When I ran for Mayor in the last municipal election a lot of the talk was about taxes.  Now we have the Council ready to hike taxes—again. How can the City Council afford to pay huge settlements (possibly close to a half milliion dollars) yet still consider raising taxes? I agree withContinue Reading

CFN –  Here are the top ten stories you’re reading this morning on The Cornwall Free News! Point of Order by Stéphane Groulx – Salvation Army Workers Under Paid? Striking Workers think so. February 16, 2012 Is it time to review the Cornwall Ontario Conflict of Interest Policy? February 17,Continue Reading

CFN – Is Cornwall Ontario in need of reviewing its Conflict of Interest policy? conflict of interest noun 1. the circumstance of a public officeholder, business executive, or the like, whose personal interests might benefit from his or her official actions or influence: The senator placed his stocks in trust to avoid possible conflict of interest. 2. the circumstance of a person who finds that one of his orher activities, interests, etc., can be advanced only at the expense of another of them. Definition courtesy of Dictionary.com Monday February 13th I watched the Cornwall City Council meeting.   There was discussion and voting on Outside AgenciesContinue Reading

CFN – On Wednesday, February 29th, Elaine Kennedy will be the featured speaker at the Science and Nature Speaker Series at the Cornwall Public Library.  Her talk, “Living the Green Life” will provide tips and inspiration for a lifestyle that respects the environment. . Elaine Kennedy is a local environmentalist, writer,Continue Reading

CFN –  I always love to promote local successes; especially when local young people are involved in helping to promote our fair city and area! SD&G Community Futures Honcho François Désormeaux also was jubilant about results from the video that featured Charlene MacClennan who works at CDFC, also is on the board ofContinue Reading

DOMESTIC BREACHES                  Cornwall, ON- A 25 year-old Cornwall man was arrested on the 15th of February, 2012. He was bound by a recognizance with the relevant condition of not to associate directly or indirectly with his 21 year-old ex-girlfriend.  It is alleged that on the 15th of Febraury, 2012 he was foundContinue Reading

CFN –   Ring Ring.   It’s my phone.  One second please. Valued CFN Viewer Did you see what Todd Bennett wrote about you on facebook? Moi Let me check.  No, I can’t see;  he’s unfriended me. Valued CFN Viewer He’s calling you out for your Corruption poll. Moi That’sContinue Reading

DOMESTIC SEXUAL ASSULT               Cornwall, ON- A 40 year-old Cornwall man was arrested on the 14th of February, 2012. It is alleged that on the 22nd of January, 2012 he attended his 34 year-old ex-girlfriends residence and sexually assaulted her. The victim was not injured. Police were contacted and an investigation followed.Continue Reading

CFN – On January 21st, 2012, Bradley COOKE (age 39) from Akwesasne, Ontario, was charged under the Excise Act, 2001 after being stopped at Cornwall’s Port of Entry with nineteen (19) cases of contraband cigarettes.  COOKE’s 2011 Ford F-250 pickup truck was seized. On January 26th, 2012, while conducting surveillance in the South Glengarry,Continue Reading

 Helen Periard has stated in Fridays local paper that only front-line positions that have direct contact with patients need to have bilingualism. Agencies that are partially funded by the province (hospitals, daycare centers, group homes, etc.) are not automatically subject to the FLSA. These agencies may ask to be officiallyContinue Reading

CFN – What a conundrum.  These things called principles.   There can be ironies as was the case when I received an urgent missive from Cornwall Ontario City Councilor and local Labour Board President Elaine MacDonald. Some people think I and the good councilor have some sort of feud; butContinue Reading

CFN –  My gosh time flies.     Today The Cornwall Free News turned 3!   Stunning.   I’ve been overwhelmed the last two days by phone calls, emails, and facebook messages.   I even read a few Twitter tributes. We are by far the most widely read news siteContinue Reading