January 3, 2022 – As we watch numbers shooting up here in Canada it’s easy to blame politicians. Lord knows they deserve it, from Prime Minister Trudeau, to most of the premiers, to even local municipal officials. We have as a society failed. To clarify. It’s one thing to believeContinue Reading

DECEMBER 10, 2021 – As the issue of the teacher in Chelsea who was released for wearing a hijab heats up here is an interesting comparison. John Diefenbaker (former Prime Minister) I am a Canadian, a free Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship God in my ownContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 24, 2021 – For over three months the Conservatives have been dealing with one issue that they can’t seem to put to bed. Pretty much every story on the Conservative Party has focused on just one issue- vaccinations. It is always a negative story- there is nothing positive inContinue Reading

NOVEMBER 23, 2021 – The phrase, “One Day at a Time” can suddenly take on new meaning when we are battling a problem. Recently in August I was in the Cornwall Community Hospital for 3 weeks and underwent surgery. The staff in the ICU are angels…professional and very caring. IContinue Reading

TODAY I HAD MY EYES OPENED WIDE! What I witnessed during my 4+hour stay in the Cornwall Hospital Acute Care Emergency Department this afternoon, gave me a new respect for appreciation for hard working and dedicated medical staff. I was able to witness their frustration, yet dedication, treating critically illContinue Reading

September 23, 2021 – It’s common sense really. If you work with the public, especially vulnerable public, you need to be vaccinated against a virus that has killed millions during this world wide pandemic. Tragically in Ontario and other parts of Canada this isn’t to be. Corruption, especially political corruptionContinue Reading

September 13, 2021 – We don’t live in the wacky US of A. Here in Canada we have socialized medicine. We also have a bunch of disgusting anti vax protesters who are gaining attention by protesting at hospitals. The very places many of them will need as they get sickContinue Reading

SEPTEMBER 13, 2021 – As we enter the final week of our pandemic election, here is some advice from an old political pro- take a deep breath and relax. Do your own research. Dig deep, ignore the media hype. The media will push poll after poll at you- after allContinue Reading

September 5, 2021 – I, like many of you reading this, was outraged by the selfish, ignorant, and frankly criminal acts of anti vax, anti mask, anti brain #covidiots protesting at hospitals here in Canada. The irony that these people, when they catch Covid and the unvaccinated, are those needingContinue Reading