CORNWALL ONTARIO – Cornwall By Law Officer Larson Payette is a busy boy.   He is involved in the false vicious dog citation given to a city man which appears to be heading towards the same courts as the case of Doug & Rachelle Raymond  who have engaged local lawyerContinue Reading

3’rd Annual Candlelight Vigil for Veterans and Soldiers with PTSD who continue to take their own lives. Who:   Friends of Vets What:  Candlelight Vigil in honor and support for our military heroes and their families after suicide.   Event is open to everyone. When:  Monday, November 2 ,2016 at 17:30 hrsContinue Reading

Ontario’s 21 Universities to Visit Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School in Cornwall October 11, 2016 – Representatives from Ontario’s 21 universities will be in Cornwall at Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School onMonday, October 24, 2016, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., for the University Information Program (UIP). This free eventContinue Reading

FHL Formally Approves Expansion to Cornwall, Ontario for 2016-17 Season Syracuse, NY – The Federal Hockey League (FHL) has formally approved an expansion FHL Member Club to Cornwall, Ontario, Canada that will begin play during the 2016-17 season. The new Cornwall expansion membership will play its home games at theContinue Reading

Cornwall Ontario – There are a core group of people in Cornwall that like to wear their civic pride like a badge of honor or Nero fiddling while Rome burned. Finish near the last in Entrepreneurial studies, and you’ll hear complaints about how the study was done. Celebrate our pizzaContinue Reading