CFN – In the latter stages of being at home with my parents, I remember decorating my small bedroom floor-to-ceiling pictures of the peoples of the world. I would contemplate their world to my limited capacity, but was always very intrigued by every aspect of their life depicted inContinue Reading

  CFN – Heather Hughes is dedicated to helping people achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle. It’s a journey she knows first-hand. A car accident in her early twenties left Ms. Hughes with serious injuries. After two surgeries, the Williamstown native emerged mobile, but suffering from chronic pain. It was duringContinue Reading

CFN – I’m sure Pierre Trudeau is not happy wherever he is today….   While I didn’t agree with everything he stood for I was always proud of his relationship with the US.  In his memoirs his advice to Brian Mulroney: ” …be friends with the United States– the CanadianContinue Reading

  CFN – A section of Cornwall’s waterfront recreational path will be closed to the public during the winter months in order to accommodate the ongoing construction activity for the new low-level bridge.  The temporary closure involves a small section of the recreational path immediately beneath and around the existingContinue Reading

CFN – So is the City of Cornwall Ontario using this report to council on advertising as a financial tool to control local media?   It’s an interesting question and one I’ve been fielding now for over a month and I’m sure some of the city officials and council areContinue Reading

CFN –  The Cornwall Free News is proud to be a non-exclusive and non-predatory Media sponsor for Motivational Speaker Gerry Visca’s return to our fair city!   Mr. Visca was the key note speaker for Biz Fest recently.  He’s going to be holding two sessions with a capacity of 100Continue Reading

CFN – Mr. Brent Laton, Trustee for Grenville County and Elizabethtown-Kitley Township, has been acclaimed to the position of Chair for the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario. It will be the first term as Chair for Mr. Laton, who is entering his 9th year as a Catholic School Trustee.Continue Reading

Dear Editor: . Please allow me to comment on the proposal for the installation of sculptures promoting international peace in Lamoureux Park and  to thank you for keeping us informed of the status of this proposal. . I found this article very inspiring because it picks up on a deepContinue Reading

CFN –   As some of you know I’ve been working on my second novel; Dirty Town Under a Crooked Bridge.   It’s been an interesting and challenging process.   I had to scrap my first draft and start over from scratch, and am also working on the screenplay asContinue Reading

CFN –  Wow we had a ton of feedback on our story about Online Anonymity and our future policy regarding comments here on CFN.   It’s been interesting and I think will help our evolution and growth. With nearly 14,000 comments in three years I personally see the impact both positive andContinue Reading

CFN – Nancy Galway of Snow Angels Sanctuary must be pooped!  She and her team put on the 1st Annual Health, Holistic & Lifestyle Expo at Trinity Anglican Church in Cornwall Ontario. Over 40 vendors shared their knowledge and products with the public. Lisa Jock shared on how her essentialContinue Reading

CFN –  It’s been a challenging year for Bernadette Clement.   Her first two political elections were resounding successes as Cornwall City Councilor, but then she made the move to the Federal scene.    The fully bilingual and personable lawyer was wooed at all levels of government as a potentialContinue Reading