Sunday May 15, 2011  Time:Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Science and Nature Speaker Series has a local interest this month, with guest speaker Rik Saaltink, from the Seaway International Bridge Corporation. On April 13 at 7 pm, Rik will give a presentation at the Cornwall Public Library entitled, “The North Channel Bridge: Past Present andContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Cornwallite Michael V Smith has a new novel coming out; his second; Progress on Cormorant Books.   Michael V. Smith’s first novel Cumberland received national acclaim and was shortlisted for the / Books in Canada First Novel Award. Now, eight years later, comes his brand newContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – It’s not everyday that a local athlete gets a chance to compete at the highest level of their sport and that’s exactly what Christina “Corky” Julien is about to do, but she like most Canadian athletes need your support to help make that happen. The Cornwall GolfContinue Reading

  Cornwall ON – The SD&G Coalition of Social Justice is the beneficiary of the 14th Rock for Charity taking place at Remingtons Deli and Bar – 101 Montreal Road in Cornwall Ontario. This charity fundraiser event will feature Jamie Jarvo, Tommy Heatley, Ewen McIntosh, Joel Sauve, Boozehound (with JessyContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Best Western PLUS Parkway Inn & Conference Centre is sponsoring a new regular feature on the Cornwall Free News! We will be promoting one area organization or service that helps people in our community and make tribute to the thousands of people that give freely toContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – We were moved by the appeal to help the Agapé Centre get their new stove for their Soup Kitchen and have decided to make a special offer. On any new Advertising, Marketing, or Messaging plan or upgrade of current plans we will donate 50% of the feeContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – What happens when you go through your hectic day and forget or you were too busy to eat breakfast and lunch? You become irritable, tired and unable to concentrate and you realize you are famished. You feel terrible, realize you are hungry then start consuming the first thing you can.Continue Reading

Cornwall ON – The Provincial Liberal Association of Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry will be holding a Tribute Dinner for retiring MPP Jim Brownell on Saturday, April 30 at the Best Western Parkway Inn in Cornwall. Through two terms as the local representative at Queen’s Park, Jim Brownell has successfullyContinue Reading

Ottawa ON – Has the Japanese nuclear disaster got you thinking about the effects of radiation?  What is PR and what is fact?   Come to Saint Paul University in Ottawa Friday and Saturday, March 25th and 26th.  Physicians for Global Survival will bring you facts – and provide anContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Over one thousand ostomy surgeries per year are performed in the Ottawa area , some temporary and others permanent.  People from all walks of life, politicians, royalty, sports figures, professionals, teenagers, children and babies have had their lives saved by this surgery.  And yet the word  ostomyContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Much has transpired over the last week or so…particularly with the challenges that Japan are dealing with at this moment in time.  It is difficult to understand why some face such paramount challenges and others do not. One thing is certain…seeing the challenges that many face aroundContinue Reading