APRIL 15, 2020 – For Marie Beaupre it was an embarrassing moment as she drove up to the drive thru window at a local McDonalds. All she wanted was that secret sauce and delight that is a McDonald’s Big Mac. Being on a limited income this was a treat forContinue Reading

BREACH Cornwall, ON – A 34-year-old Cornwall man was arrested on April 9th, 2020 and charged with breach of undertaking for communicating with his ex-girlfriend. It is alleged the man communicated with his ex-girlfriend on two occasions and police were contacted to investigate. On April 9th, 2020 the man attendedContinue Reading

Cornwall City Council is live streaming Tuesday afternoon. In the council chamber during the live stream are 12 people at a time as photos from the live stream show. CFN has learned that at least one complaint was filed with the Cornwall Police Service, but there has been no responseContinue Reading

In the next few days Christians will be celebrating Easter and our Jewish friends will be celebrating Passover. It will be the most different Easter and Passover just about all of us will have ever experienced. No church or synagogue services or usual family gatherings. Certainly no Easter Parade anywhere.Continue Reading

The problem with voting people in like Bernadette Clement, Elaine Macdonald, and Maurice Dupelle is that you gradually kill your community. A few years ago they started to kill off yard sales by putting in a yearly limit. Now they’ve eliminated them citing COVID 19 as a reason. Mayor ClementContinue Reading

A package with a glossy card, and other objects has been arriving all around Cornwall inviting the public to attend a church gathering at Aultstille Theatre (approximately 700 seats) for April 10, 2020. This would appear to be in violation of Ontario Emergency orders. We will update as more informationContinue Reading

PUBLIC MISCHIEF, FRAUD OVER $5000, REMOVING VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER, PROPERTY OBTAINED BY CRIME, FRAUDULANT CONCEALMENT Cornwall, ON – Lori McConkey, 56 of Cornwall was arrested on March 28th, 2020 and charged with public mischief, fraud over $5000, removing vehicle identification number, property obtained by crime and fraud concealmentIt is allegedContinue Reading