Cornwall ON- If the Boston Bruins break they Stanley Cup drought it’s going to chiefly be on the back of their goalie Tim Thomas. Thomas shut out the high octane Tampa offense 2-0 stopping all 31 Lightning shots on goal. What was impressive about the Boston victory is that Tampa’sContinue Reading

Cornwall ON –L’école élémentaire catholique Marie-Tanguay, à Cornwall, aura une nouvelle cour d’école le 25 juin 2011. Ce projet scolaire verra le jour grâce à la grande générosité de la Fondation canadienne Let Them Be Kids. Cette dernière doublera les fonds amassés jusqu’à la date ultime. En plus, ils construiront lesContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Voici le nouveau CA du Club des aînés Sainte-Thérèse, à Cornwall. 1ère rangée (de gauche à droite) : Thérèse Tailleur (présidente), Bernice Ouellette (conseillère) et Jeannine Bourassa (vice-présidente). 2e rangée : (de gauche à droite) : Léo Vallée (conseiller), et Laurent Boulerice (trésorier). Absent(es) de la photoContinue Reading

  Cornwall ON – Les écoliers de l’école élémentaire catholique Saint-Gabriel, à Cornwall, ont amassé 1 450$ le 5 mai lors de leur activité : Sautons en coeur. Tous les fonds iront à la Fondation canadienne du cœur. D’ailleurs, ils ont doublé leur objectif de levée de fonds! Les élèves ontContinue Reading

CFN – On Saturday May 14, 2011, Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry (SD&G) OPP was requested to assist in a Lobsterfest Fundraising event at Maurine Menard’s Bonnie Glen Pavilion in North Glengarry Township. . The proceeds of the evening benefited the Glengarry Association for Community Living organization. SD&G OPP occupies aContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Many people talk about the challenges of raising the population of Cornwall Ontario and the tax rates.    So while talking with a city councilor to remain nameless, (Denis Carr) the subject of amalgamating Glen Walter came up. Glen Walter has a population of about 5,000 people,Continue Reading

Lancaster ON – On Wednesday, May11, 2011, McDonald’s Restaurants hosted their annual “McHappy Day” fundraiser. SD&G OPP officers supported the cause at the Lancaster location by donating time behind the counter to serve customers.  SD&G OPP Detachment Commander, Inspector Mike McDonell stated “This is a very worthy cause and anContinue Reading

Cornwall ON – Mayor Bob Kilger and the City of Cornwall Ontario sent out the following release today: “Mayor Bob Kilger has announced that he will be taking intermittent leave from his duties as Mayor of the City of Cornwall over the next several weeks in order to address aContinue Reading