As the public are aware, the City was convicted for illegal retaliation against me in October 2011 in relation to resident abuse at the Lodge. . The City Council was then investigating for answers as to why the three members of senior management of the City had participated in illegalContinue Reading

STOLEN MOTOR VEHICLE             Cornwall, ON- The Cornwall Community Police Service is currently investigating the theft of a 1995 Toyota Tercel, 2 door, dark green in colour from a Montreal Road parking lot. If you have any information regarding this stolen vehicle, please contact the Service at 613-932-2110 or Crime Stoppers at 613-937-8477.  Continue Reading

CFN – In an unusual twist Dr. Sheridan (Sherry) Diaz suggested that her trial was more about Gay Marriage and spousal rights than Elder Abuse. Dr. Diaz looked a bit like the Black Dahlia, dressed in black and forcefully tapping her finger on the table at documents for her lawyerContinue Reading

CFN – Two explosions rocked Western society today as the Boston Marathon was targeted.  12 have been reported dead with over nearly 100 injured.   It’s being reported that the explosions were set off from Garbage cans near the finish line. Bombing video Fall out is cell phone communications areContinue Reading

CFN – Deputy Fire Chief Rob Hickley has filed suit against the City of Cornwall.  He is not being represented in this case by lawyer Fay Brunning due to the huge legal costs involved and has been forced to represent himself at this point.   With legal costs exceeding $2,000Continue Reading