CORNWALL ONTARIO – It’s been said that people in Cornwall Ontario have less of a sense of humor than most Middle Eastern countries. Memes litter social media.  Many are quite funny.  Cornwall Memes was a huge success with over 5,000 people clicking like on facebook before local police visited itsContinue Reading

CORNWALL ONTARIO – Starting CFN in 2009 has been an amazing experience.   It’s been brutal in many ways exposing the darkest sides of any community I’ve ever seen not in a cheap tv series or movie. While by far my experience with people in this town has been pleasant,Continue Reading

    Cornwall Ontario – As the song says, “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”. It is true. Everywhere we go there are sparkling lights, multi-coloured decorations, toys, gifts, Santa Clauses and Nativity scenes. Pommier’s Square at Pitt and Second Streets is all lit up with colourful decorations,Continue Reading

Cornwall Transit driver makes final stop on lengthy career CORNWALL ONTARIO – A well-known and well-liked Cornwall Transit driver made his final stop on Wednesday after a lengthy career with the service. Driver Gilles Lafrance drove his familiar Pitt-McConnell bus to the Downtown transfer point Wednesday morning and walked offContinue Reading

CORNWALL ONTARIO – CBC TV Documentary is looking for Ryan Gosling Stories in Cornwall. Do you remember Ryan Gosling’s early years in Cornwall? If so an upcoming CBC Documentary Channel film could be interested in talking to you. The 35 year old movie star often references his formative years inContinue Reading

CORNWALL ONTARIO – Locally people are fighting to save their local schools, especially in rural areas like South Glengarry, where the people supporting Char-Lan are putting up a great battle including the video below shot by students Lloyd Rozon, and Harry Tieman. The group has also created a facebook page forContinue Reading