Here are your Quick hits for Friday August 11, 2009 Google Builds Better Search Engine Tough Times in the Porn Industry Guitar Legend Les Paul Reverbs Out at 94 Madoff Rat Tells All GM Sells Cars on Ebay Indie Filmmakers Distrib on Their Own Apparition – New Indie Distribution CompanyContinue Reading

We now are accepting resumes for Interns.  We have two slots open, one person to work on the webside of the paper and one for someone to work on the news side. The successful intern will be community minded and energetic.  Email your resumé to or please visitContinue Reading

Hey it’s a slow news day in Cornwall and this is one of the weirdest stories I’ve printed in awhile.  Click the link to see a pic of the perp and read the full story. John William Moyer will not have a good first day in jail.  As the boysContinue Reading

Britain for some reason is really being hit hard by SWINE FLU.    Here are a few articles to give some of the how’s and why’s about dealing with the flu. FIGHTFLU.CA GUIDE TO SWINE FLU Q&A PUBLIC HEALTH CANADA BIGGEST HELPS Wash your hands frequently.  Wash surfaces that are commonlyContinue Reading

I hate populist gut reaction politics.    This whole Buy American thing in response to the recession is just plain silly and in some cases spites the nose the feeds the something or other…..   L I N K “There are some real downsides to Buy American,” Brady said in an interview.Continue Reading